We Need Federal Preemption of State & Local AI Regulation
Technology Liberation Front- Copyright,Trademarks and Patents
by Adam Thierer
4M ago
In my latest column for The Hill, I explore how “State and Local Meddling Threatens to Undermine the AI Revolution” in America as mountains of parochial tech mandates accumulate. We need a federal response, but we’re not likely to get the right one, I argue. I specifically highlight the danger of new measures from big states like NY and California, but it’s the patchwork of all the state and local regs that will result in a sort of ‘death-by-a-thousand-cuts’ for AI innovation as the red tape grows and hinders innovation and capital formation. What we need is the same sort of principled, pro-i ..read more
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Podcast: “AI – DC Policymakers Face a Crossroads”
Technology Liberation Front- Copyright,Trademarks and Patents
by Adam Thierer
6M ago
Here’s a new DC EKG podcast I recently appeared on to discuss the current state of policy development surrounding artificial intelligence. In our wide-ranging chat, we discussed: * why a sectoral approach to AI policy is superior to general purpose licensing * why comprehensive AI legislation will not pass in Congress * the best way to deal with algorithmic deception * why Europe lost its tech sector * how a global AI regulator threatens our safety * the problem with Biden’s AI executive order * will AI policy follow same path as nuclear policy? * global innovation arbitrage & the innovati ..read more
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Can Any AI Legislation Pass Congress This Session?
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by Adam Thierer
8M ago
My latest dispatch from the frontlines of the artificial intelligence policy wars in Washington looks at the major proposals to regulate AI. In my new essay, “Artificial Intelligence Legislative Outlook: Fall 2023 Update,” I argue that there are 3 major impediments to getting major AI legislation over the finish line in Congress: (1) Breadth and complexity of the issue; (2) Multiplicity of concerns & special interests; & (3) Extreme rhetoric / proposals are dominating the discussion. If Congress wants to get something done in this session, they’ll need to do two things: (1) set aside t ..read more
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Event Video: Debating Frontier AI Regulation
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by Adam Thierer
9M ago
The Brookings Institution hosted this excellent event on frontier AI regulation this week featuring a panel discussion I was on that followed opening remarks from Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA). I come in around the 51-min mark of the event video and explain why I worry that AI policy now threatens to devolve into an all-out war on computation and open source innovation in particular. ​ I argue that some pundits and policymakers appear to be on the way to substituting a very real existential risk (authoritarian govt control over computation/science) for a hypothetic existential risk of powerful AGI. I e ..read more
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EVENT VIDEO: “Who’s Leading on AI Policy?”
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by Adam Thierer
9M ago
I was my pleasure to participate in this Cato Institute event today on “Who’s Leading on AI Policy? Examining EU and U.S. Policy Proposals and the Future of AI.” Cato’s Jennifer Huddleston hosted and also participating was Boniface de Champris, Policy Manager with the Computer and Communications Industry Association. Here’s a brief outline of some of the issues we discussed: What are the 7 leading concerns driving AI policy today? What is the difference between horizontal vs. vertical AI regulation? Which agencies are moving currently to extend their reach and regulate AI tech? What’s going o ..read more
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America Does Not Need a Digital Consumer Protection Commission
Technology Liberation Front- Copyright,Trademarks and Patents
by Adam Thierer
10M ago
The New York Times today published my response to an oped by Senators Lindsey Graham & Elizabeth Warren calling for a new “Digital Consumer Protection Commission” to micromanage the high-tech information economy. “Their new technocratic digital regulator would do nothing but hobble America as we prepare for the next great global technological revolution,” I argue. Here’s my full response: Senators Lindsey Graham and Elizabeth Warren propose a new federal mega-regulator for the digital economy that threatens to undermine America’s global technology standing. A new “licensing and policing ..read more
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Good FAA Update on State and Local Rules for Drone Airspace
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by Brent Skorup
10M ago
There’s been exciting progress in US drone policy in the past few months. The FAA in April announced surprising (good) new guidance in its Aeronautics Information Manual, re: drone airspace access. As I noted in an article for the State Aviation Journal, the new Manual notes: There can be certain local restrictions to airspace. While the FAA is designated by federal law to be the regulator of the NAS [national airspace system], some state and local authorities may also restrict access to local airspace. UAS pilots should be aware of these local rules. That April update has been followed up b ..read more
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Is AI Really an Unregulated Wild West?
Technology Liberation Front- Copyright,Trademarks and Patents
by Adam Thierer
1y ago
As I noted in a recent interview with James Pethokoukis for his Faster, Please! newsletter, “[t]he current policy debate over artificial intelligence is haunted by many mythologies and mistaken assumptions. The most problematic of these is the widespread belief that AI is completely ungoverned today.” In a recent R Street Institute report and series of other publications, I have documented just how wrong that particular assumption is. The first thing I try to remind everyone is that the U.S. federal government is absolutely massive—2.1 million employees, 15 cabinet agencies, 50 ..read more
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New Report: Do We Need Global Government to Address AI Risk?
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by Adam Thierer
1y ago
Can we advance AI safety without new international regulatory bureaucracies, licensing schemes or global surveillance systems? I explore that question in my latest R Street Institute study, “Existential Risks & Global Governance Issues around AI & Robotics.” (31 pgs)  My report rejects extremist thinking about AI arms control & stresses how the “realpolitik” of international AI governance is such that things cannot and must not be solved through silver-bullet gimmicks and grandiose global government regulatory regimes. The report uses Nick Bostrom’s “vulnerable world hypothesi ..read more
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Podcast: “Who’s Afraid of Artificial Intelligence?”
Technology Liberation Front- Copyright,Trademarks and Patents
by Adam Thierer
1y ago
This week, I appeared on the Tech Freedom Tech Policy Podcast to discuss “Who’s Afraid of Artificial Intelligence?” It’s an in-depth, wide-ranging conversation about all things AI related. Here’s a summary of what host what Corbin Barthold and I discussed: 1. The “little miracles happening every day” thanks to AI 2. Is AI a “born free” technology? 3. Potential anti-competitive effects of AI regulation 4. The flurry of joint letters 5. new AI regulatory agency political realities 6. the EU’s Precautionary Principle tech policy disaster 7. The looming “war on computation” & open source 8. Th ..read more
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