Advanced Podiatry
1y ago
Foot bursitis is fairly common, especially among athletes and runners. Bursitis is an inflammation of the bursa. The bursa is a small, fluid-filled sac that cushions and lubricates your joints and bones. Although your foot has just one natural bursa, other bursae can form in injured areas of your foot and ankle. Bursitis Causes Foot bursitis usually results from an injury, or a lot of stress, as with overuse of the feet, repetitive impact motions on hard floors, badly fitting shoes, inadequate stretching, walking in high heels, or being overweight a ..read more
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Health Benefits of Walking
Advanced Podiatry
2y ago
The foot is an incredible structure with 26 bones, 32 joints, 103 ligaments, and numerous muscles and tendons, each component relies on the others to work properly. One of the best things we can do to keep our feet healthy is to use them. Walking can help improve the overall function of your feet.   Promoting good circulation through walking is important for your feet. Circulation is also critical in helping to fight infection if you have a bruise, or cut on your foot. Proper blood supply provides oxygen and nutrients to the structures of the foot and removes waste products. Good cir ..read more
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Different Shoes for Walking and Running
Advanced Podiatry
2y ago
Are running shoes good for walking?   Both running and walking are forward motions. For both activities you need cushion and shock absorption in your shoes. With similar movements, improper footwear in either activity, can eventually lead to similar foot problems: sprains, strains, stress fractures, tendinitis, and plantar fasciitis.   Walking versus running have different gates. Therefore, wear patterns will form on your sneakers at very different rates. So it’s really best not to use the same pair of shoes for the two different activities. Having two separate pairs - One dedicated ..read more
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Buying and Replacing Sport - Specific Footwear
Advanced Podiatry
2y ago
Running, basketball, volleyball, hiking, and tennis are some of the activities for which it is essential to have a sport-specific shoe. This is especially true if you are a more serious athlete who wants to maximize your performance.   A good quality running shoe is essential. Look for a light, flexible style that will absorb the repetitive impact of the foot hitting the ground.   Sometimes, shoes look and feel fine, even when they are worn out. So a way to keep tabs on them is mileage and time.  Running and walking shoes should be replaced after 300 to 500 miles of use. Basketb ..read more
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Children and Exercise
Advanced Podiatry
2y ago
More and more emphasis is being placed on teaching our youngsters about living a healthy lifestyle.  Kids are taught early on to eat well, stay active and to be aware of their bodies.  Much advancement has been made in the areas of pediatric diet and exercise routines.  As we encourage more activity and exercise we need to be aware of the strains that this can put on a developing child.  Open growth plates place a unique set of circumstances on the management of these young athletes.    At Advanced Podiatry we are well versed in the treatment and management of thi ..read more
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Stress Fractures - By Dr Arden Smith
Advanced Podiatry
2y ago
Older adults are particularly vulnerable to stress fractures, or tiny cracks in the bone, because the trabeculae, the spongy tissue that connects your bodies bones, thin with age. The most common symptom is pain with activity that subsides with rest.    At Advanced Podiatry we saw a lot of stress fractures throughout the pandemic. People were barefoot more because they worked from home, and they gained  weight, which together is not a good combination.   It’s important to realize that the symptoms of a stress fracture are more subtle than those you may experi ..read more
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Put Advanced Podiatry on Your Diabetic Team
Advanced Podiatry
2y ago
Two complications of diabetes are nerve damage and restricted bloodflow to the legs and feet. Both increase the risk of various foot complications.    Nerve damage decreases the feeling in your feet, a common condition called peripheral neuropathy. Reduced blood flow to the feet makes it harder to heal an injury, or resist an infection. Left untreated, even minor cuts and blisters can become serious infections that ultimately may require toe, foot, or leg amputation.   This is why it’s important to have an Advanced Podiatry podiatrist on your "diabetes care team". Work ..read more
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The Importance Of Foot Health Increases As You Age
Advanced Podiatry
2y ago
Over our lifetime, your feet will carry you more than 216 million steps, or more than 100,000 miles. That’s a lot of time spent on your feet and, as you age, it becomes more important than ever to take good care of them. People unable to move about suffer numerous physical, psychological, and social afflictions as a result, or indirect result, of foot dysfunction.  It is not simply how they look, but how they work that matters most.   Wearing poorly fitting shoes can cause corns, calluses, blisters, ingrown toenails, and even sprains and strains. Corns and calluses are areas of thick ..read more
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Mister Blister, where’d you come from?
Advanced Podiatry
2y ago
Ever had a day when you come home from a long day’s work where you’re standing for long periods of time in uncomfortable shoes and notice what appears to be a skin bubble on a sore part of your feet? This is known as a blister. A blister essentially a fluid-filled pocket in the skin.  By and large blisters are due to the excessive friction or abrasive force which breaks down the layers of the skin causing fluid to fill it. Though they can form from ill-fitted shoes, whether they may be too tight or too loose, they can also form when individuals walk, stand or run for an extended length of ..read more
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Advanced Podiatry
Advanced Podiatry
2y ago
At Advanced Podiatry our goal is to keep all of our patients moving pain free. Our patients put lots of miles on their feet either while working, taking their kids to activities, enjoying their favorite past times and for some running actual races. The biggest concerns for those patient athletes are appropriate shoe gear and support from a custom orthotic, stretching and proper recovery, and the treatment of blisters and painful calluses.     One runner that has caught our attention at Advanced Podiatry is Oz Pearlman. Late Friday night, Pearlman broke the re ..read more
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