10 Things I Would Tell Myself From 10 Years Ago
Motivated Minds
by Jen Mouzon - Motivated Minds
5y ago
Someone asked me the most interesting question the other day. If you could call yourself 10 years ago, what would you tell yourself? My instant response was to tell myself to invest in Bitcoin as soon as I could, but since this conversation, this idea has still been on my mind. 10 years ago I was a senior in high school, preparing for college. Unsure of what major to pursue. No hobbies. I had ambition but no real direction or drive to guide me. I don’t know why this question is having such an impact on me, but the thought of being able to redo the past decade, knowing what I do now ..read more
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15 Powerful Quotes To Get You Through Hard Times
Motivated Minds
by Jen Mouzon - Motivated Minds
5y ago
Be strong now, because things will get better. It might be stormy now, but it can’t rain forever. – Anonymous Accept hardship as a necessary discipline – Lailah Gifty Akita Life is at its best when everything has fallen out of place, and you decide that you’re going to fight to get them right, not when everything is going your way and everyone is praising you. – Thisuri Wanniarachchi The greatest glory in living lies not in never failing, but in rising every time we fail. – Nelson Mandela A problem is a chance for you to do y ..read more
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5 Best Things You Should Do For Yourself In The Morning
Motivated Minds
by Jen Mouzon - Motivated Minds
5y ago
Mornings are already a struggle. Just getting ready and out the door to start a day that you might be dreading is tough enough, now I’m telling you to wake up early and add more to your routine? You’re dang right I am. What if I told you by doing a few extra things in the morning, that you can set yourself up for success, feel better, and start making lasting changes in your life? Would you do it? These 5 things might seem like they will take alot of time that you already don’t have, but I promise they wont. In fact, if you want to sorta cheat to race the clock, you c ..read more
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8 Things Keeping You From Being Happy
Motivated Minds
by Jen Mouzon - Motivated Minds
5y ago
What do you want? More money? A different job? A better relationship? Wrong. You want to be happy. Those are things that you think will make you happy. And they likely will to an extent. These things can relieve stress and certainly increase your quality of life, but people can achieve these things and still be unhappy. Why? They say that money can’t buy happiness. While it can certainly make life easier, if you haven’t learned how to be happy internally, all the money in the world can’t buy that for you. So, despite your external circumstanc ..read more
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How to Set Goals You Can Actually Reach
Motivated Minds
by Jen Mouzon - Motivated Minds
5y ago
Do you set goals, just to let them fall by the wayside or give up in a few weeks when things get tough? While it might not be the worst thing to fail, there are some things that are important to you that you really want to achieve. But something keeps holding you back or keeps you from reaching your dreams even though you really want to. Well, let’s talk about how to set goals that you can actually achieve. Why have you failed to reach your goals in the past? Think of how many people actually reach their New Year’s Resolutions they set each year. Not many. Do they just not w ..read more
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How To Lose Weight (For Real)
Motivated Minds
by Jen Mouzon - Motivated Minds
5y ago
If you search “How to Lose Weight” you will get about 400 million results. Think they’re all telling you the same advice? Of course not. That would be too easy. So how exactly do you lose weight? Should you eat keto? Paleo? Low fat? High Protein? Mediterranean? Vegetarian? What about exercise? Does strength training make you too bulky? Is cardio bad for you? Should you eat before exercising? Only exercise in the morning? Is fasting actually bad for you? Is one meal a day a viable option? So with this information overload, how do you make heads or ..read more
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How To Pay Off Debt
Motivated Minds
by Jen Mouzon - Motivated Minds
5y ago
I was dodging collector’s calls like they were charging bulls. I blocked most of these numbers on my phone, but sometimes a new one would come in. I would immediately recognize from the beginning of the number which account this was about and would roll my eyes. Of course, I would never actually answer the phone. What could I even say? “Don’t you think I would pay you if I could? I would love to get you off my back.” No, I would only imagine the conversation and decline the call. At the end of the day I would delete all the voicemails that were left so that there wouldn’t b ..read more
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30 Ways to Make Money Online
Motivated Minds
by Jen Mouzon - Motivated Minds
5y ago
Need a little more money? Whether you’re trying to pay off debt, save up for something special, or just need a little more cash flow every month, you’re in luck. Even if you are working a 9-5 job or don’t have the ability to work side gigs in the real world, you always have the internet! If you are looking for ideas on different things you can do online to bring in a little extra cash, we’ve got you covered. I should note, this list is not all inclusive and I have not tried every site listed here. This is just intended to give you some resources to check out as you start your search ..read more
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5 Ways To Get Better Results From Conversations
Motivated Minds
by Jen Mouzon - Motivated Minds
5y ago
If this picture is you heading into your next conversation… you’re doing it wrong. If you have read our recent post How to Make People Like You, then you are already on your way to becoming a conversational pro and making all kinds of new friends. But what happens if you’re having a conversation that you need to get something out of? What if you are trying to persuade someone of something, or you need a favor? In that case just getting someone to like you might not be enough. Those tips will still be handy here, but we need to take it a little bit further. If ..read more
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9 Steps To A Better Morning
Motivated Minds
by Jen Mouzon - Motivated Minds
5y ago
Mornings suck. When I wake up in the morning, I am straight up not having a good time. In the past I have tried and failed to start early routines so many times I can’t keep count. It is a known fact in my house not to talk to me before 8am. I want those extra few minutes of sleep, I don’t want to see you, and I don’t want to hear those damn happy birds chirping outside. And I’m not alone. There are plenty of us who despise early risers and everything they stand for. It’s not that I despise you, it’s just that you annoy me you ambitious showoff. I ..read more
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