629. Top Causes Of Fatigue And What To Do About It
The Female Health Solution Podcast
by The Female Health Solution Podcast
3d ago
Today, we're diving into the top causes of fatigue, focusing on hormones and overall system function. Chronic fatigue can be an issue even when you sleep well and isn't always related to chronic illnesses like autoimmune diseases. Factors like mold exposure, toxic overload, and genetic detox issues can contribute to chronic fatigue.  I’ve been there. From dealing with autoimmune flare-ups to a severe spider bite, I've learned to listen to my body. Chronic fatigue is most often related to stress, cortisol patterns and adrenal function. Additionally, nutrient deficiencies, toxic overload, a ..read more
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628. The Truth About Hormone Replacement Therapy
The Female Health Solution Podcast
by The Female Health Solution Podcast
6d ago
Here’s the truth about Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). HRT is often used to manage symptoms related to hormonal imbalances, particularly during menopause. These hormones can be administered via oral tablets, skin patches, gels, creams, and vaginal rings.  As with most things, my general approach is to prioritize natural methods first, as the body is inherently designed to produce and regulate hormones. That being said, there are definitely cases where additional tools, including HRT, may be helpful for a period to help the body function better. Here are some common HRT side effects: he ..read more
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627. How To Improve Your ADHD With Dopamine
The Female Health Solution Podcast
by The Female Health Solution Podcast
1w ago
Did you know that dopamine plays an important role in managing ADHD symptoms?  On a recent live coaching call, I spoke with Elizabeth about dopamine, ADHD, gut health and what we can do to optimize wellness in each of these categories.  Dopamine, “the feel-good” neurotransmitter, is often dysregulated in individuals with ADHD, creating issues with attention, motivation and impulse control.  Here’s my dopamine to-do list:  Regular Dopamine Detoxes: Yes, to increase dopamine we need to make sure our dopamine receptors are available and our brain has a chance to detox and rese ..read more
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626. My Workout Schedule for Fat Loss and Stress Management
The Female Health Solution Podcast
by The Female Health Solution Podcast
1w ago
I used to believe that fat loss and stress management were two separate parts of my health journey.  That was until I understood how the female body works…  Stress plays a major role in fat storage for better or worse. Simplified, less stress can lead to less fat, and more stress to more fat.  Let’s talk about fitness and workouts specifically. Here’s the workout protocol I follow for fat loss:  Daily Walks before or after breakfast - casual pace for nervous system regulation Weight lifting (higher intensity in my estrogen phase/first half of my cycle)  Yoga (pri ..read more
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625. Your Guide To Safer Childbirth with Gina Mundy
The Female Health Solution Podcast
by The Female Health Solution Podcast
2w ago
Gina Mundy is an attorney that specializes in childbirth cases. For over two decades, she has analyzed the mistakes that are made during labor and delivery. Drawing on this knowledge, she has authored the bestselling book "A Parent's Guide to a Safer Childbirth" to help parents prevent these mistakes and have a healthy baby.  Rather than merely getting involved after an unfortunate mistake was made, Gina has taken a proactive approach by getting involved before childbirth.   Throughout her career Gina has traveled nationwide, engaging with healthcare professionals ..read more
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624. How Therapy Changed My Hormones
The Female Health Solution Podcast
by The Female Health Solution Podcast
2w ago
Therapy isn't just about sorting through emotions; it impacts hormones and your body chemistry! I've experienced this firsthand over the past decade. Confronting the tough stuff, like stress-induced physical symptoms, led me to therapy. Through modalities like EMDR, I began rewiring my brain and addressing deep-rooted trauma, gradually regaining control over my body and mind. Years later, I'm now facing some new challenges, therapy once again became my lifeline. This time, it's about rebuilding physical strength and managing autoimmune flare-ups. As I unpacked my stress and mental challenges ..read more
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623. How to Balance Postpartum Hormones & Irregular Cycles
The Female Health Solution Podcast
by The Female Health Solution Podcast
3w ago
Tracy, a new mom, shares her struggles with irregular menstrual cycles, low prolactin, and low progesterone levels since giving birth to her son two years ago. This conversation covers a range of topics from breastfeeding to gut health, and how new mother's can support their hormones.  Key topics:  Nutrient Depletion: We discuss how hormonal imbalances could be due to nutrient depletion postpartum Gut Health: Gut health is linked to hormone balance - I recommend focusing on reducing sugar and processed foods to support gut health. Breastfeeding and Menstruation: Tracy's irregular me ..read more
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622. A Guide To Eating for Your Hormones
The Female Health Solution Podcast
by The Female Health Solution Podcast
3w ago
You’ve tried every diet out there and followed it to a “T”. But the belly fat won’t budge. And the symptoms won’t go away. That’s because your nutrition is not aligned with your hormone cycle! Yes, I’m looking at you too, ladies in menopause! Here’s what we cover in this episode:  The female hormone cycle, basal body temperature and how nutrition helps The estrogen phase and cooling foods The progesterone phase and warming foods Recommendations for getting started  By nourishing your body with the right foods at the right times, you’re laying the foundation for long term hormone ba ..read more
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621. How To Manage Stress And Overwhelm
The Female Health Solution Podcast
by The Female Health Solution Podcast
1M ago
In this episode, I discuss strategies for reducing stress and avoiding panic attacks with Christianna, a grad student balancing work and life. We talk about the importance of scheduling breaks, focusing on nutrition, and using adaptogens like ashwagandha. Christianna shares her struggles with managing Hashimoto's, PCOS, and endometriosis, and the overwhelm that comes with it all. We explore ways to integrate self-care into a busy schedule and acknowledge the courage it takes to prioritize your own health.  You are invited to sign up for your own session here: https://calendly.com/drb ..read more
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620. A Personal Update: Family Drama
The Female Health Solution Podcast
by The Female Health Solution Podcast
1M ago
It’s time for a personal update! While I usually focus on health education, I wanted to share a bit more about my personal life because that’s where we all get the most support right? The lives of other women battling the same things we are.  Recently, my dad landed in the hospital. It was a serious deal - respiratory failure, sepsis, the works. Easter plans? Canceled. Instead, we visited Dad in the ICU, hooked up to all the machines - honestly, it hit me harder than I expected.  It’s been weeks of hospital visits, canceled plans, and emotional whiplash. But amidst the chaos, I've be ..read more
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