Understanding Emancipation: A Path to Legal Independence for Minors
St. Louis Divorce & Family Law Attorney | The Betz Law Firm
by David Betz
1d ago
Emancipation is a legal process that allows a minor, typically under 18, to gain independence from their parents or guardians. When a minor is emancipated, they are legally recognized as an adult and can make decisions about their own life, including their residence, education, and financial matters. Emancipation is a significant step that requires careful consideration and, in most cases, a court’… Source ..read more
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Can My Parents Stop Me From Changing My Name?
St. Louis Divorce & Family Law Attorney | The Betz Law Firm
by David Betz
1d ago
Changing your name is a significant decision that many contemplate for various reasons. Whether it’s due to personal preference, marriage, divorce, or other personal reasons, understanding the legal process is crucial. The Betz Law Firm is here to assist you through every step of the process, ensuring your name change is handled smoothly and efficiently. In Missouri… Source ..read more
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Common Reasons for Child Support Modification
St. Louis Divorce & Family Law Attorney | The Betz Law Firm
by David Betz
1d ago
Child support is critical to ensuring that children receive the financial support they need from both parents after a separation or divorce. However, as life circumstances change, the initial child support arrangement may no longer be appropriate or fair. In such cases, either parent can request a child support modification. Understanding the common reasons for child support… Source ..read more
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How Is Alimony Calculated in Missouri?
St. Louis Divorce & Family Law Attorney | The Betz Law Firm
by David Betz
2w ago
In Missouri, there is no straightforward formula for calculating alimony. Instead, the courts consider various factors to ensure a fair and equitable decision. At The Betz Law Firm, we will assist you in understanding how alimony is calculated and help you set realistic expectations for your divorce proceedings. We will ensure that your financial interests are well-protected during and after your… Source ..read more
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Navigating Post-Divorce Changes: How Mediation Can Help
St. Louis Divorce & Family Law Attorney | The Betz Law Firm
by David Betz
1M ago
Divorce is more than just a legal procedure; it’s a pivotal life transition that affects every aspect of life. At The Betz Law Firm, we understand that adjusting to life after divorce can be challenging, but the right support can also mark the beginning of a new, positive chapter. Mediation is crucial in smoothing this transition, making it less stressful and more collaborative. Source ..read more
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Your Ex Is Not Following the Parenting Plan – What Can You Do?
St. Louis Divorce & Family Law Attorney | The Betz Law Firm
by David Betz
1M ago
When you and your ex-partner devised a parenting plan as part of your child custody agreement, it was meant to outline each parent’s responsibilities and schedule. This plan is crucial for maintaining stability and consistency in your child’s life. But what happens when your ex starts deviating from the agreed-upon plan? Here are steps you can take to address this situation and ensure that the… Source ..read more
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How to Prepare for Mediation During Divorce
St. Louis Divorce & Family Law Attorney | The Betz Law Firm
by admin
1M ago
Divorce mediation can be a more amicable, private, and cost-effective alternative to traditional divorce proceedings. It involves a neutral third party who helps both parties reach a mutually acceptable agreement. Preparing adequately for mediation can significantly influence the outcome, making the process smoother and more beneficial for both parties. Here are some critical… Source ..read more
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Do You Have to Pay Child Support if You Have 50/50 Custody in Missouri?
St. Louis Divorce & Family Law Attorney | The Betz Law Firm
by David Betz
2M ago
Navigating the complexities of child custody and support can be one of the most challenging aspects of a separation or divorce. Among the myriad of questions, one of the most common inquiries at The Betz Law Firm is: “If we have 50/50 custody in Missouri, do I still need to pay child support?” The short answer is yes, you might still have to. However, it’s essential to delve deeper to understand… Source ..read more
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Preparing for Your Uncontested Divorce: A Checklist
St. Louis Divorce & Family Law Attorney | The Betz Law Firm
by David Betz
2M ago
Going through a divorce is undoubtedly a challenging experience. However, preparing correctly can make the process smoother and more straightforward. If you and your spouse have agreed to an uncontested divorce in Missouri, it means you’re willing to work together to dissolve your marriage without a lengthy court battle. This path not only saves time and money but also spares you from unnecessary… Source ..read more
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What is the Goal of Family Mediation?
St. Louis Divorce & Family Law Attorney | The Betz Law Firm
by David Betz
2M ago
Whether going through a divorce, deciding child custody issues, or establishing paternity, disputes and conflicts often arise, leaving families in turmoil and uncertainty. Therefore, finding a resolution method that preserves relationships and fosters mutual understanding is essential. Family mediation is a process wherein a neutral third party, known as a mediator… Source ..read more
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