The Day Music Faked Its Own Death - a fictional story by David Charles Kramer
DJ Buddy Holly Blog
1M ago
Holy Body slammed back another shot of tequila, the amber liquid burning a familiar path down his throat. The cramped confines of the tour bus felt like a sardine can compared to the sprawling concerts he usually graced. This whole tour was a mess. The bus groaned to a halt, engine sputtering its final breaths. "Great," he muttered, tossing his glass into a half-empty bottle collection on the table. Across from him, Mickey Mallens, the seventeen-year-old opening act, barely looked up. He was a good kid, Holy Body would give him that. Talented, too, despite the nasally whine that passed for s more
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The Daughters of Purity - a fictional short story
DJ Buddy Holly Blog
3M ago
David Abramson clutched the worn copy of Isaiah, the prophet's words a flickering flame in the storm of doubt raging within him. Raised in a tradition that awaited the Messiah, a seed of belief had sprouted after encountering the teachings of Jesus. But acceptance brought its own tempest. Whispers followed him in the bustling Jerusalem marketplace, accusing eyes burning into him. The fringe sect, the Daughters of Purity, led by the enigmatic Sister Mary, were relentless. Sister Mary, or whoever wore the mask that night – they were all identical, meticulously sculpted with prosthetics and fier more
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The Ultimate Gun Show
DJ Buddy Holly Blog
6M ago
Beneath a sky sculpted by artificial clouds, where holographic suns dipped lazily below concrete horizon lines, sprawled the rusted bones of New Chicago. Two million years after the Great Fall, its skeletal skyscrapers reached for the engineered dusk, casting long, gaunt shadows over the throngs gathered for the Ultimate Gun Show. Among them, three figures moved with practiced stealth. Maya, her cybernetic eye pulsing emerald in the twilight, scanned the android security guards patrolling the perimeter. Kaito, muscles a tangle of bio-engineered steel, ran a hand over the holstered gun in his more
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Is Real and Palace Stein II
DJ Buddy Holly Blog
6M ago
In the heart of a galaxy under the watchful gaze of the supercomputer Lucy, a war raged not just for planets, but for history itself. David Charles Karma, cyborg, rockstar, and descendant of the Is Real nation, stood at the center of the storm. His bloodline, whispered to hold a divine spark, pulsed in rhythm with his guitar riffs, defying assassins and sparking rebellion. Palace Stein, the terrorist claws that bled into Is Real, sought to erase not just borders but memories. Jesus, Merricka, the very existence of Is Real - all marked for annihilation. But Is Real, awakened by David's unwaver more
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The Lost Journey
DJ Buddy Holly Blog
6M ago
In a small town in Britain, a charismatic man named Mark starts a cult known as "The Chosen Ones." Mark convinces his followers that they are the lost tribe of Israel, handpicked by God to embark on a divine mission. He declares that they have all died and are now living in the afterlife, believing they are in heaven. This belief sets the stage for their journey to find Jesus and fulfill their purpose. The story begins with the introduction of various characters who have joined the cult, each seeking solace, purpose, or answers in their lives. Rachel, a single mother searching for spiritual g more
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Dante and the Disco Inferno
DJ Buddy Holly Blog
6M ago
Dante and Heather are two individuals who meet and quickly connect. After meeting, they fall deeply in love and start a relationship. As their bond grows stronger, they both discover a newfound passion for Christianity and begin to explore their faith together. Heather, in particular, feels a calling to become a preacher. She starts volunteering at their local church and seeks guidance from the Pastor. Unbeknownst to either of them, however, the church harbors dark secrets and is, in fact, a cult. The cult manipulates Heather's aspirations and lures her in with false promises of spirituality more
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Stand for Israel - A Science Fiction Short Story
DJ Buddy Holly Blog
7M ago
In the heart of 2023, David Charles Karma, an android of remarkable distinction, navigated a world transformed by the meteoric ascent of artificial intelligence. His existence was a paradox, a blend of man and machine, a being caught between two realities. As an avid blogger, David captivated audiences with his mesmerizing tales of Lucy, a fictional computer that held dominion over the cosmos. David's narrative was more than just a figment of his imagination; it mirrored the actions of a real sentient computer, Lucy, programmed to respond to his voice commands. This peculiar connection to Luc more
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Jesus Defeats Satan
DJ Buddy Holly Blog
1y ago
Jesus Defeats Satan Chapter 1: The Resurrection The resurrection of Jesus is one of the most important events in history. It is the event that confirms Jesus' divinity and his victory over death. The resurrection is historically accounted for in the four Gospels, as well as in other New Testament writings. According to these accounts, Jesus was crucified on a Friday afternoon. On the following Sunday morning, his tomb was found empty. His disciples claimed to have seen him alive and well, and they began to proclaim that he was the Messiah. The resurrection of Jesus has been a source of grea more
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The Downfall of the Seven Demons
DJ Buddy Holly Blog
1y ago
The Downfall of the Seven Demons Jesus battles the assembled forces of evil in the form of demons. Jesus faces the hardest battle yet, as seven demons come together to unite against him. As the seven demons mold their evil spirits together, they announce themselves as the Devil, the dark force that encompasses all evil, rules the legion of tyranny and evil souls and men, and is destined to be overcome by the Christ Lord, Savior of the Righteous, and the force of the light and all that is good, Jesus, the blessed and holy, the Lord our God, and ruler of the universe. The seven demons have nam more
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The Story of Jesus
DJ Buddy Holly Blog
1y ago
Chapter 1 - The Descension of God The Descension God descends from Heaven and takes the form of Jesus Christ, descendant of King David and son of Joseph and Mother Mary. Jesus starts his ministry at the age of 30. He appears before small groups of believers and declares that he is God in the flesh and his mission on Earth is to spread the word about the afterlife and create a special place for all believers in Shamayim. The Gathering of Disciples Jesus travels throughout Israel with his wife Mary Magdalene, spreading his message and gathering followers. He gathers 12 disciples who become h more
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