⏱️ The Best Minute: How to have FEWER regrets
Dylan Dodson Blog
by Dylan Dodson
4d ago
? 1 IDEA FROM ME Want to live life with fewer regrets? It requires today the same thing it has always required. The same thing it required of you for the things you regret today. Certainly not all, but I would wager overall, you have more regrets from things you didn’t do but wish you had than things you did do and wished you didn’t. If that is the case, what you need more of to live with fewer regrets is not knowledge, though that is helpful, but more courage. Living life with fewer regrets means having the courage in the moment to do what you wished you had done after the fact. It’s easy to ..read more
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⏱️ The Best Minute: How to exponentially increase your focus
Dylan Dodson Blog
by Dylan Dodson
1w ago
? 1 IDEA FROM ME Want to exponentially increase your focus? Turn off all notifications on your phone. There is no bigger distraction and productivity killer today than our phones. A big reason for that is our push notifications. It’s hard not to pull out your phone and check what caused it to buzz. Or just seeing that you have an unread email or a new notification from Instagram makes it hard to not open it and see what it is. In reality, it is extremely rare that any of these things need to be dealt with right away. True emergencies don’t come in via email or a direct message on Instagram. Ye ..read more
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⏱️ The Best Minute: What we mean when we say we are busy
Dylan Dodson Blog
by Dylan Dodson
2w ago
? 1 IDEA FROM ME When we say we are “busy,” we typically mean one of three things: I’m reactive, not proactive, with my time When we say we're busy, it is often due to being reactive to incoming demands, requests, and fires that need putting out, rather than being proactive and intentional about how we spend our time. Instead of choosing where our time and energy will go, we let every notification and incoming email dictate how we will spend the next few minutes. If you do that all day, you’ve had a “busy” day, but not a productive one. Instead, we should plan when we will check and respon ..read more
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⏱️ The Best Minute: How to complete all your tasks
Dylan Dodson Blog
by Dylan Dodson
3w ago
? 1 IDEA FROM ME One of the best ways to keep things from falling through the cracks and ensure everything you need to get done will actually get done is by putting due dates on all your tasks. Deadlines bring clarity to what needs to be done when and help us focus on what we need to be working on. Simply adding things to your to-do list without specifying when they need to be addressed makes it much easier for things to pile up because you haven’t been clear on your deadlines. Anytime you add something to your to-do list, put a due date on it. If you don’t give yourself a deadline you're leav ..read more
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⏱️ The Best Minute: How to NEVER miss a task
Dylan Dodson Blog
by Dylan Dodson
1M ago
? 1 IDEA FROM ME We've all experienced the frustration of forgetting a task we were supposed to remember or hoping our brain will recall something we need to do. Equally annoying is knowing something you need to do, and hoping your brain remembers to do it when the time comes. Our brains are fantastic at creative thinking, but not so good at storing one-off tasks that need to be remembered. And a big reason we often just try to remember things is because we don't have a quick and trusted system for collecting our tasks. Here's a simple tip to stay on top of all your tasks; keep all your tasks ..read more
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⏱️ The Best Minute: The BEST way to end your workday
Dylan Dodson Blog
by Dylan Dodson
1M ago
? 1 IDEA FROM ME Did you know how you end your workday impacts how you feel that evening and your productivity the next day? Having a shutdown routine is vital for helping you relax after work and boosting your focus for tomorrow. The key question is: What would best help you start working right away? Think about what would keep your workspace ready so you can dive straight into tasks when you start your day. The early hours are your most productive, so use a shutdown routine to prepare for an energized morning. My shutdown routine includes: Clearing my email inbox to 0 (click here to see ho ..read more
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⏱️ The Best Minute: 3 ways to eliminate phone distractions
Dylan Dodson Blog
by Dylan Dodson
1M ago
? 1 IDEA FROM ME If you’re like most people, your phone is the biggest distractor in your life. To boost focus and productivity you need to rule your phone instead of having your phone rule you. Below are 3 highly practical ways to reduce phone distractions and take back control over your attention. 1. Turn off all notifications There is no reason to give your phone more incentive for you to check it relentlessly. Most of us are already addicted and you’re going to check the apps you care about anyway. Why then, do you allow yourself to be distracted by dings and vibrations repeatedly? No one ..read more
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⏱️ The Best Minute: 2 things that make getting up EASY
Dylan Dodson Blog
by Dylan Dodson
2M ago
⚡️ Sponsorship - Get in front of 2,600+ motivated people ? 1 IDEA FROM ME Last week I shared 3 things you can do every night to fall asleep more quickly. Today, I’ll give you 2 practical things you can do to wake up more peacefully. Have you ever watched a movie or show where someone wakes up to an alarm that sounds the same as yours? Even if it was the sound of an alarm clock you used decades ago, you still feel this sense of dread come over you as soon as you hear it. Today, many people use their phones to wake up, so you can be at a restaurant and be triggered by the table next to you ..read more
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⏱️ The Best Minute: 3 things that make going to bed EASY
Dylan Dodson Blog
by Dylan Dodson
2M ago
⚡️ Sponsorship - Get in front of 2,600+ motivated people // ? subscribe ? 1 IDEA FROM ME Everybody wants to improve the quality of their sleep, and many of us also wish we could fall asleep more quickly. For about two years now I have been doing 3 things every night to make both of those desires a reality. Below is what they are and how you can implement them too. 1. Get ready for bed before it's time for bed On a typical night at home, right after dinner I floss my teeth, take out my contacts, change my clothes, pick out my clothes for the next, and make my lunch. This means when it ..read more
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⏱️ The Best Minute: Why you NEED to have fun
Dylan Dodson Blog
by Dylan Dodson
2M ago
⚡️ Sponsorship - Get in front of 2,600+ motivated people // ? subscribe ? 1 IDEA FROM ME Never underestimate the importance fun plays in accomplishing anything. If you’re miserable, you’ll quit (often before you experience any real progress). At the same time, you must define what fun is for you. I remember one day as a kid playing a game of soccer with a small ball and two mini-goals on the driveway with one of my friends. He kept coming up to my goal to try and score. I stayed in front of the goal and whenever I got the ball just kicked it from my goal to his open goal and often sc ..read more
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