350: From Self-Doubt to Wise Confidence with Giovanni Dienstmann
Mind Love | Modern Mindfulness
by Melissa Monte
4d ago
‌ Have you ever had that inner voice that whispers, “I can’t do this,” right before you’re about to take on something new? Or maybe it’s louder, a persistent chant of self-doubt that seems to paralyze you, keeping you stuck where you are, not really moving forward in life. But that’s not your true inner voice. It’s the reptilian brain. The part that’s been running the show since the cave man days. And if you don’t learn to manage that part of your brain, you never clear the weeds to hear your true inner voice. So, I want you to imagine moving through life with a sense of purpose and ali ..read more
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348: Connecting to Higher Consciousness through Sacred Geometry and Energy Fields with Gail & Gregory Hoag
Mind Love | Modern Mindfulness
by Melissa Monte
2w ago
‌ Have you ever thought about why some days you feel perfectly in tune with the universe and other days it feels like everything is just against you? What if there’s a deeper pattern at play, a blueprint that connects us not just to the random things that happen but to the very fabric of the universe itself? This is called sacred geometry, and it’s the secret language of nature. It’s the ancient science that looks at how everything from beehives to entire galaxies follows the same universal patterns. Spirit science describes it as the building blocks of consciousness. They say that by u ..read more
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347: The Science of Self-Healing by Reprogramming Your Emotions with Brandy Gillmore
Mind Love | Modern Mindfulness
by Melissa Monte
3w ago
‌ Have you ever known someone who eats super healthy and still gets sick? Maybe that’s you. It feels like the universe is playing a cruel joke, right? Why does Joe, who eats fast food every day, seem fine while you or someone you care about is struggling with health issues? We know that the mind influences our health. The placebo effect shows how our beliefs can actually affect physical outcomes in the body. So, how much do our minds shape our health? How can we change our thinking to live healthier lives? That’s what we’re going to learn today. And it’s not just about “thinking yoursel ..read more
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346: Emotional Intuition: Rewiring Anxious Attachment Wounds with Jennifer Nurick
Mind Love | Modern Mindfulness
by Melissa Monte
1M ago
‌ Ever notice how certain emotional patterns are like weeds in a garden? They keep cropping up, no matter how many times you think you’ve pulled them out. What if I told you that you might be accidentally keeping these patterns going without even realizing it? Like you’re stuck in a loop of drama and insecurity. You see, sometimes we can find a strange kind of comfort in the chaos, even when it’s not good for us. The big thing to pay attention to is something called attachment – it’s the way we learn to connect with people when we’re young children. About half of us have a hard time fee ..read more
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345: How to Raise Your Standards and Find Your Person with Matthew Hussey
Mind Love | Modern Mindfulness
by Melissa Monte
1M ago
‌ Have you ever caught yourself thinking, “Why does this always happen to me? Am I attracting dogs or is this just the state of the market?” At some point, it starts to feel like the right person is an illusion. If you’ve found yourself in a cycle of the same relationship issues over and over again, it often means that you’re caught in a belief system that is subconsciously shaping your reality. If you don’t confront these patterns, decouple from them, and cultivate new ones, you could be sentencing yourself to a life of rinse and repeat. So maybe, it’s time to ask the hard questions, a ..read more
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344: Rituals as a Lifeline to Identity, Transitions, and Certainty with Mike Norton
Mind Love | Modern Mindfulness
by Melissa Monte
1M ago
‌ Have you ever noticed how some moments feel extra special, while others just blend into the background of your life? Things like the school bell ringing at the end of the day, blowing out birthday candles, or a even something as simple as a handshake after a deal – These are rituals, little traditions that mark important moments in our lives. If we ignore the power of rituals, we might lose touch with who we are. They reflect our choices and remind us of who we are and who we want to be. They’re like a compass pointing us in the right direction. However, rituals can also become a burd ..read more
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343: The Art of Knowing When to Stay and When to Walk Away with Emily Freeman
Mind Love | Modern Mindfulness
by Melissa Monte
1M ago
‌ Have you ever stood in the doorway of a room that felt really important, heart pounding, trying to decide whether to step in or walk away? This is more than just a physical space, it’s a metaphor for the choices we face in life. The high-stakes job with a corner office that chains you to a desk, the relationship that’s lost its spark, the dream that once lit you up now feels more like a dark cloud. How often have you mistaken persistence for passion or comfort for contentment? The problem is, most of us don’t just have a fear of change, but we have a whole narrative around quitting, a ..read more
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342: The Wisdom of Your Body Element Type Through Traditional Chinese Medicine with Dr. Anis Khalaf of AcupunctureFit
Mind Love | Modern Mindfulness
by Melissa Monte
2M ago
‌ Historically, healers tapped into intricate body connections, like reflexologyand chakras, along with herbal medicine, aromatherapy, cupping therapy, and the study of body element types… all without the help of X-rays, MRIs, and computers. Today, we’re diving into the world of body element types, and it’s like unlocking a secret map to our own health. Think of it as the ancient version of a personalized health quiz. In traditions like Traditional Chinese Medicine, they talk about elements like Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. Each of us fits into one of these categories, and it’s ..read more
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341: Master Emotional Intelligence and Conscious Connection to Deepen Relationships and Elevate Leadership with Talia Fox
Mind Love | Modern Mindfulness
by Melissa Monte
2M ago
‌ It’s not a secret that we humans are starting to suck at connection. The days of deep listening, intimate sharing, and simply being together in the same space are becoming fewer and further between. Instead, a quick DM or text has become our go-to, avoiding phone calls and, heaven forbid, unannounced visits. But here’s the crucial part: while our methods of communication have shifted dramatically, the human need for physical connection hasn’t. So how do we get back to that deep connection that we know through mountains of research that humans thrive on? Today we’re going to learn how ..read more
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340: From Want to Desire: Wealth Consciousness and Aligning with Abundance with Ashley Stahl
Mind Love | Modern Mindfulness
by Melissa Monte
2M ago
‌ Ever wonder why some people seem to manifest abundance with ease while others get caught up in the same old mess of financial struggles or personal dramas? How is it that the same opportunities, the same world, can yield so many different outcomes? Today, we’re dissecting the impact of our subconscious money patterns and how they carry the weight of our past into our present, for better or for worse. And what happens to us and to our dreams when we actually move from a mindset of scarcity to one of abundance. You may recognize our guest, one of my dear friends Ashley Stahl. She is the ..read more
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