Uhm, wut?
Plastically Perfect
by Playscale Enthusiast
2M ago
Hey peoples, Diving into Google Analytics isn't usually my jam — I'm all about keeping things real and close to my heart, rather than chasing after the latest trend or keyword. While the occasional high-fashion integrity toys post might make it onto the blog, it’s certainly not about to replace my gorgeous cast of repainted lovelies. That being said, when I gave my top searched traffic terms a peek recently, I was surprised to find something unusual waiting for me there. A term combination that caught me off guard, and my hubby nearly choked when his coffee went down the wrong pipe. Curvy Nud ..read more
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Dollhouse Gardening
Plastically Perfect
by Playscale Enthusiast
2M ago
If you couldn’t tell from this post, this post, this post, or this post - I have a deep love for plants! My big person house is filled with them (the real kind), so why not sprinkle some greenery throughout my doll's house too? During my travels in Bangkok, I stumbled upon something utterly unexpected (if I were Columbus, I’d call it a ‘discovery’): Miniverse Plants! Yes, you heard that right, Miniverse now does plants! While I was aware of their food, kitchen diorama, and fashion collections, this new addition got me buzzing with excitement. Upon returning to Copenhagen, I eagerly searched l ..read more
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Appreciating: Logan
Plastically Perfect
by Playscale Enthusiast
2M ago
I absolutely loved Ryan Gosling's portrayal of Ken in the latest (or should I say first?) Barbie movie! His take on the character was refreshing, and I couldn't agree more with his humorous take on the patriarchy. Who gave a damn once they knew it wasn't about horses, right? ? Can relate. But I’m not posting to talk about that Ken today. It's hilariously ironic (like, dodged-a-bullet ironic) that this post was originally slated for March 8th—not because I had some grand political statement in mind or was trying to sabotage International Women's Day, but simply because I had a mental blip and ..read more
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International Women's Day
Plastically Perfect
by Playscale Enthusiast
3M ago
I had a whole ramble written for today, but I think Matt summed it up so much better: While the thumbnail image was for clicks n’ giggles, now I kinda want an overly muscular Barbie doll ..read more
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Introducing: Madison
Plastically Perfect
by Playscale Enthusiast
3M ago
Yes, you saw that right in the thumbnail.  I've hopped on the overly-crowded bandwagon and snagged myself a tan, pink-haired, mermaid Barbie. I couldn't resist the allure of the Odile face mold, and I stumbled upon her during my adventures in Bangkok. Let me tell you, that city has some serious Barbie hunters prowling around.  I purchased her, decided to grab lunch, went back to get a second doll (not more than an hour later, it was the same area) and the five that were on the shelf were gone.  Woah, that was fast! Quick heads up: If you're eyeing this doll for your collection ..read more
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Plastically Perfect
by Playscale Enthusiast
3M ago
Logan stepped into the living room, suddenly finding himself in what he believed to be an impossible situation. “Uhm…honey? Look, I know I said if it fits in our luggage you can have all the plants you want, but... How the hell did you fit all this in here?!" He opened the suitcase again, peering in, feeling around, confused … it seemed ordinary enough. And yet…the living room was a jungle. Moira’s silver laugh danced through her army of plants as she weaved her way to her baffled spouse. ”Whovians would say “It’s bigger on the inside”, Potterheads would call it a Undetectable Extension ..read more
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Lumpini Park
Plastically Perfect
by Moira Maitland
3M ago
Yes, we’re officially in Bangkok. We went to Lumpini Park - hopped off the MRT line at the Lumpini stop, then we walked through about a quarter of the park to the Si Lom MRT stop. It was such a pretty day, I couldn’t resist stopping to immortalize myself: Don’t worry, I’m not one of those influencers in the wild who gets angry if people walk in her shot. That’s what the remove tool on photoshop is for, and yes, there were three people in this shot. However, when an ant started crawling all over my bag, I may or may not have freaked out. Those things leave painful bites, and I’m not all about ..read more
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Plastically Perfect
by Logan Maitland
4M ago
To my dearest beloved wife, I know, much like hobbits, you have a love of all things green and growing. I love plants as much as the next guy, honey, and I know Thailand boasts an amazing array of flora unavailable just about anywhere else. That being said, I don’t think our luggage can handle this, let alone the overhead compartment … You’re ignoring me in favor of trying to squeeze these into a suitcase, aren’t you? I knew it ..read more
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A Crisp Autumn Walk
Plastically Perfect
by Playscale Enthusiast
7M ago
It feels kind of hollow and insincere to share pictures of my doll strolling through a small park, seemingly living her best doll life, when in some parts of the world, children's hospitals are literally being bombed into oblivion. I try to convince myself that this is one of my escapes, alongside art, and that it's okay. But, is it really? Then again, I question what I can realistically do to make a difference. I contribute to charities, sign petitions, but it seems like none of it really counts or changes a damn thing. I'm just venting today. I hope you enjoy the doll pictures; it was a ni ..read more
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Real or AI?
Plastically Perfect
by Playscale Enthusiast
7M ago
What's genuine and what's not? In a previous post, I showcased Moira's studio, featuring my artwork. But the setup is quite impressive, isn't it? It might make you wonder how I managed this level of “wow” with only four 50x80cm shelves to work with. Surprisingly spacious, right? What may surprise you is that I harnessed Adobe Photoshop's AI generation tool for this. Can you venture a guess about how much of the content is AI-generated? If you guessed "most of it," you're absolutely correct. It wasn't a matter of just opening the program, typing in "art studio," and having it all magically a ..read more
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