Tender Glossary: Know Your Terms
Tenfold Business Coaching
by Ashley Thomson
1w ago
A Alternative bid Initiate an offer that is alternative to the tender requirements. Meaning the offer is different to what is being asked for in the tender procedure. Often the alternative bid provides advantages or benefits over the stated requirements regarding cost and/or performance. Also known as variant bid (see variant bid). Approach To Market (ATM) ATM refers to a business opportunity advertised on a tender site. ATMs can be published as an open, prequalified or limited tender procurement method source. Award criteria A list of key criteria or requirements, which is required for a cont ..read more
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Sales Prospecting: A Guide for B2B Service Providers [Examples]
Tenfold Business Coaching
by Ashley Thomson
3M ago
Ask a business owner what their goals are, and you’ll get a quick answer: “I want a profitable business that runs well, makes me good money and gives me financial freedom.” Confident nod. Now ask what their objectives are, and that nod might shift to a head tilt. “I just told you my objectives… didn’t I?” Mmmm, no. So, what’s the difference between business goals and business objectives? Business goals are the big picture of what you want to achieve in the future. It’s what the business owner described – the broad, long-term aims of their business. Business objectives, in contrast, are the sp ..read more
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18 Business Objectives to Measure Success [Examples for B2B]
Tenfold Business Coaching
by Ashley Thomson
3M ago
Ask a business owner what their goals are, and you’ll get a quick answer: “I want a profitable business that runs well, makes me good money and gives me financial freedom.” Confident nod. Now ask what their objectives are, and that nod might shift to a head tilt. “I just told you my objectives… didn’t I?” Mmmm, no. So, what’s the difference between business goals and business objectives? Business goals are the big picture of what you want to achieve in the future. It’s what the business owner described – the broad, long-term aims of their business. Business objectives, in contrast, are the sp ..read more
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Tradie Business 101: A Guide to Managing Employees
Tenfold Business Coaching
by Ashley Thomson
3M ago
Remember your first job when you started as an apprentice working for a tradie business? You spent the day looking for left-handed spanners, doing the Dare iced coffee run and trying to remember what you’d learnt at trade school. Now you’re the boss of your own tradie business — whether plumbing, electrical contracting, HVAC installation, landscape construction, carpentry, or residential building – you realise that trade school didn’t teach you about managing employees. Trade schools are essential for developing the knowledge and skills of tradies to do quality work that’s essential for every ..read more
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Tradie Business 101: A Guide to Marketing
Tenfold Business Coaching
by Ashley Thomson
3M ago
Remember when you enrolled at trade school because you knew you wanted to be a… marketer? Wait, what? Nah. You signed up to be an electrician or a plumber or a landscaper or a chippy or to learn HVAC or roofing. So it wasn’t a surprise to you that marketing wasn’t in the TAFE curriculum. Yet now that you’ve got your own tradie business — whether plumbing, electrical contracting, HVAC installation, landscape construction, carpentry, or residential building – you realise that maybe they should’ve taught you something about marketing. Trade schools give you the knowledge and skills to do your jo ..read more
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Small Business, Big Impact: Tactics to Stand Out and Compete with Larger Businesses
Tenfold Business Coaching
by Ashley Thomson
3M ago
“They’re so much bigger than my business, how can I possibly compete?” If you’ve ever thought that about your small business before, you’re not alone. It can seem daunting to submit a tender bid knowing you’re up against a multi-million dollar (and multi-generational) business. But size isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. As a seasoned business coach based in Australia, I’ve witnessed firsthand the challenges and triumphs of small B2B businesses navigating the competitive landscape dominated by larger corporations. The journey of guiding these businesses towards growth and success has been incre ..read more
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Tradie Business 101: A guide to finance
Tenfold Business Coaching
by Ashley Thomson
3M ago
Remember the days of trade school? Still half asleep as you shuffled in to 7-Eleven to grab a coffee and a sausage roll for brekky before knuckling down to learn. When it comes to the world of tradies — whether plumbing, electrical contracting, HVAC installation, landscape construction, carpentry, or residential building — trade schools are the entry to technical education. TAFEs and vocational schools equip tradies with the practical skills and technical know-how required to excel in their chosen field. However, as tradie business coaches one of the most common things we hear is, “I didn’t l ..read more
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Creating a Brand on a Budget: Essential Guide for Small Business Success
Tenfold Business Coaching
by Ashley Thomson
3M ago
When it comes to branding, the common misconception among small business owners is that impactful branding requires a $$$$$ budget—think big bucks for flashy logos, high-end marketing materials, and expensive advertising campaigns. However, in my 20+ years of coaching small business owners across Australia, I’ve witnessed firsthand that branding excellence doesn’t have to cost a bucket. In fact, with a strategic approach and savvy investment, small businesses can achieve remarkable brand recognition and loyalty within a budget of $5,000 to $10,000. This free guide, “Brand Building Basics: Ess ..read more
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Understanding Profit Margins: A Guide For Small Business Owners
Tenfold Business Coaching
by Ashley Thomson
3M ago
As business coach, I’ll often find myself at a barbecue or a school sports day with people asking me about profit margins; how do you calculate them?, what’s a reasonable profit margin for a small business?, and what can I do to improve my profit margins? Ah, profit margins. The bread and butter of any small business conversation, right up there with “How’s the cash flow?” and “Any tips for dodging those tax headaches?” If you’ve landed here, chances are you’re hunting for the lowdown on what a decent profit margin looks like, how to crunch those numbers, and perhaps most crucially, how to pu ..read more
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Understanding Profit Margins: A Guide For Small Business Owners
Tenfold Business Coaching
by Ashley Thomson
3M ago
As business coach, I’ll often find myself at a barbecue or a school sports day with people asking me about profit margins; how do you calculate them?, what’s a reasonable profit margin for a small business?, and what can I do to improve my profit margins? Ah, profit margins. The bread and butter of any small business conversation, right up there with “How’s the cash flow?” and “Any tips for dodging those tax headaches?” If you’ve landed here, chances are you’re hunting for the lowdown on what a decent profit margin looks like, how to crunch those numbers, and perhaps most crucially, how to pu ..read more
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