Ear Irrigation: Expert Guidance and Recommended Clinic
Sound Seekers
by Awajimijana Otana
8M ago
Ear wax isn’t just gunk in our ears. It’s nature’s way of keeping them clean, fighting off dirt, and blocking infections. But sometimes, there can be too much of a good thing. An excess build-up can give our ears some trouble. Now, why would there be too much wax? Several reasons! Our ear structure, age, use of hearing aids, earplugs, and habits like cotton bud usage play a part. People with conditions like psoriasis might also have more wax accumulation. Signs You Might Need Help Feelings of ear pain, fullness, ringing, or dizziness? You might have excessive wax. If these symptoms sound f ..read more
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Tinnitus after ear wax removal
Sound Seekers
by Awajimijana Otana
8M ago
After an ear wax removal procedure, some side effects might occur which could cast doubts about the success of the procedure. But many times, side effects do not mean that an ear wax removal procedure was not successful. They are just what they are- side effects. Some of these side effects include tinnitus, pain in the ear, vertigo, trauma to the ear, infection, and even damage to the eardrum. Some side effects like tinnitus and vertigo can be transient and go away after a short while. At other times they persist. Although side effects like tinnitus could sometimes be particularly nerve-r ..read more
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Do ear candles work?
Sound Seekers
by Awajimijana Otana
8M ago
In search of alternatives to professional methods of doing things, some people devise many procedures, with some of them beneficial, while others do more harm than good. Where ear wax removal is concerned, sticking objects like cotton buds or swabs into the ear is usually the first alternative approach many people try out, before they think of going to the professionals. With its attendant dangers, sticking objects into the ear has been shown to be dangerous.  Talking about sticking objects into the ear, another practice that comes to mind is the use of ear candles. Proponents of ear c ..read more
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Glue ear: Everything parents need to know about glue ear – symptoms, causes, and treatment options
Sound Seekers
by Awajimijana Otana
8M ago
You are probably just walking out of an audiology appointment where you were told you were told your child has glue ear or you’ve been told by a friend that your child is probably not listening because they cannot hear you due to glue ear. You’re wondering what this is and would like to know what this may mean for your child’s development. Could this be the reason they are not speaking yet? Is this why almost everyone struggles to understand their speech? Maybe this is why they have been acting a little off lately? I answer these important questions from a Paediatric audiologist’s perspectiv ..read more
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Microsuction Ear Wax Removal: Expert Guidance and Recommended Clinic
Sound Seekers
by Awajimijana Otana
8M ago
In many cases, ear wax can be harmless, posing no real danger, as there are natural mechanisms which ideally should take care of it. The ear is naturally self-cleaning. When dead skin from the inner ear begins to migrate out, it naturally pushes out old ear wax as it is coming out. But sometimes, things go awry, and this natural process gets halted. Ear wax can build up as a result of this, and many upsetting symptoms would be the result. Pains in the ear(s), hearing loss, a ringing sensation in the ear (tinnitus), and dizziness are some of the symptoms you could notice. When you notice the ..read more
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Ear Syringing: Expert Guidance and Recommended Clinic
Sound Seekers
by Awajimijana Otana
8M ago
Ear syringing was the go-to procedure for ear wax removal until about two decades ago when the evidence-base showed it poses too many risks to patients, hence the decision to discredit this procedure by NICE.   Book a safer procedure → Professionally accepted methods of ear wax removal include Microsuction Ear Wax Removal, Ear Irrigation, Endoscopic Ear Wax Removal among others. When newer and safer procedures bear some resemblance to older practices, it becomes important to distinguish between them so patients can make well-informed decisions. What is Ear Syringing? Ear Syrin ..read more
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Ear Wax Removal: Comprehensive Professional Guidance and Same-day Service
Sound Seekers
by Awajimijana Otana
8M ago
Ear wax: What is it? Earwax, medically known as cerumen, is a natural acidic substance produced by glands in the skin of the outer ear canal to lubricate, protect and clean the ear. Earwax acts as a natural barrier, preventing dirt, bacteria, and other foreign particles from entering the inner ear. Without earwax, the outer ear might become dry, itchy, and more susceptible to infections. Our ears are self-cleaning. The skin of the ear canal has a special ability to move, somewhat like a conveyor belt. New skin cells are produced in the outer part of the ear canal, and older skin cells are p ..read more
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Glue ear treatment: Innovative solutions for treating glue ear
Sound Seekers
by Awajimijana Otana
1y ago
Glue ear, also known as otitis media with effusion, is a common condition that affects many children and adults. It occurs when the middle ear becomes filled with a sticky fluid, which can lead to hearing loss and other complications. In most cases, patients with glue ear will have an associated conductive hearing loss because sound cannot travel efficiently to the inner due to the fluid blockage. A conductive hearing loss caused by glue ear is usually temporary and would resolve when the glue ear does.  Over the years treatment for glue ear has evolved with some relatively new treatmen ..read more
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Glue Ear and Toddler Speech Delay: 10 amazing expert discoveries to boost your child’s speech and language
Sound Seekers
by Awajimijana Otana
1y ago
In toddlers, glue ear can cause a mild to moderate hearing loss which in turn could result in speech delay or speech regression. As a paediatric audiologist, I understand that glue ear can be a frustrating condition for parents and caregivers. It occurs when the middle ear fills with fluid, leading to a buildup of pressure that can cause temporary hearing loss. This can be especially challenging for toddlers who are still learning to communicate. After the diagnosis of glue ear in clinic, here 10 practical strategies I advise parents to follow to help with the child’s language skills: 1 ..read more
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Glue ear: Everything parents need to know about glue ear – symptoms, causes, and treatment options
Sound Seekers
by Awajimijana Otana
1y ago
You are probably just walking out of an audiology appointment where you were told you were told your child has glue ear or you’ve been told by a friend that your child is probably not listening because they cannot hear you due to glue ear. You’re wondering what this is and would like to know what this may mean for your child’s development. Could this be the reason they are not speaking yet? Is this why almost everyone struggles to understand their speech? Maybe this is why they have been acting a little off lately? I answer these important questions from a Paediatric audiologist’s perspectiv ..read more
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