October Publisher’s Letter!
This Messy Season
by This Messy Season
2y ago
Hey, y’all. How are you? Like, how are you, REALLY? If someone were to ask me the same question. What would I say? I’d say that I’m content, peaceful, and working towards slower living. I’ve traded my “mom boss” aspirations for slow morning bike rides over to our community Mary garden. It’s so peaceful to me, quiet, isolated, yet safe. These days I’m feeling my heart healing from the physical loss of our sweet foster daughter. It brings me such a joy to see her family thriving and I’m so grateful we get to see her so often. I’m sure I’m solidifying myself as a basic bitch, but I really do love ..read more
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Halloween 2021 Movie Suggestions!
This Messy Season
by This Messy Season
2y ago
The boys and I spent some time this morning looking at some titles for our October movie nights. Planning ahead is an easy way to not stress and keep expenses low! Here’s what we are watching: On 10/1 Disney+ is going to premiere LEGO® Star Wars Terrifying Tales. Really excited to watch this one with the boys! We haven’t watched the Addams Family as a family yet, so we are going to watch that one. I also noticed Netflix is launching a new series called A Tale Dark & Grimm I watched the preview with the boys and we thought it looked super cute. We are also going to watch The Haunted Mansio ..read more
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Video Game Birthday Party!
This Messy Season
by This Messy Season
2y ago
I really took the summer off from posting on this platform. That is one of the best parts of being a business owner, I do have the luxury of doing that. When I first started blogging, I felt a lot of pressure to create near daily and often would end up burnt out. It is nice to be able to step back and recharge a little more these days! Both of my boys have summer birthdays, so I thought I’d share a fun recap of each of their birthdays. We will start with Sawyer’s today. We splurged on a “game truck” but honestly it was worth every penny. The kids were content and happy, it was air conditioned ..read more
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Back To School With Tyson!
This Messy Season
by This Messy Season
3y ago
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Tyson Foods, Inc. The opinions and text are all mine. #CreateYourOwnRules Seems like since March 2020 life has just been unpredictable, watching my boys navigate the shifts and changes so gracefully has been awe inspiring. We are currently rounding down from an amazing summer– we packed it full of adventures at home but also many other activities. I’m starting to look ahead to the upcoming school year, ordering school supplies, cleaning backpacks, donating shoes that are entirely TOO SMALL. I am in the camp of people who would rather ..read more
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Editor’s Notes: August 2021
This Messy Season
by This Messy Season
3y ago
When my boys were babies/toddlers/before the school years. My morning routine consisted of waking up intentionally early and writing on this blog. I wrote a blog post nearly daily, we’d eat breakfast and go to the gym. We’d come and do an educational activity or meet friends at a playdate and then go back for lunch and naps. During nap, I’d take reading or quiet time for myself to recharge for an afternoon of parenting, we’d play outside, make dinner, do our sweet, slow bedtime routine. I have missing that routine lately. Truth be told, I feel like since the kids started full day school, but t ..read more
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Back To School Checklist
This Messy Season
by This Messy Season
3y ago
I fully realize that many of you may not be ready to even think about back to school, but alas, here we are. For us, it has been a really sad week. We sad goodbye to our foster daughter exactly a week ago, so I’ve busied myself the last seven days by cleaning my house from top to bottom, having the kids try on every item of clothing they own, and labeling school supplies. It’s hard for me to fathom that I have been an elementary school mom for four years now. My oldest is heading into third grade! Like how, though? I will say, this is one of my favorite seasons as a mama. I love these years, w ..read more
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Finding Encouragement in a new place with California Psychics!
This Messy Season
by This Messy Season
3y ago
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of California Psychics. I have walked through a pretty difficult year– between my appendectomy, the financial toil of the pandemic on my tiny business, and then the shooting my family was recently involved in. My creativity has been virtually non- existent. I can’t tell you the times I’ve sat down to write and words wouldn’t string together for me. I worried my writing career was over, the trauma stunted my words. Usually when I slip into a state of writer’s block, which happens, I try to look for other forms of creative expression to replenish ..read more
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Budget Friendly Back To School Favorites!
This Messy Season
by This Messy Season
3y ago
This post contains affiliate links, thanks for supporting my blog! At no cost to you, when you shop using my links, I earn a small commission. It is unbelievable to me in many ways how quickly this summer went by. My oldest son is going into third grade, so I feel like I’ve got some experience now as it relates to shopping for school. Where to splurge vs. where to skip. I also find that I’m very protective of my time as the boys get older. So, hopefully this round up gives you some suggestions that save you time. First off, I love this baby girl outfit for the first day and into fall from Ta ..read more
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A day trip to Amelia Island (from JAX!)
This Messy Season
by This Messy Season
3y ago
Visiting Amelia Island has been on my Jacksonville bucket list since we moved here in late 2018. It has all the Southern style I just adore, and lots of seafood and beaches. So, yeah, basically it’s perfect. I can’t tell you how happy I am to be able to start traveling again and sharing travel content! We are easing back into family travel, so a day trip to Amelia Island from our home in Jacksonville is perfect it’s an hour there, roughly. So, we were able to be pretty leisurely, but I desperately want to plan an overnight there and stay at OMNI or the Ritz Carlton (or really any other nice re ..read more
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2021 Summer Freebies For Families! (Frugal Summer Guide!)
This Messy Season
by This Messy Season
3y ago
First off, can I ask if you enjoy this post you come give me a follow on Instagram? Wow, my apologies for my recent blog hiatus. Quite frankly, as a content creator, I’ve struggled since the start of the pandemic to create content. I have had a lot of time to think about and deeply assess what I’m putting into the world. Is it fun? Does it enrich the lives of others? Does it honor my family? Does it use my gifts well? These are the types of questions I’ve gone back and forth on, and in many ways, it has been a blessing to have this time to step back and look at my schedule and priorities. The ..read more
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