Les Higgins, Forgotten wargamers Four.
The Independent Wargames Group
3M ago
Having very kindly been given a couple of beautiful 30mm Les Higgins figures by Iain Macmillan I thought I should put something together about the man who sadly died before he reached his full potential.  The story of Les Higgins is provided by and with the permisson of, VINTAGE20MIL  a site for all wargamers who enjoy knowing where we came from. Designer Les Higgins and architect and builder Brian Marlow founded Les Higgins Miniatures in 1967. "I’d been modelling since I was about ten," Marlow recalls, "and in the early sixties I formed a model soldier club i ..read more
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John Braithwaite, Forgotten Wargamers Three
The Independent Wargames Group
4M ago
When I was a young wargamer in the 1970's, ie. eons ago John Braithwaite was a well known figure in the North East of England producing a lovely range of 20mm and 25mm wargames figures under the Garrison banner based out of Thornaby in Cleveland. Although originally a cockney he soon realised the error of his ways and headed North. My first ancient Persian army was made up of the Garrison Persian range. Anyway, after completing a few more Garrison knights for Lion Rampant I thought it appropriate that I provide the readers with some information about their sculptor.        ..read more
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Samuel MacGregor Mathers Comte de Glenstrae, Forgotten wargamers 2.
The Independent Wargames Group
4M ago
In an effort to lighten the mood after the loss of poor Graham I thought I would do a little piece on this gent, who was certainly different from most wargamers and he never carried a rucksack.                                                        Samuel Macregor Mathers Comte de Glenstrae  In Achtung Schweinhund Harry Pearson mentions Samuel Macregor Mathers who apparantly had twenty five thousand figures which he used to fight battles, usin ..read more
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Graham Cummings.
The Independent Wargames Group
4M ago
 It was quite a shock when I received the news that Graham Cummings had died suddenly. I have known Graham for many years. I first came across him when we met at Hartlepool Police office where he was a detective sergeant. But it was only after I bumped into him at a wargames show that it became very apparent we shred the same interests.  After tha we invariably crossed paths whether through the job or through our hobby. At that time Graham would and shows with his best friend Lee, who was a very talented wargamer. Sadly Lee passed away many years ago now. GRaham was a 'good lad' an ..read more
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John Niblett, original designer of Airfix soldiers.
The Independent Wargames Group
5M ago
John Niblett is the man who started the whole wargaming thing for me. In 1956 he joined Airfix. He was the original designer of the HO/OO range of plastic soldiers that began with the release of the British Guardsmen in 1958. Figures from is initial box had originally been released by Hummel before being re released as the first of the Airfix soldiers range.  Niblett worked for Airfix until 1974 and produced many of the company's ranges including their beautiful Napoleonic and historical character range in 54mm, my favourite being the wonderful French Imperial Guard Grenadier. He also pr ..read more
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Blogging? Its an imperative.
The Independent Wargames Group
5M ago
This is a first and its something Im not proud of its the first time I didnt 'do' a Christmas Annual to welcome in the New Year. Basically I felt it wasnt something I needed to do. Who wants to know what a wargamer plans to do and then realise twelve months later that they havent achieved anything they said they would do.   But then I felt guilty about the lack of effort and the fact that all bloggers need to put more effort into their journals. Im not going to berate anyone who religiously collates what they are doing as wargamers and Im always envious of the bloggers who post ver ..read more
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Intrusive Thoughts Syndrome.
The Independent Wargames Group
5M ago
  Since I can remember I have always had these urges [steady] to say or do something inappropriate, usually in times of stress or when someone does or says something I think is really stupid. During the times when I worked for the Queen I was known as someone who now and again just might do something or say something that shouldnt be done or said. If you ever bump into me at a show please feel free to ask me to relay the 'Tommy' story which did get me in hot water and comic notoriety.  It obviously caused my bosses a bit of worry and stress and could explain why I was given my own li ..read more
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Santa was good to me.
The Independent Wargames Group
6M ago
In the spirit of nostaga I thought an image of my refight of the Battle of Blenheim featuring the great Charles Wesencraft commanding the Austrians. A very young Neil Reidy probably laughing hysterically at some of the banter I would have been throwing at Charlie.  Well felicitations and a Happy Christmas to one and all. One hopes that Santa was good to you and provided the necessary figures/paint/books etc,etc to carry on with this wonderful hobby. Without attempting to sound like the rich kid when he is given a new Raleigh Chopper bike, I am very happy with the presents I received fro ..read more
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Battleground 2023.
The Independent Wargames Group
7M ago
Yesterday was the day that the run up to Christmas began. Well it is for me as I attended the wonderful Battleground Wargames Show held between Stockton on Tees and Middlesbrough.   Leon of Pendragon Miniatures has organised this for several years now and rescued it from extinction. The hard work this man has put in is now paying off in spades as over 700 punters walked through the doors. Other clubs should take note at how Leon has turned the show around and made it a great day out, to buy, chat, listen and just enjoy.  Its free entry, easy access from a major road, the parking is ..read more
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Today I lost Four hours of my life I will never get back.
The Independent Wargames Group
7M ago
   Life is full of disappointments, failed romances, jobs that dont work out, ambitions that are never achieved, and to be honest after a while you realise that is just how things are. The rough with the smooth, and then you have Ridley Scott's latest film, Napoleon.    I will admit Im a Napoleon nut. It was what got me into wargaming and over the next 50 odd years I bought ever increasing numbers of books, figures, visits to museums in an effort to learn as much as a could about the man. Eventually I realised that I had to scale back my interests and sold most of my ..read more
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