Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament
Catholic Faith Corner
by srkathleen
2d ago
St. Pope Pius X said that Mary’s title Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament is perhaps the most meaningful of all. In this second part of my talk last week, you will see why.              “Mary can guide us toward this most holy sacrament because she herself has a profound relationship with it,” St. Pope John Paul II claimed. He further connected this sacrament to Mary by making the Eucharist the fifth mystery of her Rosary in his new set of Luminous Mysteries.             When Gabr ..read more
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A Eucharistic Revival in Your Heart
Catholic Faith Corner
by srkathleen
1w ago
A strong tie exists between Mary and the Blessed Sacrament. In preparing my talk about this to parishioners at St. John of the Cross parish on May 20, I reviewed a lot but I also learned a lot. This week I’ll share some of these thoughts pertaining to the Eucharist. Next week will be about Mary and her connection to the Eucharist. This talk was timely because we are in the midst of a three-year Eucharistic revival; it’s May, Mary’s month; and the day happened to be the feast of Mary, Mother of the Church, that Pope Francis proclaimed in 2018. The National Eucharistic Pilgrimage The Eucharist ..read more
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Mindful Living for Presence and Purpose
Catholic Faith Corner
by srkathleen
2w ago
Today I offer a guest blog for the first time: “Mindful Living: Infuse Your Daily Routine with Presence and Purpose.” I’m grateful to its author, Jill Palmer. You might wonder what mindfulness is doing on a Catholic blog. Actually, awareness of the present moment is a fundamental feature of spirituality. It leads to trusting God and being filled with peace. Read on…. Incorporating mindfulness into your daily life can lead to profound changes, enhancing your well-being and bringing a deeper sense of fulfillment. This practice, centered on being fully present and engaged in the moment, transfor ..read more
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Joy, An Inexpensive Gift
Catholic Faith Corner
by srkathleen
3w ago
            We are filled with great joy when we bring someone else a little joy and happiness. Bishop Anthony Pilla once told us Cleveland religious that we ought to practice the diaconate of humor.  A deacon is someone who serves. One way we serve others by creating humor. St. Padre Pio said, “Serve the Lord with laughter.” We must teach laughter to a world that has almost forgotten how to laugh. Joy is contagious.  My mother had nine siblings. They had no TV or Internet, but they had a record of people laughing. When they pla ..read more
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Joy, How to Maintain This “Best Makeup”
Catholic Faith Corner
by srkathleen
1M ago
            In preparing my talk to religious in New Orleans, I came across Anne Lamott’s words: “Joy is the best makeup.” This is true because a person who is full of joy has a radiant face. Peace and happiness shine forth from it. Eyes sparkle, cheeks are rosy, lips curve in a pleasant smile.             My talk was geared to consecrated people: sisters, brothers, priests, and a hermit. However, huge portions of it also apply to anyone. So, in this blog, I will share them with you ..read more
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From Death to Heaven: Preparing Now
Catholic Faith Corner
by srkathleen
1M ago
Looking down from my balcony, I saw this lovely tree in full bloom. Quite an Easter-y sight!  A few days later 60-mile-per-hour wind gusts stripped the tree and carpeted my balcony with its white petals. The shadow on the left side of the photo was like an omen of what would befall the tree. And me.                   As I grow older, I appreciate each day and each experience more. I realize that my time on earth is running out like the sand trickling out of an hourglass. How will I spend what’s left of m ..read more
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An Explosion of Celebrations
Catholic Faith Corner
by srkathleen
1M ago
Monday, April 8, was a day to remember. It was jam-packed with celebrations. First of all, living in Cleveland, I was treated to the splendor of a solar eclipse. Moon pies and blackout forest cake were served for dessert the night before. People dressed in yellow and black. I played songs like “Moon River” and “You Are My Sunshine” on the piano. After the eclipse, I watched the Guardians home opener game, in which they eclipsed the Chicago White Sox 4-0.                   Liturgically, Monday was a fantastic ..read more
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Mary’s Sacrifice: When Nothing Is Too Much
Catholic Faith Corner
by srkathleen
2M ago
This week a Gospel was about Mary of Bethany anointing the feet of Jesus. I love this outrageous gesture that expressed a wholehearted love. Mary, her sister Martha, and her brother Lazarus were Jesus’s best friends. He enjoyed their company and no doubt saw his visits to their home as a welcome respite.                   We first meet Mary at her home, curled up at the feet of Jesus, drinking in his every word. She assumed the position of a disciple, and Jesus praises her for her rapt attention to him. (Her ..read more
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St. Joseph, Second Greatest Saint, a Foster Father
Catholic Faith Corner
by srkathleen
2M ago
In a humorous video on Facebook, a man lamented that St. Patrick’s feast was celebrated in grand style, while the Solemnity of St. Joseph two days later was observed quietly. This subdued celebration reflects the personality of the foster father of Jesus. The Gospels report not one word that he spoke. (By the way, the greatest saint is not St. Patrick, but Joseph’s wife, Mary.)                   Joseph was the right partner for the most powerful woman on earth. Theirs was a match made in heaven. This humble c ..read more
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In Praise of Life
Catholic Faith Corner
by srkathleen
2M ago
As I grow older, I’m valuing the gift of life more and more. As Ferris Bueller said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” This echoes Psalm 90: “Our life is over like a sigh. Our span is seventy years or eighty for those who are strong….Make us know the shortness of our life that we may gain wisdom of heart.” The Hubble telescope that NASA gave us an awesome view of the galaxy Andromeda, the one closest to us. It makes you dizzy. Each dot is a star, many bigger than our sun. And there are billions of them. Beyond Andromeda there are z ..read more
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