Helin Doski - The Truth About Being A Mega Beauty Influencer
Outspoken Beauty
by Global Media & Entertainment
2d ago
In this episode I get to chat to the wonderful content creator Helin Doski. Helin, who recently moved to Dubai, is followed by hundreds of thousands of people on TikTok and Instagram and on paper lives a dream life with incredible press trips, luxurious events and a wardrobe to die for, not forgetting her ability to influence more people than most politicians. During the episode Helin talks honestly about the ups and downs of influencer life and why it isn't always as perfect as it looks. She shares her father's reaction to her career choise (she gave up a future in medicine to create conten ..read more
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Minipod - Two Fabulous Summer Scents, Luscious Lip Balm/Gloss and Perfect Hydration
Outspoken Beauty
by Global Media & Entertainment
2d ago
In this week's Minipod I have two summer scents that are both fabulous but couldn't be more different. I'll also be telling you about an overnight mask that provides fantastic hydration, a lip balm that doubles as a gloss and I'll be reading a section of the book Pixel Flesh that has really resonated with me ..read more
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Outspoken Beauty Book Club: 5 Books You Must Read (and a wild card)
Outspoken Beauty
by Global Media & Entertainment
5d ago
It's half term and all is a little bit bonkers in the Outspoken Beauty household so for your midweek episode I'm chatting through five books that I think are bloody brilliant and have all taught me so much in different ways. I also have a bit of a wild card for you. I'm currently reading it and it's about a woman who gets to a bit of a impass in her life and decides that the answer is to make her marriage polyamorous. (I'm absolutely hooked). Enjoy Outspoken Beauties xx ..read more
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Inspiring and Outspoken - Jane Wurwand Revisited
Outspoken Beauty
by Global Media & Entertainment
1w ago
Over the years I've had the honour of interviewing some strong, inspiring and at times life changing women and one of the very best has got to be Jane Wurwand, founder of Dermalogica. I wanted to revisit this episode as it was meeting Jane that propelled me to leave the security of radio and start my podcast fulltime. I believe that we all have the power to make change in our lives. It can be so bloody hard but when you do it, a lot of other things fall into place. If anyone can help you harness that power, it's Jane. xx ..read more
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Minipod - Self Glow, The Scent of Capri and The Oil That Makes Your Hair SHINE
Outspoken Beauty
by Global Media & Entertainment
1w ago
In this week's minipod I have some really beautiful products to tell you about including a cleanser that will truly look afer sensitive skin, a fragrance that is reminiscent of a spring walk by the sea in Capri and my fav hair oil of all time. I'll also  bediscussing some great things I learnt from my therapist this week and why getting my crazy periods properly checked out was the best choice I could have made. Enjoy xx ..read more
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Bryony and Nicola - When Sex Therapy Goes Too Far, Strange Parental Demands and Your Beauty Questions Answered!
Outspoken Beauty
by Global Media & Entertainment
1w ago
Bryony Blake is back. Now I'll start by saying that we got SO many amazing beauty questions from you this week and we get round to answering lots of them in the second half of the episode. In the first half though, you can expect talk of: The strange thing my mum wants me to do with her ashes The best teabags in the world (according to Bryony) Eyeball licking (literally don't ask!) Being naked at home Extreme sex therapy And more.... Hope we make you smile and giggle and that you get some great beauty tips xx ..read more
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Getting To Grips With Our Hormones With Made of More
Outspoken Beauty
by Global Media & Entertainment
2w ago
This episode is in partnership with Made of More I'm so excited to publish this episode which is definitely going to make you feel better about things if you, like me, are in a world of hormonal uncertainty. I met Jackie, the founder of the wonderful skincare brand Made of More, at an event a couple of months ago and I instantly adored her. Within moments we were talking openly about our kids, husbands, the challenges of our lives and perhaps most importantly, our hormonal journeys. Hearing Jackie's story I totally got why she launched Made of More and hearing about what she has put into the ..read more
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Minipod - Products and Thoughts of the Week
Outspoken Beauty
by Global Media & Entertainment
2w ago
It's my weekly bite size dose of product recommendations and a few of the things that have been on my mind. If you'd like to join the Outspoken Trialling Panel DM me and I'll send you a form. It's a great community and you'll get to test products and give your honest thoughts xx ..read more
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Monday Mini Mini Pod - The Affordable, Lightweight, Oil Free SPF that Sits Perfectly Under Makeup
Outspoken Beauty
by Global Media & Entertainment
3w ago
If you're after a cooling, light, oil free SPF that is a great price and sits perfectly under makeup then you need to listen to today's episode xx ..read more
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Daisy Robinson - On Leaving The Safety of The Corporate Beauty World and Following Your Dreams
Outspoken Beauty
by Global Media & Entertainment
3w ago
In this episode I chat tothe wonderful reflexologist Daisy Robinson. Up until very recently Daisy was in the world of beauty PR but deep down she knew that she had a passion for reflexology. She trained extensively in her spare time but it was only fairly recently that she had the confidence to bite the bullet and leave a secure job to start her own business. Daisy talks about following your instinct, taking risks and following your passion and I hope that she will inspire you and help you to realise that if you have always wanted to do something it absolutely IS possible. You can find Daisy o ..read more
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