The Gift of Validation: Alexis' Story
The Looking Glass Foundation
by The Looking Glass Foundation
6M ago
Alexis M. (she/her) is a former Looking Glass participant in two of our free and accessible Peer Support Programs: Personal Recovery Space and Online Peer Support Chats, as well as a recipient of our 2023 Reflections Scholarship. We had the honour of sitting down with Alexis to speak with her firsthand about her journey to recovery, hope for the future, and the role that Looking Glass Foundation played in each. This Winter season, your donation is vital in sustaining and expanding our services to ensure that we can support more individuals like Alexis.  Make a Gift Today   [Looking more
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The Gift of Validation: Alexis' Story
The Looking Glass Foundation
by The Looking Glass Foundation
6M ago
Alexis M. (she/her) is a former Looking Glass participant in two of our free and accessible Peer Support Programs: Personal Recovery Space and Online Peer Support Chats, as well as a recipient of our 2023 Reflections Scholarship. We had the honour of sitting down with Alexis to speak with her firsthand about her journey to recovery, hope for the future, and the role that Looking Glass Foundation played in each. [Looking Glass Foundation] Welcome, Alexis, and thank you for taking the time to chat with us! Why don’t we start out with you telling us a bit about yourself? [Alexis M.] Thank you! I more
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Volunteer Spotlight: Roxanne F.
The Looking Glass Foundation
by The Looking Glass Foundation
1y ago
At Looking Glass Foundation, the impact of our organization relies heavily on the involvement of our community. We wouldn’t be where we are today with the ability to provide inclusive and accessible support to those affected by eating disorders without the dedication of our compassionate volunteers.   We are pleased to have had the opportunity to connect with one of our peer support volunteers, Roxanne Fernandes (she/her) and ask her a few questions about her experience as a volunteer with Looking Glass in the Personal Recovery Space program. [Looking Glass] What drew you to volunte more
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The Looking Glass Foundation
by The Looking Glass Foundation
1y ago
By Amanda G. One of the most valuable lessons I learned while recovering from my eating disorder was how harmful negative self-talk can really be, and how to shift that into a more positive light. It hit me hardest during treatment that the relationship with myself is the longest, most intimate one I’ll ever have. I am my longest best friend, and I deserve to talk to myself that way. Do you struggle a lot with negative self talk like I did? I remember being so cruel, crueller than any critics, even crueller than my harshest bullies. It’s akin to being bullied, by someone who can never escape more
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What Makes A Problem Big Enough?
The Looking Glass Foundation
by The Looking Glass Foundation
1y ago
By Kassie C. Do you ever feel like sometimes in the world people are either in the “I have it harder” Olympics where everyone needs to proclaim and justify why life is tough; or people are buying and selling the “fake it until you make” mentally, where no one is doing very well, but also, no one is really talking about it seriously - it’s all a joke that is supposed to be bonding. And all of it just doesn’t feel real? Not that the problems aren’t really real, but that what we share and how we share it, as well as what others talk about, isn’t it coming from a genuine place. I have been caught more
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Living in the Present
The Looking Glass Foundation
by The Looking Glass Foundation
1y ago
By Kassie C. Eating disorders and disordered eating are hard things to explain to someone else - whether you’re aware it is impacting who you are, are in the thick of it or on your recovery road. For me, being in recovery, my thoughts still are so influenced by the way my brain and body used to normalize habits and behaviors; they show up in ways I didn’t even acknowledge as challenging or unhealthy. In recovery, the idea of “living your life” becomes the forefront, yet on bad days or bad weeks, I find myself mourning parts of what I thought control was in my “previous” life. However, I can no more
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You Are Loved
The Looking Glass Foundation
by The Looking Glass Foundation
1y ago
By Shaely Ritchey There is a place I go when I need to ground myself. Here, cradled between land and sea, I feel at ease. My gaze wanders over the surface of things, my lungs expanding in my chest, my heart finding the rhythm of the waves that break upon the shore. The sound of the city above falls away, and I am cocooned by the sound of the water, the wind, and the gulls circling above. There is a deeper current to this place and when I am here, I begin to trace its course within myself as well. Of course, like much of nature and life, this place isn't always predictable. Sometimes the storms more
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Lost to Found and Back Again
The Looking Glass Foundation
by The Looking Glass Foundation
1y ago
By Kassie C. Why are we all so scared of the idea of being lost?  I think a lot of the feelings around being lost come from comparison to other people or comparison to where we think we are supposed to be. A common understanding of feeling lost is being found and we define that when we have a path, a destination, a final point. Personally, I don’t think growth works like that. And when it does, I feel like it may be at the expense of part of our soul. When it comes to feeling like we are on the “right path”, we owe it to ourselves to question if it is of our own volition or a societal inf more
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What Brought Me to Looking Glass
The Looking Glass Foundation
by The Looking Glass Foundation
1y ago
By Lisa Brooks, Executive Director Looking Glass Foundation’s impact on the community is very personal to me.  Like many young people, one of my daughters developed an eating disorder early in the lockdown of COVID-19 when she lost her routines, connections through school and sports, and the freedom to see her friends.  Thankfully, we recognized what was happening early on, and were able to access the supports she needed. I am happy to say that she is now well on her way to recovery, but it has certainly been a long and difficult path.   Accessing care was not an more
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Five Simple & Meaningful Self-Care Tips for the Holidays
The Looking Glass Foundation
by The Looking Glass Foundation
1y ago
By Ethel Wai As the year creeps to an end, the holiday spirits are lifted through colourful lights and winter wonders. This time of cheer also coincides with the hectic hustle of gift planning, family gatherings and social festivities. As eventful as they may be, the rush often gets in the way of self-care.   Personally, whenever December rolls around, I often struggle with being present in the moment. My mind becomes a to-do list, where there are endless boxes to tick off every hour of the day. From buying the right gift boxes to making sure the tableware is clean enough to present more
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