Don't Let Your Agile Spark Fizzle Out! 5 ways to Reignite Your Team's Fire with These Pro Tips Blog
by Paul Grew
8h ago
Ever felt like your agile game is more of a sluggish shuffle? You’re not alone. Imagine you’ve just rolled out what should be a game-changing agile transformation. Yet, things are somehow just as slow—if not slower—than before. Frustrating, right? It’s like prepping a gourmet meal and having everyone just pick at their food. Here’s the truth: keeping the agile flame alive can be a real headache. Maybe you’ve seen teams drift back to their old habits. Or perhaps the initial buzz has worn off, leaving behind a routine that nobody’s excited about. It’s enough to make anyone question, “What’s mis more
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Coaching-Haltung für Scrum Master – Teil 3: So strukturierst du Gespräche konstruktiv und unterstützt die Umsetzung von Verbesserungen in Retrospektiven Blog
by Simon Flossmann
18h ago
Im ersten Teil der Artikelreihe „Coaching-Haltung für Scrum Master“ habe ich dir Coaching-Fähigkeiten vorgestellt. Im zweiten Teil haben wir Fragen besprochen, die du als Scrum Master nutzen kannst, um die Haltung eines Coaches einzunehmen. Im dritten Teil dieser Reihe widmen wir uns folgender Frage: Wie kannst du Gespräche im Coaching von Teams strukturieren? Viele Scrum Master stellen sich diese Frage. Sie möchten wissen, wie sie aktives Zuhören, Zusammenfassen und Fragenstellen anwenden können. Ihr Ziel ist es, ihrem Team damit zu helfen. In den letzten zehn Jahren habe ich viel ausprobiert more
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Who Writes Product Backlog items Scrum? Blog
by Mary Iqbal
1d ago
  Scrum is a framework used to deliver value in complex environments.  The Product Owner’s purpose is to maximize the value of the Product delivered by the Scrum team(s).  The Product Owner’s most important tool for maximizing value is the content and ordering of the Product Backlog.  As a result, most Product Owners spend a lot of time documenting Product Backlog items. But that doesn’t mean that the Product Owner must personally document every item on the Product Backlog.   While the Product Owner remains accountable for the content and ordering of the Product more
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10 More Objections to Incremental Delivery - Debunked! Blog
by Mary Iqbal
1d ago
  I may be a little obsessed with incremental delivery.  But - in my defense - I do have some excuse for it.  After all, Incremental delivery is at the heart of Scrum.  The purpose of the Sprint is to deliver a done increment that meets the Sprint goal.   The key word there is done.  Every Spint, the team delivers an increment of product that meets the team’s definition of Done.  Incremental delivery means that what is delivered is usable.  (Still not sure what I mean by incremental delivery?  Check out my recent article The value of increment more
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Product Vision & Scrum Events Blog
by Lavaneesh Gautam
1d ago
What Is Product Vision? A product vision is a succinct, inspiring articulation of where your product is heading. It embodies the essence of your product — the core values it upholds, the core needs it fulfils, or the core problems it solves. Vision states your overarching goal, the ultimate reason for creating the product. Roman Pichler It focuses on ‘ ‘Why Are We Creating a Product’ instead of ‘What are we going to deliver’ or ‘How are we going to deliver’. Product Vision is not solution-focused. Learn More: What Is Product Vision and Why It Is Important Product Vision & Scrum Events &n more
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Coaching-Haltung für Scrum Master – Teil 2: 5 essenzielle Fertigkeiten, um Selbstorganisation, Motivation und Eigenverantwortung zu fördern Blog
by Simon Flossmann
3d ago
Die Gründe, warum Scrum Master im Team als Coach auftreten wollen, liegen auf der Hand: Coaching unterstützt die Entwicklung von Selbstorganisation, Motivation und Engagement, Eigenverantwortung und Problemlösungsfähigkeit im Team, um nur einige der Vorzüge zu nennen. Gleichzeitig finden es viele angehende Scrum Master (noch) schwierig, eine Coaching-Haltung einzunehmen. Ich gehörte lange auch zu diesen Scrum Mastern. Ich wusste nicht, wie ich mich absichtslos auf eine Situation einlassen sollte. Ich hatte Schwierigkeiten, mich auf die Bedürfnisse, Gefühle und Perspektiven der anderen voll ein more
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Evidence-Based Management Guide, 2024 - What’s New? Blog
by Patricia Kong
3d ago
by: Patricia Kong and Kurt Bittner Since the last version of the Evidence-Based Management (EBM) Guide was published in 2020 and while writing our book about EBM, we had many conversations about how we could help people to better understand and apply EBM to their work and even to their personal lives. We used these insights to write the book, and also realized that we needed to update the EBM Guide based on what we’ve learned.  The basic concepts in EBM, including the three levels of goals and the Key Value Areas (KVAs), are unchanged. The changes are instead focused on the way we explai more
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[VODCAST] "Your Story" series | Gunther Verheyen's story Blog
by Mehdi Hoseini
4d ago
“Your Story” is a vodcast (video cast) series hosted by PST, Mehdi Hoseini, with the mission of sharing the professional life story of Professional Scrum Trainers (PST) and other people with serious and iconic achievements in the product development world. In the first episode of the series, you will hear Mr. Gunther Verheyen’s story. He calls himself an “independent Scrum Caretaker”. He is also a Professional Scrum Trainer (PST) with since 2011. If you want to contact Mr. Verheyen, visit his website at this link: To watch my other videos, visit my YouT more
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DevOps and Agile are two sides of the same Coin! Blog
by Martin Hinshelwood
4d ago
From my early days as a developer, encountering the challenges that paved the way for DevOps at Merrill Lynch, to the eventual understanding and implementation of DevOps philosophies, my journey has been both enlightening and transformative. This evolution wasn't just about adopting new tools or practices; it was about a fundamental shift in how we approach software development and operations. The early 2000s saw me and many others struggling through the chaos of development and deployment processes that were anything but smooth. The frustration born out of these experiences was a clear signa more
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Coaching-Haltung für Scrum Master – Teil 1: 5 essenzielle Fragen, um Blockaden zu lösen, den Lösungsraum zu öffnen und Zusammenarbeit zu ermöglichen Blog
by Simon Flossmann
5d ago
Viele Scrum Master finden es (noch) schwierig, eine Coaching-Haltung einzunehmen. Sie wissen nicht, wie sie sich absichtslos auf eine Situation einlassen können und nicht als Experten auftreten. Heute möchte ich dir helfen, die Haltung des Nicht-Wissenden einzunehmen. Du nimmst eine Coaching-Haltung ein, indem du aktiv zuhörst. Warum? Aktives Zuhören ist gleichbedeutend mit einer Absichtserklärung: Jetzt höre ich zu, jetzt bleibe ich neugierig, jetzt frage ich, um zu ermöglichen, nicht nur um zu verstehen. (Wie dir das gelingt, verrate ich dir im Artikel „Warum aktives Zuhören kein Soft-Skill more
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