Tips to Stay Mosquito-Free This Summer: Your Ultimate Guide
B & B Pest Control Blog
by John Bozarjian
5d ago
Summer is synonymous with barbecues, pool parties, and outdoor adventures. However, it also brings along uninvited guests—mosquitoes. These tiny pests can quickly turn a pleasant evening into an itchy nightmare. Fortunately, there are numerous effective strategies to keep mosquitoes at bay. In this blog post, we’ll explore practical tips to help you enjoy a mosquito-free summer. 1. Understanding Mosquito Behavior Before diving into prevention tips, it’s crucial to understand mosquito behavior. Mosquitoes are most active during dawn and dusk. They are attracted to carbon dioxide, body heat, and more
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The Unwelcome Guests: Understanding the Species of Cockroaches That Infest Homes
B & B Pest Control Blog
by John Bozarjian
3w ago
Cockroaches are one of nature’s most resilient creatures, having survived on Earth for millions of years. However, their adaptability and survival skills, while impressive in the wild, make them unwelcome guests in our homes. These pests are not only a cause for disgust but can also pose serious health risks by spreading diseases. Understanding the different species of cockroaches that could be lurking in the corners of your house is the first step towards reclaiming your space. Equally important is knowing when to call in the professionals to deal with an infestation. This blog post will guid more
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Mastering Ant Control: A B&B Pest Control Guide to a Pest-Free Paradise
B & B Pest Control Blog
by John Bozarjian
3w ago
Ants are incredible creatures. The resilience of these tiny, industrious insects ceaselessly foraging can be admirable—unless of course, they’re foraging in your pantry. Their industriousness presents an unwelcome challenge to homeowners and businesses alike. At B&B Pest Control, our focus is on turning the ant colony’s industriousness to our advantage, eliminating them from your space and establishing a pest-free environment. In this comprehensive guide to ant control, we’ll tap into the expertise B&B Pest Control has honed over years of service. From identifying the type of ant invad more
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Keeping Ants Away This Summer With B&B Pest Control
B & B Pest Control Blog
by John Bozarjian
1M ago
Summer is upon us, and with the warmer weather comes the unwelcome invasion of ants in your home. While these industrious insects are vital to our ecosystem, their place is outside, not in your kitchen or along your baseboards. Fortunately, there’s no need to tolerate these pesky visitors. B&B Pest Control is your ally in ant-prevention, and we’re here to share some expert tips to help you keep your home ant-free this season. Identify Entry Points Begin by identifying where ants are entering your home. Check for cracks in windows, doors, and foundation. Once you find these entry points, se more
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Buzzing in Boston: A Guide to Common Wasp Species
B & B Pest Control Blog
by John Bozarjian
1M ago
Bees, Wasps, and Hornets—these buzzing insects elicit a range of emotions in urban dwellers. Often, their presence is met with fear, but these creatures are an integral part of our eco-system, contributing to the pollination of plants and keeping other pests in check. But who are these buzzers that roam the alleys and parks of Boston, and how can we coexist with them in harmony? In this guide, we take a closer look at the common wasp species found in Boston and share tips on living in peace with these misunderstood creatures. Wasp Wisdom Before we start, it’s essential to understand the role w more
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Rodent Prevention 101: Expert Tips from B&B Pest Control
B & B Pest Control Blog
by John Bozarjian
1M ago
The scurrying of tiny feet in the dead of night, chewed-up food packages, and telltale droppings can all mean one thing—rodents have made themselves at home in your domain. For many, the thought of having these unsanitary pests in the house is enough to elicit shivers down the spine. Luckily, with a bit of preparation and know-how, you can fortify your property against these unwanted guests. Here at B&B Pest Control, we’ve garnered years of experience in eradicating infestations and, more importantly, preventing them from happening in the first place. In this blog post, we’re sharing our t more
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Dealing with the Ant Population of Boston: A Homeowner’s Guide
B & B Pest Control Blog
by John Bozarjian
2M ago
Ants are industrious insects, but when they decide to set up shop in your home, they can quickly become a significant pest problem. Boston, with its varied climate and sprawling urban areas, is no stranger to its ant population. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through some of the most common ant species you might encounter in the Boston region and provide expert-backed strategies to deal with them. Plus, we’ll show you how our team at B & B Pest Control is ready to assist you in safeguarding your home from these invasions. Identifying the Culprits Before you can effectively com more
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Keeping Rodents Outside This Spring with B&B Pest Control
B & B Pest Control Blog
by John Bozarjian
2M ago
It’s that time of the year when the days grow longer, the sun shines a bit brighter, and unfortunately, pests, especially rodents, start to emerge. Spring is not just a season of rebirth and renewal; it can be a time of challenge for homeowners dealing with a surge in pest activity. To arm yourself against an unwanted rodent invasion, B&B Pest Control is here to provide actionable tips and expert advice. With decades of experience, we understand the importance of proactive measures in pest management. In this post, we’ll guide you through creating a pest-free environment in and around your more
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Why Trust a Professional for Your Ant Problem
B & B Pest Control Blog
by John Bozarjian
2M ago
Ants—invasive, industrious, and infinitely irritating when they infiltrate our homes. You’d think something so small would be easy to manage, but any homeowner who’s had an ant march across their kitchen counter knows the resilience and resourcefulness these tiny pests possess. In a home turf battle against these prolific invaders, the stakes are high, and the casualties are usually crumbs. Here, I will present not only a comprehensive guide to the most common types of ants homeowners face but also illuminate why choosing professional solutions over DIY remedies yields a far more effective—and more
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Hints and Tips To Stay Pest Free This Spring With B&B Pest Control
B & B Pest Control Blog
by John Bozarjian
3M ago
As the scent of blooming flowers and the sight of sunlight filtering through your home’s windows herald the arrival of spring, there’s an uninvited guest lurking in the shadows: pests. Homeowners often find themselves locked in a perennial struggle against armies of ants, battalions of roaches, and legions of spiders as soon as the weather turns. But there’s hope! With the right approach and a little help from the experts at B&B Pest Control, you can turn the tables in your favor and ensure your home remains a sanctuary, not a battleground, this spring. In this extensive guide, we’ll dive more
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