Doloresz Katanich – European ports turned into car parks as EV makers hunt buyers
Brave New Europe | Neo-Liberalism in the EU
by Ben Wray
2w ago
What should be considered a major asset in the low-carbon transition is Ursula Von Der Leyen’s worst nightmare. In ‘EuroNews’. Read the article HERE. Picture by Rutger Van Der Maar The post Doloresz Katanich – European ports turned into car parks as EV makers hunt buyers appeared first on Brave New Europe more
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Euronews: Low-income Europeans face hard times in housing cost struggle
Brave New Europe | Neo-Liberalism in the EU
by Ben Wray
1M ago
“ECB research shows that more than one-fourth of low-income households expect late payments on their mortgages in the coming months.” In EuroNews. Read the article HERE. Picture by B R The post Euronews: Low-income Europeans face hard times in housing cost struggle appeared first on Brave New Europe more
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Kjell Östberg – Sweden’s Welfare State Was a Product of Class Struggle
Brave New Europe | Neo-Liberalism in the EU
by Ben Wray
1M ago
‘Swedish Social Democracy is often idealized as a benign reformist force that delivered welfare to the grateful masses. Yet the Swedish social model was the product of conflict — and a working-class radicalism that the Social Democrats have now turned against.’ In Jacobin. Read the article HERE. Picture by Henrik Brameus The post Kjell Östberg – Sweden’s Welfare State Was a Product of Class Struggle appeared first on Brave New Europe more
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Ann Pettifor: The Sucker-Covered Tentacles of Private Equity … and Labour’s embrace of NHS privatisation
Brave New Europe | Neo-Liberalism in the EU
by Mathew D. Rose
1M ago
On Monday morning I woke to a furore caused by Labour’s Shadow Health Secretary’s suggestion that a Labour government would use “spare capacity in the private sector to cut the waiting lists.” And that he, Wes Streeting MP, was “up for the fight” against “healthcare unions and Labour supporters” opposed to privatisation: …”middle class lefties (crying) ‘betrayal.’” “The real betrayal” he argued “is the two tier system that sees people like them treated faster – while working families like mine are left waiting for longer”. Mr. Streeting – and those planning to vote Labour – should beware of more
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Richard Murphy – Both the Tories and Labour are pro-market extremists now
Brave New Europe | Neo-Liberalism in the EU
by Mathew D. Rose
1M ago
With the devolopment of neo-liberalism, ideas like democracy, justice, equality, and community have been shattered. Liberal democracy became authoritarian liberal democracy, which is mostly authoritarian. In some nations, such as Germany, the drift is going rapidly to fascicm – just see the Greens – to secure power for the few. Richard Murphy is an economic justice campaigner. Professor of Accounting, Sheffield University Management School. Chartered accountant. Co-founder of the Green New Deal as well as blogging at Funding the Future Cross-posted from Richard Murphy’s blog ‘Funding more
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Costas Lapavitsas – “La contienda hegemónica emergente no tiene contenido ideológico, sino que está impulsada enteramente por intereses económicos capitalistas”.
Brave New Europe | Neo-Liberalism in the EU
by Mathew D. Rose
1M ago
Costas Lapavitsas es profesor de Economía en la Escuela de Estudios Orientales y Africanos (SOAS) y coordinador de la Red Europea de Investigación en Política Social y Económica (EReNSEP). Es el autor principal junto con el colectivo EReNSEP de “The State of Capitalism: economy, society and hegemony” que se publicó en diciembre. Lea la reseña del libro aquí Read the English Version HERE Llegeix en català AQUI Una contienda hegemónica de grandes potencias Vivimos en una era de tensiones militares sin precedentes que amenazan con una guerra mundial. Desde 2022, dos potencias militares pares –Ru more
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Costas Lapavitsas – “La contesa hegemònica emergent no té contingut ideològic, sinó que està impulsada totalmente per interessos econòmics capitalistes”
Brave New Europe | Neo-Liberalism in the EU
by Mathew D. Rose
1M ago
Costas Lapavitsas és professor d’Economia a l’Escola d’Estudis Orientals i Africans (SOAS) i coordinador de la Xarxa Europea de Recerca en Política Social i Econòmica (EReNSEP). És l’autor principal juntament amb el col·lectiu d’escriptura EReNSEP de “L’estat del capitalisme: economia, societat i hegemonia” (The State of Capitalism: economy, society and hegemony) que es va publicar al desembre. Llegiu la ressenya del llibre aquí Read the English Version HERE Lea la versión española AQUÍ Una contesa hegemònica de grans potències Vivim en una era de tensions militars sense precedents que amenac more
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Costas Lapavitsas – Drifting toward world war
Brave New Europe | Neo-Liberalism in the EU
by Mathew D. Rose
2M ago
“The emerging hegemonic contest has no ideological content but is driven entirely by capitalist economic interests.” Costas Lapavitsas is Professor of Economics at the School of Oriental and African Studies andconvenor at European Research Network on Social and Economic Policy. He is the lead author together with the EReNSEP Writing Collective of “The State of Capitalism: Economy, Society, and Hegemony” that was published in December. Read our Book Review HERE A hegemonic contest of Great Powers We live in an era of unprecedented military tensions threatening world war. Since 2022 two peer mi more
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Michael Roberts – The State of Capitalism
Brave New Europe | Neo-Liberalism in the EU
by Mathew D. Rose
2M ago
“The State of Capitalism is an exercise in hard analysis and there is much to learn and debate. In that sense, the book is a must read…” Michael Roberts is an Economist in the City of London and a prolific blogger. Cross-posted from Michael Roberts’ blog The book, The State of Capitalism, is an ambitious work.  Written by the NAMe Collective with the lead from Professor Costas Lapavitsas from SOAS University, London, it seeks to analyse all aspects of capitalism in the 21st century from a Marxist perspective.  It has been widely praised by the likes of Yanis Varoufakis and more
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Angela Hilmi, Emile Frison – Farmer Protests: The Wrong U-Turn
Brave New Europe | Neo-Liberalism in the EU
by Ben Wray
2M ago
Farmers and the environment do not have divergent interests, quite the opposite. What European farmers don’t have any interest in is EU agricultural policies which impoverish them. Angela Hilmi is a panel expert with IPES-Food and associate professor at the Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience, Coventry University. Emile Frison is a member and founder of the IPES-Food panel, a senior advisor to the Agroecology Coalition, and an expert on conservation and agricultural biodiversity who has headed global research-for-development organisation Bioversity International for ten years. Cr more
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