A Human Rights Based Approach to Men’s Rights
Human Rights And Wrongs
by Douglas
2y ago
Reading Time: 1 minute It seems strange that someone needs to point out that men’s rights are human rights. We thought that was obvious. Nevertheless, this short video may be helpful as a practice guide for people unsure about how to implement human rights for the minority sex ..read more
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Killing Babies is not “Health Care”
Human Rights And Wrongs
by Douglas
2y ago
Reading Time: 1 minute A Proclamation issued by President Biden during National Women’s Health Week in which he repeated his support for killing unborn children conflated this killing with “the health and well-being of women and girls across our Nation.” That over half of the unborn children killed around the world would otherwise grow into healthy girls and women seems to have escaped him. Or perhaps it is an inconvenient truth which his desire to support the eugenicists would wish those who support human rights to ignore. During his the pro-abortion promotion connecting access to a ..read more
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International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Human Rights And Wrongs
by Robin
2y ago
Reading Time: 6 minutes 21 March each year is the day the United Nations observes International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. The day aims to remind people of the negative consequences of racial discrimination. It also encourages people to remember their obligation and determination to combat racial discrimination. The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is a United Nations observance day and is not a public holiday. In South Africa, the same day is a public holiday as Human Rights Day. Racism is a problem found in all societies. Oddly, there is ..read more
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An interesting parenting advert in Australia
Human Rights And Wrongs
by Oliver
2y ago
Reading Time: 3 minutes From an organisation promoting involvement of both parents: You are the One I Love – Dads4Kids TV Community Service Announcement (30sec Version) Dads4Kids is committed to see our children thrive! Since 2002, Dads4Kids has worked tirelessly to turn the tide of fatherlessness. Each year, we reach millions of people with messages of excellence in fathering through our Community Service Announcements on TV, Social Media, Radio, and Print Media. Since Father’s Day 2002, the weekly Dads4Kids email newsletter has reached tens of thousands of men, making it the longest-runn ..read more
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Finland’s anti-freedom
Human Rights And Wrongs
by Douglas
2y ago
Reading Time: 7 minutes Religious Freedom on Trial in Finland Christopher Manion, PhD, of the Population Research Institute reports On February 14, a court in Finland heard arguments in one of the most significant cases regarding human rights and religious freedom in recent years.  Member of Parliament and medical doctor Päivi Räsänen and Bishop-Elect and Dean Juhana Pohjola have been charged by Finland’s Prosecutor General with “hate crimes” for publicly expressing their Christian beliefs.   According to the International Lutheran Council (ILC), the charges stem ..read more
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MARD promise Ministry of Men’s Welfare and National Commission for Men
Human Rights And Wrongs
by Douglas
2y ago
Reading Time: 1 minute The political party Mera Adhikar Rashtriya Dal (MARD) promises to help sort out the misandry in India. If voted to power – Ministry of Men’s Welfare and National Commission for Men will be constituted, so that men’s side could also be deliberated upon while forming any policy and law Party national president Kapil Mohan Chaudhary India has great difficulties with men’s rights, with some of their anti-male laws having been taken to extremes that, so far, do not affect any other nation. Over 170 men in India commit suicide every day and much of this is down to t ..read more
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The UN won’t say that abortion is a right, so France’s President Macron wants the EU to say it is
Human Rights And Wrongs
by Douglas
2y ago
Reading Time: 7 minutes Macron Seeks to Invent an Abortion Right for Europe… and for the World Carlos Beltramo, PhD, of the Population Research Institute reports The President of France, who has no children of his own, doesn’t want you to have any either The chairmanship of the Council of the European Union rotates among the countries of the European Union every six months, and for the next six months it is President Emmanuel Macron of France’s turn.  So it was that on January 19th, Macron went to Brussels to give his first speech.  Usually this is a mishmash of platitudes, but this ..read more
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Covid relief funds routed to Marxist organisation
Human Rights And Wrongs
by Oliver
2y ago
Reading Time: 1 minute When you consider that founders of the free United States of America revolted over the price of tea, you might wonder at just how far citizens of that country have slipped since. The cusp of the story is that instead of sending tax payer money back to the tax payers during a [supposed] pandemic, the money was instead given to a domestic terrorist organisation. Tim Pool reports ..read more
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The 30 million surplus men in one country
Human Rights And Wrongs
by Douglas
2y ago
Reading Time: 5 minutes Steven W. Mosher writes that China’s draconian one-child policy has led to a disastrous baby bust. Birth rates in China are in free fall. And the all-powerful Communist Party of China seems powerless to do anything about it. The National Bureau of Statistics reported that only 10.62 million babies were born last year, down from 12.02 million in 2020, and the lowest number in recorded history. Millennials are the problem — or should I say the generations of only children spawned by the one-child policy. Many Chinese men in their twenties and early thi ..read more
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Istanbul Convention – wolf or horse?
Human Rights And Wrongs
by Douglas
2y ago
Reading Time: 3 minutes It is easy even for most politicians just to read what the title says and believe that all must be okay. After all, Istanbul Convention Action against violence against women and domestic violence must be good for society, right? Well, it would be if the content of the convention echoed the title and kept to the title, if if it missed off the harmful gendering. But whether the Istanbul Convention is a wolf in sheep’s clothing or a Trojan Horse depends how you analyse it. After all, some of the stench of this rotten treaty is plainly visible to anyone with a command of th ..read more
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