To My Daughter On The Day Of Your High School Graduation…
S. Paige Writes
by spaige08
18h ago
I really do not know how we reached this monumental point in your life. I am still twirling you around to High School Musical’s Breaking Free. People always told me to treasure the days because they go by too quickly and I couldn’t understand it until now. To be cliche, you really did grow up in the blink of an eye. There are things I want to tell you that would take too long to write in your card. These are things I want you to take with you to college in the fall and into your next chapter. Please continue reading. I am proud of you. I don’t think I can stress this enough. I am so proud of y more
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I Bought My First Pair of Granny Panties
S. Paige Writes
by spaige08
1w ago
I am not one to hide my age. I turned 44 this past February and since then I have learned to accept certain things beyond my control. I am not the same person I was in my 20s, nor my 30s (thank God!). But with the increasing age, my body has basically said: “Fuck this shit. You’re just going to have to live with what I throw at you!” When I decided my blog needed a little updating due to things being different in my 40s, I changed the byline to read: Rediscovering Myself at Middle Age. Ah, middle age. If this is really middle age, then my projected death would be my late 80s. Still above the a more
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What’s One More Doctor?!
S. Paige Writes
by spaige08
4M ago
When we are born, we usually only have one doctor, a pediatrician, unless something is dire. Once we hit our late teens we move on to a primary care physician. For us women, we will add an OBGYN. What I have noticed is that as I age, it seems I add a new type of doctor each year! The Psychiatrist (Age 18) If you have read any of my blog before, you know I am mentally ill. Starting at age 14 (probably earlier) I was diagnosed with depression which morphed into major depressive disorder as I aged and is now chronic depressive disorder (I mean what else do you diagnose someone who has had depress more
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Empty Nest Hobby: Learn A New Language
S. Paige Writes
by spaige08
5M ago
Ciao! Buongiorno! I had started learning a new language almost 200 days ago. At the time I was working for a furniture company whose headquarters is based in Italy. And while the Italians I had to work with spoke English, I thought it only fair to learn some Italian. Then, I left the company the end of September 2023, but the Italian bug remained strong and I have maintained my daily learning on Duolingo. Sure, I could’ve ended this venture. I mean why keep learning a language when you don’t need to anymore?! Turns out me sticking with learning my new language may come in handy afterall. My da more
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The Dreaded Muffin Top: Oh, God, Why?!
S. Paige Writes
by spaige08
5M ago
I am in my early 40s, at least for a couple more months and then I will turn 44 and enter my mid-40s (Eeek!). I know things change as you get older. I have already forgotten things (I mean that hit in my 20s!). I am beginning to fall apart physically (more to come in a different post). And of course, like with any female life change, the figure has gone to shit. I was never a skinny little thing. I always had some extra chub on me, but it was proportional to my body. In my 20s, everything was nice and firm. In my 30s, still pretty firm. But one day in my 40s I woke up and said, “What the fuck more
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A New S. Paige Writes
S. Paige Writes
by spaige08
5M ago
I can’t believe I have not written a post in over 2 years. Honestly, it has been more like 2 1/2. I am hoping that will change. I have been so busy with work and parenthood that I put myself on the back burner, but I guess that is how it’s always been since I became a parent over 17 years ago. With the new year approaching that brings my daughter’s high school graduation and the beginning of college for her. Where does that leave me? I have been talking with my therapist about this. I am not sure I am cut out for this empty nest thing. What am I supposed to do with all this extra time?! My the more
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True Crime Tuesdays – “Father Of The Year Goes To…”
S. Paige Writes
by spaige08
3y ago
As we are approaching Father’s Day, I thought I would focus this True Crime Tuesday on dads. These two fathers should win ‘Father of the Year’. They are cordial, nice, and down right evil. How could a father kill their child?! So without further ado, ‘Father of the Year’ goes to: Dad: Robert Wood, 1999 Robert was the father to six children. Of importance to this award is his son, Christopher. Christopher was 11 when he died. This all started with a fire at their house. Robert decided that instead of doing the right thing by calling the police or the fire department, he would call his insuranc more
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I Lost Myself During Quarantine
S. Paige Writes
by spaige08
3y ago
It takes me a long time to recognize things about myself. I usually fall down a rabbit hole and discover why halfway up. The first time I lost myself, I had just given birth to my daughter. I knew I was a wife and a mother. But aside from being my daughter’s everything, I had no idea who I was. The next time I lost myself was after losing my foster son back to DCF (Department of Children & Families) in 2015. This broke me so much that I am still finding shards of myself on the floor today. I could not even perceive who I had become; I couldn’t see the person that was me anymore. I was m more
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A Perfect 300
S. Paige Writes
by spaige08
3y ago
Photo by Sharon Ang via In college, I took a poetry class. Every week we had to write poetry based on something. I do not remember the prompt given at the time, but the poem below happened. ‘A Perfect 300’ is the highest score you can obtain in bowling. I have never gotten one, but at the time I worked in the campus bowling alley and would get pretty close. Now I bowl like I am a kid, I need bumpers to get anywhere close to 100. Here is the poem that formed in my head 20 years ago: A Perfect 300 S-T-R-I-K-E! The pins fall and I am putty to this game- When your roundness returns I s more
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The Lost Corn Girls
S. Paige Writes
by spaige08
3y ago
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay Chapter One *Trigger Warning: Graphic/Assault* “Ahhhhhhh!” The piercing scream reverberated in my head. I could see a young woman. Her wild dark hair hung across her shoulders in sweaty strands. She was attached to something. I could not quite make it out what it was, but it looked like a wooden cross. No, no, that wasn’t right. It was a post, and she the scarecrow, resided in the middle of a cornfield. “What was she doing there?” I thought. Then I noticed the blood. Lots and lots of dark crimson. There was blood mixed with dirt caked on her more
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