What is an Au Pair?
Go Au Pair - Host Family Blog
by Joan Lowell
3w ago
Au Pair Meaning / Definition While each host family will have a different experience and their own version of what an Au Pair means to them, let’s look at a general definition. An Au Pair is a young person from another country, between the ages of 18-26, who lives with a family for one to two years on a J-1 exchange visa while providing childcare in exchange for a stipend, education contribution, and room-and-board. It is an amazing cultural exchange opportunity for both the Host Family and the Au Pair, as the time spent together allows families and Au Pairs to share culture through food, lang ..read more
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Proven Remedies for Night Terrors in Toddlers: Turning Nightmares Into Sweet Dreams
Go Au Pair - Host Family Blog
by Michael Green
3M ago
Your little one is your whole world, and when they wake up screaming in the middle of the night, it can be terrifying. Sometimes, as parents, night terrors can feel as frightening for you as they do for your child. Go Au Pair is here to help you navigate this challenging and completely normal problem in toddlerhood.  What causes night terrors in toddlers? How can you avoid these scary nighttime wakings? We have trusted remedies for night terrors in toddlers. Learn more about the root causes of child night terrors and what you can do to support your toddler through this development phase ..read more
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Embracing Cultural Diversity: Examples in Everyday Life
Go Au Pair - Host Family Blog
by Michael Green
3M ago
Imagine a world where every dinner table conversation brings stories from different cultural backgrounds, and every game teaches a lesson from a distant land. This is the vibrant tapestry of cultural diversity. Each culture offers unique norms, values, and practices that enrich our global community. Embracing and celebrating this diversity, especially from a young age, opens doors to a world of understanding and acceptance. What better way to introduce children to this kaleidoscope of cultures than through the personal experience of hosting an au pair from another part of the world? It’s not j ..read more
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Overcoming Middle Child Syndrome: How to Help Your Child Thrive
Go Au Pair - Host Family Blog
by Michael Green
3M ago
In the 1960s, renowned psychologist Alfred Adler introduced the world to a concept that would permeate pop culture and influence a myriad of Hollywood storylines: the “middle child syndrome.” This theory suggested a profound influence of birth order on children’s psychological development and personality traits, particularly those sandwiched between siblings. But is middle child syndrome real? As we journey through the decades, Adler’s theory continues to spark discussions and debates. The question that emerges in modern times is whether this concept of middle child syndrome has any substantia ..read more
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Culture Shock: A Guide for Au Pairs Navigating New Cultures
Go Au Pair - Host Family Blog
by Michael Green
4M ago
When you visit a new place for the first time, feeling disoriented and overwhelmed is a common experience as you adjust to a new location. This phenomenon is known as culture shock.  Culture shock affects people all over the world, and fortunately, it’s usually a temporary phase that diminishes as you get used to your new home. So, what is cultural shock, and how does it affect au pairs? In this article, we’ll offer a culture shock definition and provide some tips to help you adjust to your new surroundings. What is a Culture Shock? Culture shock is a phenomenon experienced when leaving ..read more
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How to Stop Yelling at Your Kids: A Compassionate Guide for Parents
Go Au Pair - Host Family Blog
by Michael Green
5M ago
We all know children don’t come with instruction manuals. Even though there’s no shortage of books on child-rearing and child psychology, every child has their quirks and personality, and just when you think you’ve got a handle on parenting, they grow and change. Whether you’re the primary caregiver for children in your home, share responsibilities with a spouse, or are lucky enough to have a capable and experienced au pair, kids can test your patience. It’s not uncommon to find yourself frequently yelling at your children out of sheer frustration. Of course, most parents don’t want to yell ..read more
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How to Get Kids to Clean Up: 10 Tips to Try
Go Au Pair - Host Family Blog
by Michael Green
7M ago
Figuring out how to get kids to clean up can often feel like solving a puzzle, but it becomes much more straightforward with the proper techniques. Teaching kids the importance of tidying up is not just about maintaining a neat home; it’s about instilling a sense of responsibility and discipline. Studies have proven time and time again that chores are crucial for a child’s development and success. Research from a well-known 75-year Harvard study explored psychosocial variables and biological processes in childhood that could predict health and well-being in later life. Researchers concluded th ..read more
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How to Get a Toddler to Eat: Everything You Need to Know
Go Au Pair - Host Family Blog
by Michael Green
7M ago
Every parent knows the dance of coaxing a toddler to eat. In fact, more than 25% of toddlers and preschoolers are considered “picky eaters” by their parents. Mealtime becomes a delicate balance of finding the right foods to entice their taste buds, employing clever distractions, and sometimes resorting to a bit of playful negotiation — all in the name of ensuring they receive the nourishment they need to grow and thrive.  So how do we make mealtime less of a struggle and more of a delightful experience? Here’s your comprehensive guide on understanding toddler eating patterns and how to ge ..read more
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2023 LoveMyAuPair Contest Winner!
Go Au Pair - Host Family Blog
by Michael Green
7M ago
Embarking on the journey of parenthood has proven to be unexpectedly challenging for both my husband and me. Accustomed to diligent work and more-frequent-than-not success, we naively anticipated that raising children would follow a similar trajectory. However, reality hit hard, particularly with our eldest, a 5-year-old who is neurodivergent. Supporting him and maintaining equilibrium in the family has presented one of the most formidable challenges I’ve faced. Recognizing the need for assistance after the arrival of our second child, we started to explore the au pair program. While our love ..read more
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Our 2023 LoveMyAuPair Contest Runner-up!
Go Au Pair - Host Family Blog
by Michael Green
7M ago
A is for A Great Injustice. Last year, about this time, as the green leaves turned beet-red and golden, A Great Injustice was committed: Our Au Pair was not declared International Au Pair Of The Year. It might be that the title was too lowly, for she would easily be a candidate for The Best Au Pair In The Entire Universe Award. As our AP’s year expired in the Spring that might have been that… but…. our AP, after my wife and I begged and groveled, agreed to delay college to help us raise our kids for a second year. (#AlwaysComesThroughInAPinch) And so now our AP has another shot at the title! L ..read more
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