Do I have PCOS?
Dr. Heather Rupe | Wife, Mother, Author, OB/GYN
by drrupe
3y ago
September is PCOS Awareness Month and with 5 % of  reproductive age women affected, I plan to bring you several posts this month on this often confusing diagnosis. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a misnomer. It is not an ‘ovarian syndrome’ at all. The root cause of PCOS is a combined genetic and metabolic issue. The majority of women with PCOS are insulin resistant. When sugars hit their blood stream, their body requires extra insulin to process the sugar. The higher levels of insulin have several effects in different areas of their body, including disrupting the hormonal b more
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Top Treatments for Nausea in Pregnancy
Dr. Heather Rupe | Wife, Mother, Author, OB/GYN
by drrupe
4y ago
The majority of women will experience at least occasional nausea during the first trimester, with about 2% experiencing severe daily vomiting. Symptoms usually peak at around 10 weeks as pregnancy hormone levels peak and then slowly improve over the next few weeks. Because morning sickness is usually at the top of a mommy-to-be’s list of concerns, I wanted to offer my best advice for dealing with this unwelcome side effect of pregnancy. As a starting strategy, eat small meals throughout the day. Stop before you are full, and try to eat again before you are hungry. High carbohydr more
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Dr. Heather Rupe | Wife, Mother, Author, OB/GYN
by drrupe
4y ago
When I see moms at their 6 week postpartum visit I discuss resuming sexual activity. As I broach this topic, I am greeted by a variety of responses, as different as the women themselves. Some laugh and say they have already resumed activities and all is good. More often, they give me a blank stare that says, “Are you kidding? I haven’t slept in weeks. I am constantly coated in spit up and you want me to think about nookie?” Whatever their initial attitude, I know that statistically by 3 months postpartum 90% of women have resumed sexual activity. After you are fully healed and resume more
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Should I Get Membranes Stripped?
Dr. Heather Rupe | Wife, Mother, Author, OB/GYN
by drrupe
4y ago
“Would you like me to strip your membranes? It hurts, but it might help put you into labor”  is a question I often ask when a woman’s due date has come and gone. The patient will usually pause and mentally weigh the misery of her current pregnant state versus the suggested discomfort of said, ‘membrane stripping.’ “How exactly do you do it?” she will inquire skeptically. I explain. When I check a woman’s cervix, I insert my finger through the cervix to touch the bag of water and/or babies head. By doing this I can determine the dilation (how open the cervix is) and effacement (how thin it more
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Dr. Heather Rupe | Wife, Mother, Author, OB/GYN
by drrupe
4y ago
Telling a couple that they are having twins is one the best things about my job. Watching their faces as the meaning of my words takes effect is priceless. With twin pregnancies on the rise due to increased use of fertility medication and older maternal ages, I get to tell the exciting news often. Currently 3.3% of births in the US are multiples. Luckily in this age of ultrasound technology, women usually know fairly early in their pregnancy, so they can start planning right away. Here are some helpful hints for those who are going to be needing a double stroller: TOP 10 TIPS FOR TWI more
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Dr. Heather Rupe | Wife, Mother, Author, OB/GYN
by drrupe
4y ago
With all of my patients, as they enter the third trimester, I discuss what their contraceptive plans are for after the baby is born. Many smile a beautiful, blissful, glowingly pregnant smile and say, “Oh no. I don’t think we will ever use contraception again.  Hopefully we will get pregnant again right away!” Fast forward to their postpartum visit. A sleep deprived, exhausted new mom sits before me. Her first topic of conversation: contraception.  While she is madly in love with her new baby, the thought of having another right away is a little overwhelming. She is not physical more
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Dr. Heather Rupe | Wife, Mother, Author, OB/GYN
by drrupe
4y ago
Being pregnant with number two (or three. . .) can be an entirely new ballgame. Each pregnancy is different, so you may be experiencing random new symptoms that vary from last time. Likely, you are also feeling much more tired than with your first baby, because now you are chasing around a toddler instead of getting some occasional rest. You are also learning to play defense with your pregnant belly, attempting to keep baby #1 from clobbering it on a regular basis. Despite your best efforts you will occasionally get bumped, pulled on, and likely even body slammed hard enough to take more
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Dr. Heather Rupe | Wife, Mother, Author, OB/GYN
by drrupe
4y ago
Statistically more babies are born in October than any other month of the year. Actually the entire fall is crazy busy throughout the maternity ward. That means a lot of you are likely considering getting pregnant right now. The internet is chock full of ‘hints’ on improving fertility, but it is loaded with an equal amount of anxiety-provoking misinformation as well.  So what really works and what’s merely an old wives tale? Here’s what the most recent studies say: 1. Have sex Have sex everyday or every other day for 5 days before and 5 days after ovulation.  Ovulation usually occurs more
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Dr. Heather Rupe | Wife, Mother, Author, OB/GYN
by drrupe
4y ago
“You must have the grossest job in the world. Why on earth would anyone want to be a Gynecologist?” my twenty something patient asked, as I was examining her ‘nether regions’. “Well, I do enjoy helping people” I lamely replied. I was doubtful she heard me, as she had already returned back to texting at this point. I smiled as I left the room, remembering my surprisingly similar thoughts at her age. I wanted to be doctor for as long as I could remember. But when I started medical school, the two specialties I knew I didn’t want anything to do with were OB/GYN and Pediat more
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Dr. Heather Rupe | Wife, Mother, Author, OB/GYN
by drrupe
4y ago
I was at an end of the year kindergarten party this week. After consuming the usual amount of sugary snacks associated with such class parties, but before saying their dramatic goodbyes that also included full body hugs, each kindergartner circled up to say what they were looking forward to most this summer. Most announced various beach and Disney trips, but one little girl began jumping up and down and squealed, “I’m excited about summer because my mommy has a baby in her belly!” Based on the way her mom’s eyes widened and jaw dropped open in horror, I’m guessing this new more
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