Tired of Feedback Sounds from Your Hearing Aids? Here’s How You Can Deal With It!
Hearing Plus | Blogs on Hearing Aids
5y ago
The bad news? Hearing aids sometimes do create annoying feedback sounds. The good news? You can get rid of them very easily. No matter how stylish or upgraded your hearing aids are, you are sure to hear whistling sounds at some point while using them. While sometimes these sounds are normal, at other times it is an indication that something is wrong with your device. Even though the quality of sound you are experiencing with your hearing aid devices might be perfectly well, yet these whistling noises, known as feedback sounds might in a way affect your listening experience. There are many upd ..read more
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Ear Barotrauma and Eustachian Tube
Hearing Plus | Blogs on Hearing Aids
5y ago
Did you often feel pressure in the ears or have the sensation that your ears are stuffed, especially at higher altitudes? In such a situation, did you often feel the need to ‘pop’ your ears by actions like swallowing, yawning or chewing gum? Did the condition sometimes grow so adverse as to result in bleeding from your ears? This phenomenon is known as ear barotrauma in which you might feel pressure changes in your ears. What is Ear Barotrauma? Ear barotrauma is a condition in which a person faces discomfort in the ears due to pressure changes. In each ear, there is a tube that connects th ..read more
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Newborn Hearing Screening: Why is it Necessary?
Hearing Plus | Blogs on Hearing Aids
5y ago
Watching your sweet little baby for the first time - moving his/her tiny little hands and smiling at you is such a beautiful moment of happiness and pride. We know that you want the best for your child in every possible way. But do you know that a good life starts with good hearing? So before you come home with your newborn baby, there is one very important test to do (along with many others) - which is a hearing test, or newborn hearing screening. Yes, there are good chances that your newborn can hear. But according to studies, out of 97% of newborns screened, fewer than 1% are diagnosed wit ..read more
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Progressive Hearing Loss in Children and Adults
Hearing Plus | Blogs on Hearing Aids
5y ago
Do you know? Hearing loss is the third most common and leading health issues that affect people worldwide, and it can affect your relationships and deteriorate your quality of life. Although the most affected group is the old age, unfortunately, it might affect individuals belonging to any age group. And in most cases, progressive hearing loss is permanent and irreversible in nature. That means once you lose your hearing, it’s gone forever and you won’t be able to regain back your natural hearing. Hearing devices like hearing aids or cochlear implants can only help you to hear by amplifying th ..read more
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My Hearing Aids Got Wet! What to Do?
Hearing Plus | Blogs on Hearing Aids
5y ago
Did you just drop your hearing aid devices in water accidentally or forgot to take them out while having a cool shower? We know that you have been very careful with your devices since the first day, but accidents do occur! What to do in such a situation? We will talk about that in this blog. Electronics and water don’t mix, but that doesn’t mean that everything is lost. And the good news is that some modern digital hearing aids of today come with moisture-proof features that can protect your device during the sweaty summer seasons. So if you accidentally drop your hearing aids in water or for ..read more
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Perforated Eardrum: Symptoms, Causes and Consequences
Hearing Plus | Blogs on Hearing Aids
5y ago
While some are born with a perforated eardrum, in some people it happens in the course of their lifetime, due to various reasons like injuries or trauma or some infections or diseases. Whatever be the cause, the consequences of a ruptured eardrum are greater. The most serious effect of the condition is hearing loss. It might also make the internal and delicate parts of your ears vulnerable to various infections or injuries.   What is an Eardrum? In human beings and other tetrapods (four-limbed animals), an eardrum, also known as the tympanic membrane, is a thin, cone-shaped membrane that se ..read more
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9 Tips to Protect Our Hearing Health
Hearing Plus | Blogs on Hearing Aids
5y ago
While you have been worrying about how to choose the right hearing aid devices or which would be a reliable hearing aid clinic, did you know that you could have prevented this from happening? It would have been better if you turned the volume down while watching the favourite show of yours or listening to that favourite music. Yes, there are a host of reasons that might cause hearing loss, but most of the time it is due to exposure to loud noises. And surprisingly, most hearing loss problems are preventable. Prevention is always better than cure! Why Should I Protect My Hearing? It’s simpl ..read more
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I Can Hear, But I Cannot Understand!
Hearing Plus | Blogs on Hearing Aids
5y ago
Do you know what is the most received complaint from people who have recently started facing hearing difficulties? It’s ‘I can hear, but I cannot understand!’ or ‘the words appear blurry and unclear’, or ‘why don’t you speak clearly and stop mumbling?’, and the like. If this is the case with you, then yes it’s most likely that you have hearing loss. Or if you have faced any of your loved ones coming up with statements like this, try to help them out. You (or your loved one) need to treat this condition at the earliest - because most of the times, hearing loss is progressive in nature. Hearing ..read more
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How Do We Hear? An Insight into Our Hearing Mechanism!
Hearing Plus | Blogs on Hearing Aids
5y ago
Human beings can be an active part of this world only with the help of the five senses - namely sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. If one of the senses breaks down, an individual faces great changes with difficult challenges coming on the way.   Hearing Loss and Its Causes Partial or total inability to hear is termed as hearing loss. Various causes like ear infections, malformations in the internal ear structure, overexposure to loud noises, infections or other health conditions, genetic issues and even leading an unhealthy lifestyle might lead to hearing impairment. However, there is ..read more
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Do I Have Hearing Loss? 5 Early Signs and Symptoms
Hearing Plus | Blogs on Hearing Aids
5y ago
Hearing loss often comes in creepingly and gradually stealing your hearing ability without your knowledge until the damage is done. And in most of the cases, hearing loss is due to ageing - a condition known as presbycusis and is permanent in nature which is irreversible. In other words, once you lose your hearing, it is gone forever. You will, of course, be able to hear again with the help of hearing aids, but your natural hearing abilities won’t be recovered. One doesn’t realise that hearing loss has already entered into one’s happy life until the individual starts facing various problems ..read more
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