Is it possible to design character movement system with Bezier Curves?
Stack Exchange - Game Development
by curiousCprogrammer1231
1d ago
For context, I'm trying to create a really dynamic and fast character. That can suddenly move slow, fast, zap into places, dash, and hover in place. Say that I want to make a character accelerate a certain way when pressing "W". Then, I could easily create an animation of the character moving by using bezier curves in Blender. In the actual game, Is it possible to allow the player to move the character by any bezier curve? I know that one other way is to just use physics for the character and tweak some values until you get the velocity and movement that you want, but I'm wondering if there's more
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How can I use `UnityEngine.UIElements.PopupWindow` for a custom PropertyDrawer targeting an array with UI Toolkit?
Stack Exchange - Game Development
by NJJ_002
1d ago
I'm following the "Create a Custom Inspector" car and tire example that Unity has in their documentation for UI Toolkit, but I'm trying to modify it in a specific way and I'm coming up short (whether or not it is a "good" way is beyond the scope of the question). Essentially, I'd like to take the editor display for an array and make it accessible by a single button that opens a PopupWindow in the editor, displaying the information for all four tires. I'd also like to make sure that the array is not reorderable, and if possible, I'd like to have it not act like a foldout in the PopupWindow. I'v more
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How to make smooth movement for a tunnel traveling music game?
Stack Exchange - Game Development
by curiousCprogrammer1231
1d ago
I'm creating a music game where the player is traveling inside a tunnel and can create twists and turns while listening to music. Here's what it currently looks like: I'm looking for advice on how to make the movement really satisfying. Currently, the movement is just like: if the player presses, for example D, the tunnel is transformed to the right according to some constant speed. I think the aim is that the player can move freely however they want, but I want to make it so that the movement feels great when hitting it on beat. I'm thinking of maybe bezier curves more
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How to to make a camera like scooby-doo game
Stack Exchange - Game Development
by anderlaini
1d ago
I'm trying to make a camera like scooby-doo game. Example: It seems to be a 3rd person camera but its not always attached to the player. Its avoiding obstacles and sometimes it stays in same place. It seems to be a tracked dolly cam but sometimes move forward and backward like a 3rd person cam. I'm confused on how to make a camera like this. Tried 3rd person and Tracked Dolly but no success. Is there any other kind of camera? Is it a mix of multiple cameras more
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OpenGL strange depth testing
Stack Exchange - Game Development
by Valtsuh
1d ago
Depth testing isn't working (hopefully the images below describe, I'll gladly describe more when asked) for me, and I can't seem to figure out why. GL initialization: glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); //glFrontFace(GL_CW); glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_REPLACE); glShadeModel(GL_FLAT); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDepthMask(true); glDepthFunc(GL_LESS); //glDepthRange(-100.0, 100.0); Pre-drawing: glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); gluPerspective(this->camera.zoom, drx::gfx::ogl::ar, -100.0, 100.0); this->camera.CameraLookAt more
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I need help moving the queen in the checkers game!
Stack Exchange - Game Development
by Thiago
1d ago
`package program; import java.util.Scanner; import entities.Tabuleiro; public class Dama { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner sc = new Scanner(; Tabuleiro tab = new Tabuleiro(); tab.createTable(); tab.positioPieces(); System.out.println("White plays first!"); tab.showTable(); do { System.out.println("Please insert the column and then the line from 1 to 8:"); boolean move = false; while(move == false){ int piecex = sc.nextInt(); i more
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Scrolling through more than one image on a plane
Stack Exchange - Game Development
by GlitchJH
1d ago
If wanted to scroll through more than one image how would I do that? For example: If I had like 3 images and I wanted to scroll through to have a day and night sort of setting, how would I go about that? Thanks more
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When compiling shaders in OpenGL, I get random error messages
Stack Exchange - Game Development
by terraquad
1d ago
I am trying to follow LearnOpenGL while coding in the Zig language, and something that is very odd is that sometimes my shader compilation fails even though I changed nothing between executing the app. I also don't understand the errors. By the way, I use mach-glfw and zigglgen. Some errors I get: error: [opengl] Failed to compile shader: assets/shaders/shader.frag 0(8) : error C0000: syntax error, unexpected '=' at token "=" error: [opengl] Failed to link shader program: Fragment info ------------- 0(8) : error C0000: syntax error, unexpected '=' at token "=" (0) : error C2003: incompat more
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Cannot read value of type 'Vector2' from WASD KeyControl
Stack Exchange - Game Development
by Fenrir
1d ago
I'm getting these error messages when I try to use Unity's new Input System package: Cannot read value of type 'Vector2' from control '/Keyboard/w' bound to action 'CharacterControls/Movement[/Keyboard/w,/Keyboard/a,Keyboard/s,/Keyboard/d]' (control is a 'KeyControl' InvalidOperationException while executing 'performed' callbacks of 'CharacterControls/Movement[/Keyboard/w,/Keyboard/a,Keyboard/s,/Keyboard/d]' Here is the code I'm using: using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using TMPro; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.InputSys more
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C#, Split a number x into y parts with a min and max part_size [closed]
Stack Exchange - Game Development
by Mechandrius
1d ago
For a game I need to split a number into random parts, where the parts have lower and upper limits. (a precheck will ensure that a split is possible) Example: Number:10, Parts:5, MinSize:1, MaxSize:3 Split(10,5,1,3) => 3,3,2,1,1 Split(10,5,1,3) => 1,2.5,3,1.5,2 I started with: Foreach Part => Rand(MinSize,MaxSize) Then I scale all the parts, so that the sum is equal to the number. BUT, the simple scaling will possibly set parts outside the limits. Is there a simple implementation with C#? (For simplicity, the number could be 1 and the limits respectively smaller) The result of 10 more
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