Driving During An Earthquake
Allstate » Driving Safety
by The Allstate Blog Team
4y ago
If you live in an earthquake-prone area, there is a chance you could be driving when an earthquake hits. If one does start while you’re on the road, you’ll need to be careful of different hazards. These safety tips can help you be prepared for driving during an earthquake and immediately afterward. Oops. Something went wrong with the CTA block. The Frequency of Earthquakes According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), around 55 earthquakes strike every day. Most are minor, but the USGS expects that roughly 16 major earthquakes may occur in any given year. Earthquake-Prone Areas The ..read more
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Slow Drivers: The Dangers of Driving Too Slowly
Allstate » Driving Safety
by The Allstate Blog Team
4y ago
Driving below the speed limit may be as dangerous as speeding, according to the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Here are some reasons why driving slowly can be dangerous and how to help keep the flow of traffic moving. Oops. Something went wrong with the CTA block. Why Slow Driving Can Be Dangerous According to the California Department of Motor Vehicles, it’s important to slow down when driving during inclement weather, or near railroad tracks, animals, and school buses. But driving slower than the posted speed limit in normal conditions can affect the flow of traffic and e ..read more
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What To Do When Your Car Breaks Down
Allstate » Driving Safety
by The Allstate Blog Team
4y ago
Having car trouble can be incredibly frustrating, but it can also be a safety issue if you’re already on the road. Here are some tips that may help keep you and your passengers safe if your car breaks down or you get a flat tire. Oops. Something went wrong with the CTA block. 1. Turn on Your Hazard/Emergency Lights Turn on your hazard lights to warn other drivers as soon as you sense something’s wrong. Keep them on until help arrives, recommends the National Motorists Association (NMA). 2. Slow Down and Pull off the Road Aim for the right shoulder of the road.  Consumer reports recommends ..read more
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Driving Without A License: What Are The Risks?
Allstate » Driving Safety
by The Allstate Blog Team
4y ago
Driving a vehicle without a license is illegal and can also be dangerous. Here’s are some of the most common ways someone can lose driving privileges and the penalties they may face for driving without a valid driver’s license. Common Ways to Lose Driving Privileges Drivers can lose their licenses for a variety of reasons. For example, California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) will suspend a license for: Not having car insurance. Being convicted for driving under the influence. Failing to pay child support. Drinking while underage. Taking a hard stance against driving under the influence ..read more
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7 Things to Know Before Driving in Mexico
Allstate » Driving Safety
by The Allstate Blog Team
4y ago
Planning on driving to Mexico? The following guidelines can help you plan for your drive in Mexico. Keep reading to learn about some laws and unspoken customs before your trip. Tips for Driving in Mexico Here are seven tips to keep in mind for your drive: 1. Be completely aware of your surroundings As a U.S. driver, you’re likely accustomed to road signs, strict right-of-way laws and traffic signals. Make sure you know the speed limits and understand the rules of the road in Mexico before you travel. Oops. Something went wrong with the CTA block. 2. Stick to the toll roads (“cuotas”) The Depar ..read more
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Tips For Driving Safely Around Emergency Vehicles
Allstate » Driving Safety
by The Allstate Blog Team
4y ago
When you’re approaching an emergency vehicle with flashing lights on the roadway, it’s a good idea to know what to do. While laws vary by state, here are some general tips to keep in mind when sharing the road with emergency vehicles. Understand Your State’s ‘Move Over’ Law According to the Department of Transportation (DOT), all 50 states have a “move over” law. You should look into your state’s specific law to make sure you’re aware of its details and following local guidelines. But, in general, this law requires that drivers slow down and move over to accommodate emergency vehicles with fla ..read more
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Tips for Driving and Parking on Black Friday
Allstate » Driving Safety
by The Allstate Blog Team
4y ago
While Black Friday shopping may bring exciting deals and the fun of finding a bargain, the traffic and parking can be a challenge. Parking spaces are limited, people always seem to be in a rush to get to the next stop and the roads are congested. But with a little planning, you may be able to avoid the added stress driving and parking can create. As you head out to tackle your holiday shopping this year, remember these Black Friday traffic and parking tips. Plan Your Route Before You Go Checking out the sales ads and figuring out where you need to go before leaving your house can help ke ..read more
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How to Steer Clear of Animals on The Road
Allstate » Driving Safety
by The Allstate Blog Team
4y ago
It’s a scary feeling — that moment you’re driving along and an animal darts into the road. You’re left with a split second to react and hopefully avoid an accident. With a little knowledge, you may be able to keep the animal, yourself and your car safe. These tips can help you learn how to steer clear of animals on the road. 1. Know the Environment Being aware of the environment you’re driving through can help you know what kind of animals you may encounter. In urban and suburban areas you’re more likely to encounter smaller animals, such as squirrels, rabbits, opossums or raccoons, says ..read more
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Back to School: School Bus Safety Tips
Allstate » Driving Safety
by The Allstate Blog Team
4y ago
During the school year, mornings include kids waiting at bus stops and school buses on the roads — sometimes stopping every few blocks. It’s important to teach young students about staying safe around and on the bus, but it’s just as important for drivers to use caution near children and school buses. Whether you’re walking your kids to the bus stop or driving to work, keep these school bus safety tips in mind. School Bus Safety for Students While it can be hectic getting everyone up and ready in the morning, the American School Bus Council says children who are rushing to the bus may be ..read more
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Tips for a Safe, Pet-Friendly Road Trip
Allstate » Driving Safety
by The Allstate Blog Team
4y ago
You do your best to keep people safe in your car — making everyone buckle up and avoiding distractions. But what happens when you bring your pet along for the ride? If you’re in an accident, any passenger could be injured, including an animal in the vehicle. When you’re bringing your cat or dog on vacation, consider these tips for a safe, pet-friendly road trip. Get Your Pet Ready for the Trip Before your road trip, the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) recommends taking your pet for some shorter trips, especially if they don’t usually go for car rides. This can help them get used ..read more
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