When drug cases involve confidential informants
Kroener Hale Law Firm
by On Behalf of Kroener Hale Law Firm
1w ago
Confidential informants play a major role in many Ohio drug cases. These individuals, often called CIs, can be anyone from concerned citizens to individuals involved in criminal activities. Their information, whether fabricated, shaky or solid, can affect the outcome of a case. Defendants using CI information Defendants in drug cases can use information about confidential informants to their advantage. For instance, defendants may request details about the informant's identity and past activities to challenge the credibility of the evidence. Some informants have a history of deceit or of prov ..read more
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When to consider modifications to child support
Kroener Hale Law Firm
by On Behalf of Kroener Hale Law Firm
2w ago
Parents sometimes need to change their child support arrangements as financial situations evolve. Life events like job loss, income changes or altered custody may require a child support update. When to consider modifying child support Significant changes in income, employment status or child custody arrangements often warrant a review of existing child support orders. Parents should also reassess these arrangements if the children’s needs have evolved, like increased medical or educational expenses. These changes can lead to an unfair financial burden if the original agreement stays the same ..read more
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The crossroads of technology and criminal defense
Kroener Hale Law Firm
by On Behalf of Kroener Hale Law Firm
3w ago
In today's world, technology plays an important role in many aspects of people's lives, including the realm of criminal justice. From surveillance cameras to DNA analysis, technology advancements have impacted how crimes are investigated and prosecuted. While these changes affect many areas of criminal justice, the impact on criminal defense is worth exploring. Evidence gathering and analysis Technology is becoming more important in criminal defense, especially when collecting and analyzing evidence. Text messages, emails, and social media posts can be useful in building a defense case. Tools ..read more
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Tips for telling children about divorce
Kroener Hale Law Firm
by On Behalf of Kroener Hale Law Firm
1M ago
When you and your spouse decide to get divorced, you may have many concerns about the future. One of these concerns is likely how your children will react to the new of your divorce. Informing your children about your divorce is a delicate and sensitive matter that requires careful consideration and communication. There are several steps you can take to help you navigate this challenging conversation with your children: Choose the right time and place Find a quiet and comfortable setting where you can have an open and uninterrupted conversation. Avoid discussing the divorce during times of str ..read more
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Understanding how divorce can benefit children
Kroener Hale Law Firm
by On Behalf of Kroener Hale Law Firm
1M ago
Divorce is often viewed as a negative event that can have lasting impacts on children. However, it is important to recognize that divorce can also bring about positive changes for children in certain circumstances. Parents preparing for divorce should understand how divorce can benefit children. Reduced conflict and improved well-being One of the main benefits of divorce for children is the reduction in conflict within the family. When parents are constantly fighting or unhappy in their marriage, it can create a toxic environment for children. Divorce can provide a chance for a more peaceful a ..read more
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Tips for financial recovery after a divorce
Kroener Hale Law Firm
by On Behalf of Kroener Hale Law Firm
2M ago
Divorce can bring significant changes, especially when it comes to finances. Adjusting to a new financial reality can be challenging, but with the right strategies, it is possible to recover and thrive. Understand your financial situation If you received one of the 989,518 divorces in 2022 or the hundreds of thousands in 2023, the first step in recovering financially after a divorce is to fully understand your financial situation. Calculate your income, expenses, assets and debts. Create a budget to track your spending and identify areas where you can make cuts or adjustments. Update your fina ..read more
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3 strategies for protecting your investments amid divorce
Kroener Hale Law Firm
by On Behalf of Kroener Hale Law Firm
3M ago
Divorce has financial implications, including the division of assets and investments. Implementing strategies to safeguard your investments can help you secure your financial future. By taking steps to protect your investments, you can mitigate potential losses. You can also help ensure that your financial well-being remains intact throughout the divorce process. 1. Maintain detailed records of investments Keep thorough and accurate records of your investments when facing divorce. Documenting the purchase dates, values and ownership details provides transparency during asset division. Maintain ..read more
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How previous Ohio OVIs influence penalties for future offenses
Kroener Hale Law Firm
by On Behalf of Kroener Hale Law Firm
4M ago
When it comes to operating a vehicle under the influence in Ohio, previous offenses can affect the penalties imposed for future violations. The state’s OVI laws include escalating penalties for repeat offenders. This seeks to deter people from engaging in dangerous behavior on the road. Understanding how prior OVIs can impact penalties for future offenses helps drivers make informed decisions and prioritize safe driving practices. Enhanced penalties for repeat offenders Previous OVI convictions can lead to enhanced penalties for future offenses. These penalties might include steeper fines and ..read more
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Why finances can make gray divorces unique in Ohio
Kroener Hale Law Firm
by On Behalf of Kroener Hale Law Firm
5M ago
Gray divorces, which are splits among couples 50 and older, present unique challenges in Ohio. In fact, gray divorces reshape the traditional narrative of separation. One distinctive aspect of gray divorces is due to the financial dynamics of long-term marriages. Long-term financial entanglements People married for many decades usually develop extensive financial entanglements. This is unlike divorces involving younger couples, where assets and debts may accumulate over a shorter period. There are a lot of gray divorces, too. Adults 65 and older are divorcing at about three times the rate they ..read more
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5 tips for managing custody conflicts and disagreements
Kroener Hale Law Firm
by On Behalf of Kroener Hale Law Firm
5M ago
For divorcing co-parents in Ohio, effective communication stands as the cornerstone of successful collaboration. Parents must maintain open and respectful dialogue, fostering an environment where they can constructively address concerns and issues. The objective is to prioritize the child's well-being above personal differences. 1. Consistent routines In Ohio, about 21.8% of the population is younger than 18 years. Many of these children have parents who do not live together. These parents can work toward creating consistent routines for their children, regardless of the household they are in ..read more
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