Understanding Plantar Fasciitis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Canberra Podiatry Blog
by Michelle
2M ago
Introduction: Plantar fasciitis is a common yet often misunderstood condition that affects the feet, causing pain and discomfort. Whether you’re an athlete, a busy professional, or simply someone who enjoys walking, understanding plantar fasciitis is crucial for managing its symptoms and preventing its recurrence. In this blog post, we’ll delve into what plantar fasciitis is, its causes, symptoms, and effective treatment options. What is Plantar Fasciitis? Plantar fasciitis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue that runs across the bottom o ..read more
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Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy
Canberra Podiatry Blog
by admin-cp
1y ago
We see people every week who suffer from Plantar fasciitis and other tendon pathologies. There’s no doubt these conditions can be extremely painful and without treatment, they can turn into chronic pain. If treatment isn’t sought for such issues, the bodies defence mechanism basically gives up and there is a disconnection between the brain and the injured area. At Canberra Podiatry we provide Extracorporeal shock wave therapy, and the beauty of this treatment is that it flips the switch back on and allows your body to heal itself naturally. It increases the blood flow to the affected area whic ..read more
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Calling all Tradies
Canberra Podiatry Blog
by admin-cp
1y ago
Last week we looked at Ladies shoes, this week let’s look at the Tradies. Canberra is full of tradies and your footwear whilst on the job is really important. A common problem among tradies is having foot problems caused by their safety footwear such as sore feet. These foot problems extend beyond just the building industry, as people across all trade industries, from construction to mechanics, complain their safety footwear is uncomfortable and does more harm than good for their feet. Common issues we see at Canberra Podiatry with Tradies Feet Sore Feet and Legs Given that safety boots are he ..read more
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Ladies, Ladies, Ladies.
Canberra Podiatry Blog
by admin-cp
1y ago
We jam them in heels, we are always running after our kids, shopping, working, prepping meals etc, modern women are always busy (and there’s no doubt many men are too) but this Blog is all about the ladies, and we need to remember to take care of our feet too. Our feet take huge impacts every day, seriously who doesn’t love a good foot rub at the end of a hard day, and the good news is that you don’t need to pay for expensive spa treatments etc to keep your tootsies in good shape. These ideas can help your feet feel great:   Remember when your Mum said to wash your feet and in between yo ..read more
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Corns and Calluses
Canberra Podiatry Blog
by admin-cp
1y ago
At Canberra Podiatry we treat every issue that is associated with your lower limb health, but when people ask us what we treat more than any other issue, the answer is Corns and Calluses. Since 1997 we’ve helped provide relief to our Canberra patients for this common issue. Corns and calluses cause pain, they are extremely uncomfortable and let’s be honest, they don’t look aesthetically pleasing either. To prevent them, we need to work out what the underlying issue is. Just as every patient is different, and every foot is different, the cause of corns and calluses is different in each case too ..read more
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Are your feet ready for the Ski Season?
Canberra Podiatry Blog
by admin-cp
1y ago
Your whole body cops a massive workout when skiing, but your feet and ankles are extremely important if you’re going to “Char the Pow”. It’s imperative that you keep them happy and healthy to enjoy what the mountains just to our South have to offer. The Skin Blisters are commonplace when frictional forces are increased on the foot, you know what happens when you put on a pair of ill-fitting shoes, you get blisters. Anywhere your poor fitting ski boot rubs can cause blisters, the same can be said for socks and clothing too. Keeping your feet warm and dry (as we’ve discussed in a previous blog ..read more
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Winter Foot Care in Canberra
Canberra Podiatry Blog
by admin-cp
1y ago
Winter Foot Care Tips. Well winter is finally approaching in the ACT and let’s be honest who doesn’t love curling up on the couch with a cuppa and a good book or a game of footy with the fire roaring, but as leading podiatrists in Canberra we know winter can present some challenges for your foot health. Given our feet are rarely out of shoes, uggs and boots over the colder months, it’s easy to take a set and forget approach to our feet, but we shouldn’t ignore them, cracked heels due to dryness and fungal toenails seem to make a resurgence over the Canberra winter. Here are some Canberra Podia ..read more
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Metatarsalgia, is it just pain in the ball of the foot?
Canberra Podiatry Blog
by admin-cp
1y ago
Metatarsalgia is a general term used to describe a painful foot condition in the metatarsal area of the foot (the area just before the toes, most commonly known as the ball-of-the-foot). This is a common foot disorder that can affect the bones and joints at the ball-of-the-foot. Metatarsalgia is quite often located under the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th metatarsal heads, or more isolated at the first metatarsal head (near the big toe). Who can suffer from Metatarsalgia? Anyone can get Metatarsalgia, although runners and participants in high impact sports can suffer from the condition more frequently than ..read more
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Soft or Hard? And we aren’t talking Eggs, we are talking Orthotics.
Canberra Podiatry Blog
by admin-cp
1y ago
It’s a question we get asked weekly at Canberra Podiatry, should I get Soft or Hard Orthotics? Well, the simple answer is, it depends. There are merits to both devices, and it all comes down to what you are being treated for. Misconception All hard orthotics are uncomfortable. This is simply not true, at Canberra Podiatry we make custom orthotics on the premises in our laboratory and have been doing so since 1997, we know that depending on your condition there are multiple options for orthotics to help you and we use this knowledge to make comfortable and more importantly practical and functio ..read more
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General Podiatry Care
Canberra Podiatry Blog
by admin-cp
1y ago
There are many reasons why your general foot care could be not what it should be such as injuries, old age, and being time poor. Whilst we diagnose problems with feet and lower limbs at Canberra Podiatry, all day every day, we also take pride in helping people maintain good foot health through general podiatry services. General Podiatry Services. Toenail care Callous and corn removal Tinea and fungal nail diagnosis and treatment Ingrown toenail prevention, treatment and surgical correction Diabetic foot health review Wart treatment Our Podiatrists keep up with the latest techniques and treat ..read more
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