Thriving with Hashimoto’s in Winter - What You Need to Know
Sara Peternell
by Sara Peternell
1y ago
If you know me, you know that in the winter time, I usually have on at least three layers. I get really chilly when other people around me are just fine. Outdoor sports this time of year are tricky for me and I require a lot of specialized extra warm gear, like heated ski boots, Swamy mittens and cozy long underwear (even when it’s not that cold out). But, I know myself pretty well, and after having Hashimoto’s for more than 20 years, I also know how to cope with the changes to winter weather. While some people like the chill in the air that indicates a change in the seasons, if you suffer fro more
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How Acid Reflux Drives Hashimoto’s (and Vice Versa) and How to Take the Wheel Back
Sara Peternell
by Sara Peternell
1y ago
There may be times when your Hashimoto’s Disease just makes you sick to your stomach. But could it actually be causing you digestive upset? Thyroid imbalances and digestive disorders like acid reflux and GERD have a direct connection that may not be obvious but is certainly common. If you are someone who suffers from Hashimoto’s and also finds yourself struggling with reflux regularly, you may have wondered if they were related. The short answer is yes, but the good news is that as you work on improving one problem, you may find the other resolving itself as well. First, it’s important to unde more
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What Hashimoto’s & Hypothyroidism Means for Your Child
Sara Peternell
by Sara Peternell
1y ago
We would all do just about anything to keep our kids safe and healthy. We make them wear helmets when they bike, seatbelts in the car and (safe, all-natural) sunscreen at the beach. But what can we do when our child is facing a thyroid condition like Hashimoto’s or hypothyroidism? It is natural to feel worried, to seek answers, to harness every resource possible and even to turn to Dr. Google and research for ways in which we can make it all better. As someone who has battled Hashimoto’s disease for years, the future of my own children’s thyroid health is often at the forefront of my mind. Tru more
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The Stress Hormone That May Be Preventing Your Pregnancy
Sara Peternell
by Sara Peternell
2y ago
Hmmm, struggling with infertility… You can call it a vicious cycle. You can say it’s a which-came-first-the-chicken-or-the-egg situation. But the fact of the matter is that stress can be a cause of infertility. And infertility causes stress. And no one telling you to “just relax” is the solution, that’s for sure. It’s awful to know that your stress can be affecting your fertility because, of course, that’s just going to stress you out more. But if we break down the whys and the hows of the stress-infertility connection, it can help us better understand what to do about it.   Understand more
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Everything You’ve Wanted to Know About CBD for Hashimoto’s
Sara Peternell
by Sara Peternell
2y ago
If you were to believe every claim about CBD, it will cure you of cancer, chronic pain, depression, insomnia, epilepsy, anxiety, drug addiction, glaucoma and much more. And while CBD is showing promising results for a number of health disorders, it’s hard to sort through all the information (and misinformation!) out there. Research into CBD for autoimmunity in general is starting to emerge (and it’s looking good), but there is still not a ton of information about how CBD might benefit you if you have Hashimoto’s Disease. Terms like CBD and THC, marijuana and hemp, and full-spectrum get thrown more
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Nothing Fishy Here: Just the Facts on EFAs
Sara Peternell
by Sara Peternell
2y ago
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably been told by a family member, friend, doctor or even the local coffee shop barista that you should be taking fish oil supplements. Everyone’s an expert on fish oil these days. But what’s so special about fish oil? Would everyone really benefit from it or could it be a fad? Is fish oil in supplement form safe to take if you have Hashimoto’s Disease? And the most important question: Is it right for you? Fish oil is understandably confusing, especially when the term is used interchangeably with omega-3s and initials like DHA and EPA. So, if more
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Why Your Thyroid Will Go Nuts for Selenium
Sara Peternell
by Sara Peternell
3y ago
Have you ever been lucky enough to try a Brazil nut? I know, weird question. This very large and distinct-looking nut is often left behind in the bowl of mixed nuts because it looks different and maybe even weird. In fact, Brazil nuts have a wonderfully creamy flavor and a texture that is often compared to coconut. Almost as important, Brazil nuts are a great source of fiber and protein. But there’s a mineral that is going to make Brazil nuts your new best friend and a great excuse to put down the peanut and give them a try. Brazil nuts are one of the richest sources of selenium of any food more
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“We are Family…” The Vitamins That Support The Thyroid and Each Other
Sara Peternell
by Sara Peternell
3y ago
Many vitamins work synergistically. But, none work more synergistically together than the ones I like to refer to as the Sister Sledge all stars – or the “We are Family” of B vitamins! Just like the siblings who achieved international success at the height of the disco era, B vitamins are having their hey-day. B vitamins are essential to our health in general, but what do they mean for thyroid health specifically? When we talk about B vitamins, we are actually discussing a group of vitamins, each one unique but also each one working synergistically with the others. It’s actually a pretty beaut more
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Hashimoto’s Flare-ups: Symptoms, Causes & Prevention
Sara Peternell
by Sara Peternell
3y ago
Have you ever seen a photo or video of a solar flare? The sun will be acting perfectly normal, doing its regular sunny thing. And suddenly, out of nowhere, there is a violent rupture from the surface. In an explosive arch, red hot gases burst forth, disrupting the previously calm area around it. You can practically hear it as a scream. Now imagine something similarly violent happening within your immune system. No, it’s not a “solar” flare, but an eruption inside your immune system. If you’ve ever experienced a Hashimoto’s flare-up, you know what I am talking about. I personally have had expe more
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Thriving with Hashimoto’s in Winter – What You Need to Know
Sara Peternell
by Sara Peternell
3y ago
If you know me, you know that in the winter time, I usually have on at least three layers. I get really chilly when other people around me are just fine. Outdoor sports this time of year are tricky for me and I require a lot of specialized extra warm gear, like heated ski boots, Swamy mittens and cozy long underwear (even when it’s not that cold out). But, I know myself pretty well, and after having Hashimoto’s for more than 20 years, I also know how to cope with the changes to winter weather. While some people like the chill in the air that indicates a change in the seasons, if you suffer fro more
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