Am I surrounded by the right people?
Femelle Soul
by Femelle Soul
3y ago
God shows us how important it is to surround yourself with the right people and the right company. It is not a statement but a fact. He saw the way in which humans were easily influenced by those around them. This is shown from the very beginning with Adam and Eve, and as far as Jesus with the company he kept here on earth. At some point in our lives, whether conscious or not, we can be influenced to do something in the spur of the moment or to ‘fit in’ with certain friendship groups. If anything, the lockdown has shown me how valuable the idea of Christian community is. Not only was I given t more
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You’re not alone: the importance of christian community
Femelle Soul
by Femelle Soul
3y ago
Accountability plays a big part of christian relationships and community. Scripture says that we are best suited to walk our days with a companion and that two are better than one. It also says that in the multitude of counsel there is safety. I’ve personally seen the benefits of accountability in my life. It has been essential in helping to strengthen my personal walk with Christ. During the changing seasons of life, having an accountability partner has stopped me from making certain choices that would’ve been damaging.  The need for community  As Christians, we are made for communi more
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Why we pray
Femelle Soul
by Femelle Soul
3y ago
Why do we pray? Why should we spend time talking with God? What does it do? To answer these questions, we need to think about what prayer is. Prayer is our direct line to God that was made possible through the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross. “Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings...” – Hebrews 10:22 NIV   As believers, prayer is one of the most important aspects of our walk because it gives us the opportunity to talk to our Savior. When we talk to Him we build our relationship with Him. Our relationship with God is like any more
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Let Us Draw Near to God
Femelle Soul
by Femelle Soul
3y ago
There comes a part in every battle where exhaustion settles in, strength breaks down and the urge to give up and retreat echoes within your every thought. It’s those moments that become the deciding factor to whether the battle will be won or lost.  I’m sure most of us can agree that it felt like an intense battle in this season. Oftentimes, I’ve been left exhausted, reminded that my own strength can only take me so far. When I should’ve run to God, I’ve found myself returning to my own thoughts and to the silence , without inviting Him to sit in it with me. Somehow in the midst of the ba more
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Protected: ‘Getting naked later’ review by carter
Femelle Soul
by kyahreid
3y ago
This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below: Password: The post Protected: ‘Getting naked later’ review by carter appeared first on Femelle Soul more
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Can Christians Celebrate Halloween?
Femelle Soul
by Femelle Soul
3y ago
Halloween is rooted in pagan practices and observances, but so is valentines day, thanksgiving and christmas. So it’s fair to say I was never convinced that was a ‘good enough’ excuse for not celebrating the holiday. I may as well have cut out all the other holidays too. I needed better reasons, and the bible offered me direction… Here’s a look at some scriptures that helped me, and may help you, to decide where you stand on the matter… The appearance of evil “Abstain from all appearance of evil.” (1st Thessalonians 5:22) God says if it appears evil, stay away. Not just if it is evil. A big di more
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Finding Peace Through Unanswered Questions
Femelle Soul
by Femelle Soul
3y ago
2020 has been turbulent. From a pandemic that has swept the globe, the constant stream of bad news, to the worldwide uprisings and protests that ensued in the wake of George Floyd’s public execution, it is apparent our world is in a state of pandemonium.  Discourse surrounding racial inequality, police brutality, and humanity’s very shameful history of chattel slavery and imperialism have been simmering away just beneath society’s fragile surface for years. But this year the facade cracked, and we watched as tensions spilled over violently. Suddenly “Black Lives Matter!”, both a mantra an more
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Protected: Guest blog: ‘Getting naked later’ with Kate Hurley
Femelle Soul
by Femelle Soul
3y ago
This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below: Password: The post Protected: Guest blog: ‘Getting naked later’ with Kate Hurley appeared first on Femelle Soul more
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Taking the next step
Femelle Soul
by Femelle Soul
3y ago
If you’re anything like me, you need a glimpse of the bigger picture before you can take the first step. Even after you survive that initial foot in the water, you require constant reassurance. Yet the paradox of life with God is how He often gives us directions with only a piece of the map towards a destination known only by Him. At once, it can seem a daunting task to walk in obedience when we don’t always know where we’re going. However, I want to encourage you/us to taking the next step in God’s plan for your life with confidence. Even if you have no idea where it leads. God’s chosen will more
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How can I use my gifts for God?
Femelle Soul
by Femelle Soul
4y ago
The gifts we receive tell a lot on who gifts them to us. This also applies to God – the gifts He gives are good and nothing but good. “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” (James 1:17) God gives the best gifts A gift can be a natural ability or talent. It’s not hard to pick out the things we are naturally skilled to do, things that come naturally to us and things we enjoy doing and do with ease. Singing, dancing, writing, cooking, administration, you name it! They all come from God. God create more
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