Shining like the Son
Call to Light - From Psychic / Medium Danielle Egnew
by danielleegnew
2M ago
A beautiful, happy observance of the Resurrected Christ to all who celebrate Easter Sunday!! To those who don’t, may you feel the renewal of spring and the comfort of light overcoming darkness, deep within your being! The Christed energy is bigger than even one human being. It is so big, it raised Jesus from the dead. It is so big, it goes well beyond one religion or one spirituality modality. It is the birthright of all living things. It is renewal, it is regeneration, it is the hope of great rebirth and the conquering of what appears to be unconquerable. It is the magnificent understanding more
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Grit and Grace: Remembering our Greatest Strengths
Call to Light - From Psychic / Medium Danielle Egnew
by danielleegnew
3M ago
Grab a coffee, take a quick five minute break from what you’re doing, and settle in with me for a hot minute. I want to share a story with you of the incredible, unsung portions of our life paths that have forged us into people we never believed could be so strong or capable. Many of those portions were flash-of-genius moments where we were able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, and create phenomenal outcomes with our sheer determination, grit, and unrelenting belief in what we and others were doing. If you’ve ever been part of something like that—it’s very special. And you’ll never f more
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Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?
Call to Light - From Psychic / Medium Danielle Egnew
by danielleegnew
4M ago
I have to say something. This is an epic-longer read. But it has to be said. At least, for me. I have to. In my heart, in my soul. I hope those who choose to read, can read it with their hearts, not their eyes. It’s time our hearts start leading. It’s past time. This isn’t a post about spirituality. This isn’t a post about religion. It’s not even a post about belief, or mindset. It’s a post about identity theft, and hypocrisy. It’s about setting the record straight. And having a hard conversation, for some. I can no longer just sit here quietly, with what I’ve studied the past 30 years, and k more
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Announcing the launch my Rocky Mountain Academy of Energetic Arts!
Call to Light - From Psychic / Medium Danielle Egnew
by danielleegnew
4M ago I’m SOOOO SO excited (and a little nervous!) to announce an endeavor I’ve been working on since 2016!! Eight years in the planning, you guys—8!! ANNOUNCING the LAUNCH of Rocky Mountain Academy of Energetic Arts, an online learning institution!!! RMAEA has been a long-time brainchild and heart child of mine, and finally, the stars aligned to make it happen. (Read that as “I finally crossed all the t’s and dotted the i’s”.) Many of you have asked me, for years, if I’d teach classes, live, online. The answer is, OF COURSE!! I’ve finally developed the right format, to offer certification more
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The 2023 Solstice Message: Float, Don’t Fall
Call to Light - From Psychic / Medium Danielle Egnew
by danielleegnew
5M ago
Happy Winter Solatice to you! This year, it’s a powerful one. I spoke about its importance to our spiritual journey during my last Global Channeling Forum. There are HUGE energies bubbling and brewing, billowing clouds packed in probabilities of genius in the year to come. This is the transition time for the next chapter in our life paths. In the world to come. It’s a powerful time, a time when all the energies that have built up over 2023 begin to dissolve into the ether of light, overcoming darkness; between letting go of the old and making space for the next most brilliance imaginance of t more
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It’s a Demon! Or…is it?
Call to Light - From Psychic / Medium Danielle Egnew
by danielleegnew
7M ago
“Coronation of the Virgin & Saints” (Cenni di Francesco di Ser Cenni, ca. 1390, tempera on panel) This Halloween, I noted that our Samhain was peppered with folks reporting being pushed, scratched, shoved across a room—all sorts of Halloween-ie things. This spirit activity is not unusual during this time of year when our ethers (the “barriers” between dimensions) becomes thin. Our ancient peoples knew of this thinning, and celebrated the time of year when all spiritual beings came forward and mysteriously went “bump” in the night. Thanks to understandings through science, we now are able t more
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Hamas, Israel, and Putin’s long shadow
Call to Light - From Psychic / Medium Danielle Egnew
by danielleegnew
8M ago
Hamas and Israel. Terrorists backed by Russia and Iran, and Israel, allied with the USA. I’m up at 3:38am as a tidal wave of information crashes in from the ethers about this conflict. I’m tumbled in its churn, the flotsam and jetsam of mass death, fear, and uncertainty. From the froth, I’m straining out clear pieces of information. Like the fact that this horror was far beyond a terrorist organization like Hamas’ reach. With multi-flanked assaults from the air, the sea, on land, and in the cyber world, this coordinated attack rings more true to a full-scale Russian ransack. Of course, there more
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Six planets in retrograde and a blue super moon in Pisces—what does it mean?
Call to Light - From Psychic / Medium Danielle Egnew
by danielleegnew
9M ago
On Wednesday August 30th, we have a Blue Super Moon in Pisces (meaning it’s the second full moon in a month, the closest the moon will be to earth until 2032, at only 222,000 miles from our planet), while Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto are all in retrograde. What does all this mean? According to the ethers / astrology / the angels, it means a time of very heightened emotionality and self-honesty, where old identities, wounds, successes, misses, and projects are brought to fruition and we evaluate what’s real, vs. illusion (or at times, delusion) regarding how we view the w more
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Jason Aldean, try that in MY small town
Call to Light - From Psychic / Medium Danielle Egnew
by danielleegnew
11M ago
Jason Aldean, what did you do? On the Jason Aldean song debacle—I personally really like my Weird Al version I penned to break the awkward tension of this tune’s affect on the USA, entitled “Try that in a Ball Gown”, inspired by a Glenda-the-Good-Witch style meme—but I digress. I live in the rural state of Montana. We are the fourth largest state in the union, with a population of barely over 1 million people. We are a state predominantly made up of small towns. I live in the state’s largest city of Billings, which has a population of 160,000, if we factor in the outlying areas. Montana opera more
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Contemplating the Power of the 4th of July
Call to Light - From Psychic / Medium Danielle Egnew
by danielleegnew
11M ago
Happy 4th of July, the birth of a Democratic Republic whose experiment was the people making it what it could be. Though many have manipulated the system for monetary gain, and many others have been plowed under in this effort, we still have the scaffolding of an amazing experiment, if we simply have faith in one another, and lead with our hearts. If we have the courage to step up to the juggernaut and place it on a more productive path. With the hearts and hands of many, absolutely everything is possible!! People are GOOD. Many are just scared. And there are those keeping them more scared, b more
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