6 Lifestyle & Exercise Tips To Keep Your Heart Healthy
Paras Hospitals
by SEO
2y ago
Tips To Keep Your Heart Healthy Keeping your heart healthy is essential. Whether or not you have heart problems symptoms, it is still imperative that you take active steps to ensure that your diet and exercise are as good as they can be so that you can have proper heart functioning and live a healthier and longer life. In fact, knowing how to improve heart health quickly lies in the small details of your routine that you may take for granted. Be it the breakfast you eat or the stairs you avoid walking up. If you want to know how to keep your heart healthy and strong, here is the best cardiolog ..read more
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Book A Consultation With the Best Cardiologist in Delhi NCR (Gurgaon)
Paras Hospitals
by Paras Hospitals
3y ago
Cardiology is a branch of internal medicine that treats heart disorders and other areas of the circulatory system, making it a delicate and highly specialised field. Whether you or a loved one needs therapeutic, diagnostic, or preventive services for any kind of cardiovascular disease, there is ample heart specialist in Delhi NCR to cater to your needs. The key is to find the best cardiology hospital in Delhi NCR, and it will be equipped with the best staff, equipment, and expertise for any kind of cardiac care required. Book A Consultation With the Best and Specialist Cardiologist in Delhi N ..read more
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Prevention of Heart Disease
Paras Hospitals
by Paras Hospitals
3y ago
Prevention of Heart Disease Heart disease is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality not only in India but throughout the world. But in the last few years, different trends have been seen regarding heart disease in India compared to the west. While deaths due to cardiovascular disease have declined 40% between 1990 and 2016 in the USA, they rose by 35% in India in the same period. So, there is an urgent need to review Indian policies and programs for checking heart risk factors. Early detection of heart disease can help in the prevention of heart disease & reducing heart risk factors ..read more
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COVID and Heart Disease
Paras Hospitals
by Paras Hospitals
3y ago
Ever since coronavirus disease (COVID-19) was declared a pandemic by World Health Organisation (WHO), it became clear that the disease behaved differently among different subsets of patients. Pre-existing Cardiovascular disease and hypertension along with diabetes and advanced age, have emerged as fairly strong associates of a poor outcome in patients with this disease. There have been some recent reports of patients with Covid-19 infection presenting as an acute myocardial infarction. When they were subjected to coronary angiography, it was found to be normal. Even though the advent has been ..read more
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What heart patients should know about corona virus?
Paras Hospitals
by Paras Hospitals
3y ago
What heart patients should know about coronavirus? This disease is caused by the virus, was first reported in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December and has since sickened hundreds of thousands of people and killed thousands around the globe. For most people, in approx. 80% of cases the illness is mild. However, this virus can cause severe illness with complications like pneumonia, organ failure, and even death in patients with underlying health conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, high BP, diabetes, or cancer. For people with underlying heart issues, the concern is serious. It appe ..read more
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How laughing can benefit your Heart
Paras Hospitals
by Paras Hospitals
4y ago
Laughter is good for our mind, body and soul. In recent years, studies have shown a strong link between our emotions and cardiovascular health. It also shows that hostility, anger, depression, anxiety and social isolation all lead to higher rates of heart disease. So that we can say Laughing is a great way to release tension, relax and naturally improve the function of our blood vessels to increase blood flow. It boosts the immune system and decreases stress hormones. Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. It is a powerful tool to help co ..read more
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Managing Hypertension
Paras Hospitals
by Paras Hospitals
4y ago
Hypertension is a global health concern and is responsible for most of the deaths worldwide. Persons with hypertension are at high risk for diseases of other organs also. Following are the major complications of hypertension Heart diseases and heart attacks Stroke Kidney failure Aneurysm of various arteries Hypertensive retinopathy Peripheral arterial disease leading to amputations HOW TO MANAGE HYPERTENSION There are certain unmodifiable risk factors like age and race which cannot be corrected. But definitely there are certain measures, we can adopt to keep our blood pressure in check. BA ..read more
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Paras Hospitals
by Paras Hospitals
4y ago
WHAT IS HYPERTENSION Hypertension or high blood pressure means that the pressure blood exerts on the arteries that carry the blood to various organs of the body is higher than normal. High pressure is a risk factor to various diseases of heart including heart attacks and heart failure, stroke or brain attack and kidney. As per WHO estimation, the prevalence of hypertension in India at present ranges from 25-30% in urban population and 15-20% in rural population. It is rising as the time is progressing. Though it is more prevalent in old age, the prevalence is rising in younger age groups becau ..read more
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Essential Do’S And Dont’s For Heart Patients Fasting In Ramdan
Paras Hospitals
by Paras Hospitals
4y ago
More than one billion Muslims worldwide abstain from food, drink, and oral medications from dawn to sunset during the holy month of Ramadan. Patients with chronic illnesses are exempt but most elect to fast. The fasting period typically lasts 15 to 16 hours, and two meals are eaten during the night. People with heart problems should take extra precautions while fasting during Ramadan, and consult their cardiologists, particularly in determining the proper timing and dosage of their medications, in order to avoid complications. Patients should consult their cardiologists on how their medication ..read more
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Test to Help Diagnose Aortic Valve Insufficiency
Paras Hospitals
by Paras Hospitals
5y ago
Aortic Valve Insufficiency is a disorder caused due to defect in the main artery and the pumping chamber of your heart. This condition is triggered by the tightening of aortic valve opening which reduces the flow of blood from the heart into the aorta and other parts of the body. The blood flows backward into the left ventricle as the aortic valve does not close properly. The symptoms include chest tightness and pain, irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, swelling of feet and ankles, dizziness and fainting. In this article, we learn about the various tests to help the diagnosis of Aortic V ..read more
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