For the Joy of Writing
by successbmine
5M ago
I just wanted to let my readers know that my main website–diane-stephenson.com–where my posts here are redirected, was taken down. I am not sure when or why that happened, but I unfortunately did not have any of my posts backed up, so they are no longer available. I used to type up my posts and save my files to my computer, but recently I lost all of my documents there, too, so what I might have been able to retrieve is no longer retrievable. I will attempt to make an effort to post new material in the New Year. I have not really been writing for a while and know I need to get back at it. I ho ..read more
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For the Joy of Writing
by successbmine
4y ago
  I just received the first copy of my new coloring book: Look for the Rainbows: A Coloring Book for Adults. It is available on Amazon. Ordering from Canada, click here. Ordering from U.S.,  click here.  If you love to color, please check this out. It would also make an excellent gift for the person you just don’t know what to buy for. Thanks for stopping by. I hope you will check out some of my other posts if you are not a regular here. Please share this with your friends on your social media and through e-mail. And please leave a comment in the box below. Have a marvelous we ..read more
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For the Joy of Writing
by successbmine
4y ago
HAVE YOU EVER SEEN AN ANGEL? I have read stories about people who have seen angels in the physical realm. I have not been so blessed, but I have many times seen them in the spiritual realm. Read more ..read more
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For the Joy of Writing
by successbmine
4y ago
There seems to be a problem with my other web site publishing scheduled posts. I apologize for the inconvenience. I have now made sure it is published. Here is the link.  ..read more
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For the Joy of Writing
by successbmine
4y ago
I wonder how many people have managed to remain productive during this crisis? For the first couple of months of this lock-down, I was very unproductive. At least that is how I felt. I had nothing to show at the end of each new day of what I had accomplished. Here I was, not going out, supposedly with more time on my hands than ever before. Where did that time go? But was it so unproductive? I was spending much more time reading the Bible and in prayer, sometimes many hours in a day. That must have produced something worthwhile. And I know it did. I just had nothing to actually hold in my han ..read more
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For the Joy of Writing
by successbmine
4y ago
Have you been able to find any kind of normalcy through this COVID-19 lock-down? I was beginning to wonder if anything would be normal again until a few weeks ago. I suddenly heard a familiar sound, but could not believe it could be what I thought it was. We were still under a stricter lock-down than we are now. I went to the window to look out, and sure enough, it was what I thought it was, and entirely unexpected. Read more ..read more
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For the Joy of Writing
by successbmine
4y ago
Prayer changes things. Anytime is a time for prayer. Now is the time for intense prayer. Today is the time for prayer on a higher level. This hour is the time to pray like a true warrior by the Holy Spirit. This day is the time to pray the prayer that changes our circumstances. Anytime is a time for personal prayer. Anytime is a time for corporate prayer in the church. But now is the time for national prayer in unity with the Body of Christ. Now is the time to pray without ceasing. We have seen so many changes over the past several months because of COVID-19, changes which make us wonder if w ..read more
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For the Joy of Writing
by successbmine
4y ago
SO THERE REMAINS A SABBATH REST FOR THE PEOPLE OF GOD. FOR THE ONE WHO HAS ENTERED HIS REST HAS HIMSELF ALSO RESTED FROM HIS WORKS, AS GOD DID FROM HIS. Hebrews 4:9,10 When everything around us seems to be in a chaotic turmoil, how can we rest? When we are confused about all of the conflicting information we are being fed and we don’t know what we should believe, how can we rest? When everything we have known is suddenly changing so fast and looking as though it will never become normal again, how can we rest? When all we experience is darkness and with no sign of the sunshine, how can we res ..read more
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For the Joy of Writing
by successbmine
4y ago
  During this COVID-19 crisis and the subsequent lock-down, hope is becoming more and more elusive to some people. For some, hope has all but dissipated, and they are left wondering if this situation can ever be redeemed. Fear has been a huge factor in this whole situation. Even when things do improve and open up, what exactly will the new “normal” even look like? What does the Bible have to say about hope? What is hope? First, let’s see what the dictionary says about hope: noun—a ground for expectation, trust; that in which one places one’s confidence. verb—to look forward to with confi ..read more
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For the Joy of Writing
by successbmine
4y ago
Looking for a peaceful place to land? We are living in most unusual times. Frightening times. Unsettled times. As we all learn to cope in our own way according to our personal situations, our level of faith, it seems at times that this season just keeps dragging on so slowly, as if it would never end. But, as the title of my post says, we are walking through this valley. And like any other valley in our lives, we will come to the end and find a mountain to climb into a fresh and life-giving atmosphere. Some of us have lost much through this time. Others not so much. Some are walking in sorro ..read more
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