Understanding Plantar Plate Rupture
The Foot Clinic Podiatry Blog
by Jessica Arnott
9M ago
Your feet are remarkable, and there’s a hidden hero in them called the “plantar plate.” This small but essential structure keeps your toes stable, allowing you to walk and run comfortably. At TFC Podiatry, we understand the importance of foot health, and in this blog post, we’ll shed light on plantar plate rupture and what you can do to keep your feet in top shape. What Is Plantar Plate Rupture? A Plantar plate rupture happens when your toes experience unusual pressure over time. Not only is it very painful, but it can lead to issues like claw toes, where your toes appear bent when not bearing ..read more
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Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction
The Foot Clinic Podiatry Blog
by Jessica Arnott
1y ago
After running the Melbourne Marathon in 2021 I suffered a chronic injury to both of my feet called posterior tibial tendon dysfunction. Today I’m going to write about this injury and how to successfully treat it. Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction (PTTD) is a common foot and ankle injury to the tibial tendon where it becomes inflamed or torn, which may result in adult acquired flat foot deformity if left untreated. PTTD occurs from a result of overuse to the posterior tibial tendon causing inflammation and microtrauma. Common symptoms of PTTD include: Pain along the inside of the arch of the ..read more
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Sesamoiditis | Why is My Big Toe Sore?
The Foot Clinic Podiatry Blog
by Jessica Arnott
1y ago
Do you have a sore big toe? You may have sesamoiditis. Sesamoiditis is a condition characterised by the inflammation of the sesamoid bones in the ball of the foot. This condition typically occurs due to overuse and is common among dancers, runners, and people with high-arched feet.  In this blog post, we will delve deeper into the symptoms associated with the condition and explore various treatment options available. Symptoms of Sesamoiditis Sesamoiditis typically develops gradually, and recognising its symptoms can help in seeking timely treatment. While there can be many causes of a sor ..read more
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Chilblains | Symptoms & Treatment
The Foot Clinic Podiatry Blog
by Jessica Arnott
1y ago
Winter is here! And unfortunately, so also are chilblains. If the cold weather has resulted in your toes becoming red itchy or swollen, you may have chilblains. Chilblains often appear as red or purple patches on the toes. What causes chilblains? When our feet are cold or exposed to cold temperatures the capillaries in our toes shrink to maintain heat and warmth. If we then warm our feet too quickly this can lead to fluid and blood leaking into the toes and causing chilblains.  Chilblains are quite common and can affect anyone of any age. However, we most commonly see them in older patien ..read more
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Bunions: Understanding the Condition
The Foot Clinic Podiatry Blog
by Jessica Arnott
1y ago
Bunions are a frustrating and often painful reality for so many people. These bony growths that form on the side of the foot near the big toe can make it tough to enjoy even the simplest activities like walking or standing. The expert team at TFC Podiatry is here to help because we know just how much a bunion can affect your daily life and we’re passionate about relieving your discomfort and restoring your mobility. Symptoms of Bunions Pain and discomfort in the affected area Swelling and redness Difficulty wearing certain types of shoes Problems with walking and standing Calluses and hammer ..read more
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What is SWIFT Therapy for Wart Removal?
The Foot Clinic Podiatry Blog
by Jessica Arnott
1y ago
If you have a wart on your foot, you may be considering various treatment options for wart removal. One option that you may have heard of is SWIFT Therapy. What is SWIFT Therapy? SWIFT Therapy is a relatively new, minimally invasive treatment for warts on the foot. It involves a handheld device that delivers a combination of radiofrequency (RF) energy and heat to the wart. This treatment is designed to destroy the HPV (human papillomavirus) that causes warts and stimulate the body’s immune response to help get rid of the wart. Benefits of SWIFT Therapy for Wart Removal It is relatively quick ..read more
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What Should You Do If You Sprain Your Ankle?
The Foot Clinic Podiatry Blog
by Jessica Arnott
1y ago
Have you sprained your ankle? First and foremost, it’s important to determine the severity of your ankle sprain. If you’re experiencing severe pain, difficulty putting weight on your foot, or if your ankle is visibly deformed, you should seek medical attention right away. This is especially important if you suspect you may have broken a bone. If your ankle is simply swollen and painful, but not severely so, you can try some initial steps at home to help reduce swelling and discomfort. The acronym RICE (rest, ice, compress, elevate) is a helpful way to remember the key elements of initial treat ..read more
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5 Tips to Help Prevent Ingrown Toenails
The Foot Clinic Podiatry Blog
by Jessica Arnott
1y ago
Ingrown toenails can be painful and annoying, but fortunately, there are ways to prevent them from occurring. At TFC Podiatry, our podiatrists see patients of all ages with ingrown toenails. We always aim to treat not only the toenail, but uncover the cause. Some of the most common causes of ingrown toenails include incorrectly cutting your nails and incorrect footwear, so we thought we would give you a few tips to help in the meantime. Here are some tips for avoiding ingrown toenails: Cut your toenails properly: Make sure to cut your toenails straight across and not too short. Avoid rounding ..read more
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What are the Benefits of Wearing Orthotics?
The Foot Clinic Podiatry Blog
by Jessica Arnott
1y ago
Custom orthotics, also known as orthotic insoles or orthotic innersoles, are inserts we place inside your shoes to help support and align the feet and ankles. We customize your orthotics, made of a variety of materials including foam, plastic, or carbon fiber, to fit the specific needs of an individual’s feet. What are the Benefits of CustomOrthotics? There are several benefits to wearing custom orthotics, particularly for those who experience foot or ankle pain or discomfort. Some of the main benefits include: Improved posture and alignment. Orthotics can help to correct imbalances in the fe ..read more
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Does Plantar Fasciitis Go Away?
The Foot Clinic Podiatry Blog
by Jessica Arnott
1y ago
Plantar fasciitis is a common condition that causes pain in the heel and bottom of the foot. It is often described as a sharp or stabbing pain that is worse in the morning and after periods of rest. The pain is caused by inflammation of the plantar fascia, a band of connective tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot. What Causes Plantar Fasciitis? While the condition is more common in people who are older, who have jobs that require standing or walking for long periods of time, and who participate in high-impact sports like running or basketball, there are many potential causes of planta ..read more
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