The Time Has Come To Bid This Blog Goodbye
4y ago
It's been a long time coming, and believe me, it's a decision that I've been second-guessing over and over again. But the truth is, I just don't have the time or energy to blog like I used to. This blog has never been any sort of a moneymaker. It always has been a labor of love. I have enjoyed the feedback from my readers, the engagement on Facebook and Twitter, but truth be told, the last couple of years I've been blogging more out of guilt for not having blogs up as regularly as usual. There hasn't been a lot of love involved. When the writing career finally went pro, that took a tremen more
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Oh Christmas Tree, Oh (Sort-Of) Christmas Tree
4y ago
Tis the Season, my loves! One of the best parts of the season for me is the sheer creativity of it.  The lighting displays, the crazy Christmas socks, the hideous ugly Christmas sweaters - I love it all. And in keeping with that spirit of creativity, here's a collection of Christmas trees or wannabes - all done with flair! We'll start small with this little fella: You think that's small? Try bacteria in a petri dish! Read more more
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Geddy, The Feline That Made Me A "Cat" Person
4y ago
I grew up a "dog" girl. My family only ever had dogs. My first memory is of a childhood chihauhua, then a lovable mutt that we had to give away when we moved to the USA from England, then a daschund I adored, and finally the lovable, droopy, drooling half bloodhound/half basset hound that passed away when I was in college. Then suddenly, three years into my collegiate career, a tiny little siamese kitty showed up on my boyfriend's doorstep one fall day. He was pressed against the brick near the door, probably seeking some warmth as it had just started getting chilly outside. We brought hi more
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Have You Ever Been Haunted By A Dream?
4y ago
When David was in elementary school, I had a dream. I was walking through David's day with him, but I was seeing it as he sees it. And it was amazing! My senses were on overload through it all - every light was so much brighter, every sound so much richer (or sharper, or discordant), colors were vivid in the extreme, smells assaulted me and the slightest movements caught my eye and brought me endless fascination. Read more more
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Me & Tea & My Facebook Memories
4y ago
Every morning before I go to work, but after I shuttle my son out the door to catch the school bus, I have half an hour to myself. This half-hour is precious. It's half an hour why nobody needs me to do anything--and believe me when you're the mother of a special needs child, having half an hour to yourself is a real treat and generally only comes at bedtime or in the car on my commute to and from work. I've fallen into a pattern, and it's a nice one. I make myself a cup of tea (I've never been a coffee drinker), and I opened up Facebook to the "Memories" section.  Read more more
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Cool Stuff That I Never Knew About But Want A LOT
4y ago
That, my friends, is a toothpaste squeezer complete with a suction mount for your mirror. Brilliance. Sheer brilliance. I've amassed a collection of great stuff that I never knew existed, so without any further ado, I'll share my showcase. This is a Norwegian shoe dryer. Read more more
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Today You Can Call Me Miss Strawberry Sunshine
5y ago
Yesterday while we were shopping, my son asked if we could buy some new shampoo. I told him to pick out what he wanted and to my surprise, he came back is a bottle of strawberry scented stuff. I don't really care if he wants to smell like strawberries. Honestly, it made me smile. I washed my hair with it last night, and even though it's not nearly as nice a quality is the stuff I usually use, I'm loving it today because it brings me back to a time when strawberry shampoo was one of the things that got me through a really rough point in my life. Read more more
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Every Family Has Its Made-Up Words - What Are Yours?
5y ago
Like any family, mine has our shared moments and memories built across years together.  There are plenty of inside jokes to go around, based on hilarious incidents built into the scrapbook of our lives together. Along with that come the words. The made-up words. Read more more
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A Post In Which I Discuss Grave Matters
5y ago
Having survived a near-death experience, my outlook on the whole facing-my-demise thing has altered. Hey, we're all dying. All of us, and every day a little more. I'm taking care of myself, but I'd like to think that when I drop-kick that proverbial bucket, I'll leave a few people laughing.  Just like these folks did. Check 'em out! How thoughtful! Read more more
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Trying A New Thing - One "Thing" At A Time
5y ago
I have been really beating myself up lately over how little I've been able to accomplish. And yes, I am still partially disabled due to my stroke eighteen months ago. And I just had surgery last Monday to correct something called Posterior Interosseous Nerve (PIN) Syndrome in my good hand that took me down to two fingers of usefulness. So it's perfectly understandable if my writing career is languishing a bit and my house is less than pristine. There's just so much I really need to do, it's overwhelming. Read more more
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