Who is responsible if I’m hurt in a rideshare accident?
Subin Associates Blog
by willcrainexela
1y ago
New Yorkers are some of the most frequent users of public transportation in the world. In the past, public transportation consisted of buses, taxis, trains and subways, but the growth of rideshare services in recent years transformed public transportation throughout the city. Many of us now use rideshare services on a regular basis. Research shows that 61% of Americans have heard of rideshare services, while over half of Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 have used a rideshare service. Rideshare drivers have a legal duty to drive safely and responsibly Rideshare services offer convenient ..read more
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How does alcohol contribute to pedestrian accidents?
Subin Associates Blog
by bkabritsor
1y ago
Motor vehicle accidents can cause serious long-term harm to pedestrians who lack the protection that a car typically provides. Furthermore, certain situations can be especially risky for pedestrians. For example, alcohol intoxication can contribute to accidents that injure pedestrians. Learning about the role of alcohol in pedestrian accidents can increase awareness and improve safety. Driving while intoxicated According to the Centers for Disease Control, almost half of all fatal pedestrian accidents involve alcohol intoxication. Drinking alcohol can negatively affect a driver’s sense of coor ..read more
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New York will address auto accidents involving vulnerable people
Subin Associates Blog
by indraneildeyexela
1y ago
In New York City, it seems as if everyone has been affected by an auto accident in some way. Whether that includes being in an accident and suffering injuries themselves, having a loved one injured or killed, or knowing a person who was in a crash, it is an ongoing problem that is difficult to stop. Lawmakers and safety advocates are actively striving to find solutions. Recently, a new mandate was put in effect to try and make the roads safer, particularly in areas where older people reside. Despite that ambitious goal, accidents are an ongoing challenge and people who have been impacted shoul ..read more
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Top causes of devastating truck accidents
Subin Associates Blog
by willcrainexela
1y ago
It only takes a split second for a semi-truck to make an erratic or otherwise dangerous move that puts you at risk. If you’ve been injured in a truck accident as a result of these errant maneuvers, then you’re probably trying to find answers to what happened and why. These are important questions to resolve not only for closure, but also for pursuing a legal claim in hopes of offsetting the damages that have been thrust upon you. That’s why this week we want to take a look at some of the main causes of semi-truck accidents. We hope that with this information, you’ll be able to avoid a devastat ..read more
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La pintura de plomo – ¿cómo puedo saber si está presente en mi edificio?
Subin Associates Blog
by alan.embree@thomsonreuters.com
1y ago
La intoxicación por plomo es un asunto muy grave, y puede tener varios síntomas devastadores – especialmente para los niños pequeños que están expuestos. Muchas personas creen que la pintura de plomo es un problema antiguo que fue resuelto en los años 70 y 80. Pero hoy en día, en Nueva York, todavía es posible que haya pintura de plomo en muchos edificios en la ciudad. ¿Cómo se puede reconocer? Lo que puede hacer la pintura de plomo Los síntomas de la intoxicación por plomo pueden variar según la gravedad de la exposición. Algunos de los síntomas más comunes (enlace en inglés) de la intoxicaci ..read more
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Common causes of elevator accidents
Subin Associates Blog
by willcrainexela
1y ago
People take elevators every day in offices, shopping centers, businesses and hotels. It likely never crosses their mind that they could be hurt by one. Unfortunately, elevator accidents can happen and there are common risks to be aware of. Elevator accidents Elevator accidents can occur when there is a mechanical failure. Elevator maintenance is crucial to keep them operating safely, however even with regular maintenance, accidents can occur when there are worn or defective parts. It can malfunction, become stuck or fall which can cause devastating injuries for the elevator passengers. It’s al ..read more
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Who pays for damages in a rideshare accident?
Subin Associates Blog
by willcrainexela
1y ago
Rideshare companies have existed for several years now and have become a common method of transportation for New Yorkers. Rideshare services offer benefits to both the drivers and riders. They allow drivers a way to make some extra money with a flexible schedule and provide a quick and convenient transportation option for people who want an alternative to the subway, cabs or walking. However, what happens if you are involved in an accident with a rideshare and sustain injuries? Who pays for your damages, the driver or the rideshare company? Insurance requirements Rideshare drivers must typical ..read more
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Construction site injuries and safety guidelines
Subin Associates Blog
by willcrainexela
1y ago
Construction sites can be some of the most dangerous places for a person to work because workers often face a high risk of injury or death. Common construction site accidents Construction sites have a variety of hazards that can cause injuries and accidents. Falls from ladders, roofs, scaffolding and other heights are common. Workers can also be hit by falling objects like tools, building materials and equipment which can cause serious injuries or death. When buildings are constructed, they need electricity, but this comes with a risk of exposure to wires, faulty electrical equipment or exposu ..read more
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Lo que cada peatón o ciclista debería saber para mantenerse al seguro
Subin Associates Blog
by alan.embree@thomsonreuters.com
1y ago
Cada habitante de Nueva York sabe que caminar en la ciudad puede ser una locura total. Con tantos autos, es un trabajo constante evitar de ser atropellado mientras uno cruza la calle o anda en bicicleta. Estas son algunas de las cosas que todos pueden hacer para mantenerse al seguro y aumentar la probabilidad de llegar bien a su destinación. Para los ciclistas Antes de todo, es importante notar que los ciclistas siempre deberían usar un casco. Puede parecer una sugerencia cliché, pero con buena razón. Las estadísticas muestran que en 74% de los accidentes fatales entre un ciclista y un auto, l ..read more
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Si atropello un peatón fuera del paso peatonal, ¿de quién es la culpa?
Subin Associates Blog
by alan.embree@thomsonreuters.com
1y ago
Muchas veces el desafío más grande de manejar en Nueva York no es el tráfico constante – ¡son los peatones que se cruzan delante de los autos sin usar el paso peatonal! Es un estrés tremendo tener que frenar de golpe para evitar de atropellar a uno que se pone en peligro negligentemente – y pone en peligro a usted también. Si uno no está usando el paso peatonal para cruzar la calle, y viene atropellado, ¿quién va a ser responsable legalmente por las heridas del peatón? El deber legal de los peatones La ley de Nueva York requiere que los peatones usen el paso peatonal (enlace en inglés). Los ve ..read more
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