They Look Like Regular Gummies But They’re Not: Cannabis Edibles and Kids
Illinois Poison Center Blog
by Mike
1w ago
Who likes gummies, chocolate, candy, cookies or brownies? We do! We do! While most everyone loves sweet treats, curious and hungry toddlers are most prone to get into trouble when finding a treat that’s actually a cannabis product. The number of unintentional exposures to cannabis edibles, especially gummies, has increased since Illinois legalized cannabis products ... more more
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Road Tripping…without a trip to the ER!
Illinois Poison Center Blog
by Mike
2M ago
Who’s ready for a road trip! Spring, summer, fall or winter—there’s no bad time to explore new places and visit family and old friends. With all the excitement of hitting the road, it’s easy to let your guard down when it comes to poison prevention. But mishaps can happen when you’re packing and on the ... more more
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Gummies, Gummies, Everywhere: Protect Your Children from Downing Cannabis, Multivitamin and Melatonin Gummies
Illinois Poison Center Blog
by IPC
4M ago
Kids are curious, rambunctious and full of energy. They get into everything! But what if they got their little hands on your cannabis gummies? One parent recently called the Illinois Poison Center because their 2-year-old discovered a colorful bag of what she thought were gummy candies in her parents’ nightstand. Within an hour of devouring ... more more
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Your Holiday Cooking Checklist: Set the Table, Prepare the Meal and Don’t Make Anyone Sick
Illinois Poison Center Blog
by Mike
5M ago
Foodie, newbie or old pro? Whether you’re preparing your first holiday feast or your 15th, there’s a lot to consider. Most home cooks want to serve a meal that wows even the most hard-to-please guest. There’s another way to make them happy, though: Don’t make them sick… as nothing can ruin a holiday get-together more ... more more
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High-Powered Magnets and Children: An Attractive Combination That Can Lead to Severe Injury  
Illinois Poison Center Blog
by Vickie
8M ago
Do you have high-powered magnet toys or kits at home? Are you considering buying these magnet toys or kits for kids to create pyramids or other creations? If so, be exceedingly careful if you have children in the home as these products can pose a significant danger if swallowed. Why small high-powered magnets can turn ... more more
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Dangerous Health Gambles: Lessons from Toxic Challenges
Illinois Poison Center Blog
by Vickie
9M ago
Have you ever been dared or challenged to do something that seemed harmless but turned out to be risky? If so, you’re not alone. Sometimes people feel pressured to accept a challenge that involves eating or drinking large amounts of something – often common products around the house. Participating in a challenge, though, could put ... more more
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Don’t Make Me Puke! Why Making Children Throw Up After Ingesting a Potentially Harmful Substance Is Not a Good Idea
Illinois Poison Center Blog
by Mike
10M ago
A common reaction many people have when a child ingests something potentially harmful is to make them throw up. Our parents did it and it seems like a natural instinct, but inducing vomiting is not always the best course of action. Historically, we would make children vomit with syrup of ipecac (SOI). The idea was ... more more
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Hot Summer Days and Medications: A Recipe for Heatstroke
Illinois Poison Center Blog
by Vickie
11M ago
Feeling overheated under the hot summer sun is a common experience. But for some people, experiencing a spike in body temperature—known as hyperthermia—can result from taking certain medications. A recent medical journal article discussed a case of a person whose body temperature reached 104 degrees Fahrenheit while on multiple medications. Fortunately, this patient recovered but ... more more
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Seriously scary poisons (that used to be in grandpa/ma’s shed or home…and maybe still are!)
Illinois Poison Center Blog
by Vickie
1y ago
Basements, attics, furnace rooms, barns, sheds/garages…you never know where seriously scary poisons will show up.  Some of these poisons have been banned for decades in the U.S. (or used under very tight restrictions) but still available in other areas of the world. Every once in a while, the IPC gets called because someone brought a ... more more
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Delta-8-THC “The Ocho”
Illinois Poison Center Blog
by ILPoisonCenter
1y ago
In medicine one of the ways information is shared among healthcare professionals is by publishing interesting, unusual or emerging case reports in peer reviewed medical journals. While this is not a case managed by the Illinois Poison Center, I thought it was important to share this real life situation! Case Report: A 2 year old ... more more
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