Oxford Dictionaries Prepares New Volume for Modern-Day Portmanteaus
Waterford Whispers News
by Colm Williamson
1y ago
As society evolves, language tends to evolve together with it. As new things are invented, new names have to be found for them. These new names are quite often versions of old names, sometimes more than one of the old names that are merged into a new name. By now, your eyes have probably started drifting into the abyss behind your screen, focusing on anything but the complicated statement above. Luckily, there is a technical term for this phenomenon: the new terms born out of the merger of two or more old terms are called “portmanteaus”. Portmanteaus have become so ..read more
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International Friendlies Are Not About Multi-Millionaires Jogging On The Pitch
Waterford Whispers News
by Colm Williamson
1y ago
It took me a while to figure out what exactly the UEFA Nations League was. The calendar dates that were previously occupied by international friendlies, now suddenly were part of some European competition. All I could think was what the teams are even playing for, being the champion of international friendlies? But after getting more familiar with the tournament it turns out that UEFA has successfully turned dull friendlies into an exciting affair, all because now there is something to play for. First there is the Nations League final (which is all about playing for pride) and then all the ..read more
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5 Places To Have The Most Relaxing Trip Of Your Life
Waterford Whispers News
by AlanMc
1y ago
I think we can all agree that the world is a ridiculous place at the moment. No matter what your political or social leanings, everything is just a bit of a mess. The 24 hour news cycle stresses us out at all times. And with the hours we’re all working, we can’t afford any more stress. It’s time to take a holiday. Travel around the world and you can pretend for a period of time that none of your problems exist. Take a break from dealing with the fallout of every bad decision everyone around the planet has ever made ..read more
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Titan Voyage Log Reveals Crew Spent Final Moments On Phone Looking At Cruel Memes
Waterford Whispers News
by Julius Hubris
1y ago
THE EFFORTS to recover the OceanGate Titan submersible has produced evidence of human remains and the vessel’s black box voyage log which gives us the clearest picture yet of what unfolded on the ill-fated journey. “While they were pretty much eviscerated milliseconds after encountering difficulties, they still had enough time to see some of your... Read more ..read more
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Highlights From RTÉ’s Grilling At The Oireachtas
Waterford Whispers News
by Julius Hubris
1y ago
CATCH up on what’s unfolded so far as RTÉ execs are subjected to another day of tough questions from TDs and senators. The RTÉ board where criticised for using Simply Red’s ‘Money’s Too Tight To Mention’ as an entrance song. The committee took a number of breaks when the overwhelming stench of bullshit proved too... Read more ..read more
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Ethan Hunt To Take Down Secretive LA Based Cult In New ‘Mission Impossible’
Waterford Whispers News
by Julius Hubris
1y ago
SHIFTING the focus of one of the most popular movies franchises in the known universe may be seen as a risk but the team behind Mission Impossible believe they’ve found Ethan Hunt’s toughest, most insidious and clandestine foe yet. “So there’s this cult that has wormed it’s way into some of the most powerful people... Read more ..read more
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Banks Now Require First Time Buyers To Leave Bloodied Corpse Of Rival Buyer On Doorstep
Waterford Whispers News
by Julius Hubris
1y ago
IT’S hard to keep up with the changing landscape of mortgage requirements but bidding on your first home just got a whole lot easier thanks to a move backed by the Central Bank and estate agents. “We’re more than happy to sign off on mortgages we just want you to show you really want it,”... Read more ..read more
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Country Endures Another Day Of The Least Transparent Fuckers On This Island Calling For Transparency At RTÉ
Waterford Whispers News
by Julius Hubris
1y ago
AS IF living in a gombeenocracy wasn’t enough punishment, a weary nation has been subjected to endless grandstanding from politicians calling out RTÉ board members for their lack of transparency which has been labeled ‘peak pot calling kettle black’. “It’s a bit rich, like Jeff Bezos rich, for these evasive, never-answer-a-straight-question chancers to be laying... Read more ..read more
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Here’s What Virgin Media TV Could Do With The Licence Fee Money
Waterford Whispers News
by Julius Hubris
1y ago
THE recent upheaval and fallout from RTÉ’s concealed payments to Ryan Tubridy has many people questioning if the national broadcaster is still fit for purpose. Is now the time to move away from a broadcasting model which sees RTE receive 100% of licence fee money? Virgin Media TV certainly thinks so and has stirred the... Read more ..read more
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‘Aran Cover, Little Coke Pocket, Padre Pio Medal’: Suggestions For The New Irish Passport Design
Waterford Whispers News
by Julius Hubris
1y ago
THE Department of Foreign Affairs’ design team only put out the call today for suggestions on the new passport design but have been overwhelmed with input from the public. A number of enhanced features which will make our passport more secure and harder for Israel to forge when carrying out assassinations have been suggested, and... Read more ..read more
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