Enough “Thoughts and Prayers”, God Has Nothing to do With Gun Violence!
Steveso Thinks
by Stephen Sovie
7M ago
Wikimedia Commons In a mass shooting in Lewiston, Maine, 18 people lost their lives, and 13 others were injured. This tragic incident is sadly reminiscent of the recurring gun violence in the United States. Prior to the identification of the deceased and injured, several politicians, predominantly Republicans, have extended their thoughts and prayers. Maine Democrat Congressman Jared Golden, previously an opponent of an assault weapons ban, has since reversed his position and is now advocating for such a ban. On the other hand, Maine U.S. Senator Susan Collins, who spoke as if she had a mouth ..read more
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What Would A Second Trump Term Look Like?
Steveso Thinks
by Stephen Sovie
10M ago
Looney Tunes – Wikimedia Commons While the 2024 presidential election is more than a year away, it appears that Donald Trump will be the Republican Party nominee. As the number of federal and state indictments against Trump increase, his support amongst his followers also appears to increase. With the exception of Chris Christie, Trump’s opponents for the nomination are afraid to attack or even criticize him. Unless Republican primary voters tire of Trump’s antics and legal problems or his opponents suddenly find the courage to confront him, Trump will be the nominee. If Trump cannot be preve ..read more
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What Does “Small Town” America Really Mean
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by Stephen Sovie
10M ago
This post is for subscribers Type your email… Subscribe ..read more
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Why I am Switching Back to Blogger from WordPress
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by Stephen Sovie
11M ago
PxHere When I started blogging many years ago I chose Google’s Blogger as my platform. The main reasons I decided on Blogger were its ease of use and it was free. I am retired and on a fixed income so I did not want to spend much money on a hobby. I did want to make some money by blogging and I realized that, if I did, it wouldn’t be much. I have started 4 blogs, Steveso Thinks, Cattle Dog Kids, Stephen Sovie’s Blog, and Not the Sharpest Knives in the Drawer. With the first three of these blogs, I used Blogger, but after many years of very little success, in both earnings ..read more
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Celebrate Your Rights and Freedoms This Fourth of July, Because for Some of You, They Soon May Be Gone!
Steveso Thinks
by Stephen Sovie
11M ago
Public Domain Pictures I’ve always enjoyed celebrating the Fourth of July with happiness and pride in my country. I especially remember the great feelings I had as I celebrated the fireworks on the Esplanade in Boston. I was amongst a crowd of hundreds of thousands of people, from all walks of life, all races, all ethnicities, all genders, and all religions. I felt so proud to be an American! Not so much now. Since the introduction of Donald Trump onto the American political stage, white supremacists, bigots and Christo-Fascists have been given the green light to attack our democracy and thos ..read more
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America Exports Insurrection to Brazil, But Brazil Knows How to Handle It.
Steveso Thinks
by Stephen Sovie
1y ago
Flickr – Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Law Enforcement. Two years ago Donald Trump, refusing to accept defeat in the 2020 election, encouraged his supporters to attack the US Capitol on January 6th, in an attempt to hold onto power. Over these past two years, the foot soldiers who attacked the Capitol, causing mayhem, destruction, and death are slowly being brought to justice. Many have been charged with and convicted of sedition, and are now in prison. Hundreds of “the little people” still await trial or have not been apprehended yet. In contrast, Trump, Giuliani, Flynn, and ..read more
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Sure, There is Inflation, But How Stupid Can You Get?
Steveso Thinks
by Stephen Sovie
1y ago
For you people who think inflation only occurs in the United States, the above chart may help you understand that inflation is a worldwide phenomenon. As you can see Russia has a 17.8% inflation rate. Now Biden is not the head of Russia, Putin, the idol of Trump-loving Republicans, is. Brazil, another country under the rule of a Trump-loving authoritarian leader, has 12.5%. Biden is not Brazil’s leader. The UK, under a Conservative government, has a 9.0% rate of inflation. Once again Biden is not the leader of the UK. So as you read the chart you can see that inflation is a worldwide problem ..read more
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The Insurrection is Almost Complete, The Next Step Depends Upon You
Steveso Thinks
by Stephen Sovie
1y ago
Wikimedia Commons We all saw the violent Trump-supported mob attack the US Capitol on January 6th in an effort to overturn the 2020 election and our government. We saw those domestic terrorists desecrate the Capitol building, smashing windows, breaking down doors, and even defecating on the floor, all the while searching for Nancy Pelosi, and other members of Congress Trump saw as an enemy, in order to kill them. We also saw these Trump loyalists attack, beat, and either severely injure or kill law enforcement officers defending the seat of our government. We all saw these despicable and tre ..read more
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The Real Republican Platform, Fear and Hate.
Steveso Thinks
by Stephen Sovie
1y ago
My hometown friend, Sid Krumpkin, posted this excellent article on his Facebook page. I immediately thought that this needed to be read and shared by as many people as possible, especially as the midterms loom. Thanks, Sid, for allowing me to use this. “Republicans would have you believe that Democrats in this country are all sexual deviants trying to turn your children into dangerous, family-hating devil worshippers. They’ve actually come up with a piece of legislation…a rarity in itself…which proposes the banning of discussion of any form of sexually oriented subject matter, especially som ..read more
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To My Fellow Senior Citizens, Are You Senile or Just Plain Stupid?
Steveso Thinks
by Stephen Sovie
1y ago
Wikimedia Commons With the midterm elections just a few short weeks away I am shocked and saddened by the stupidity of some of my fellow senior citizens. Like most seniors, I depend on my monthly Social Security benefits to stay alive. Fortunately, I also have a pension and an annuity to support myself in my final years. But there are millions of people who rely solely on their monthly social security benefits. Like all other seniors, I also depend on Medicare to help with my medical expenses. Also like other seniors, I have health needs that include numerous prescription drugs, many of which ..read more
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