Wage Protector – Income Protection for High Risk Workers
Lion.ie | Life Insurance Quotes Ireland
by Nick McGowan - QFA RPA APA Qualified Life Insurance Advisor
1M ago
In our delightful capitalist society, the magic money machine of life is the one thing you depend on most. And sure, you can’t buy happiness, but money definitely helps. It’s why your income is so important – and why we spend all that time going to school and potentially onto college so we can get to work. Work hard. Make money. Live well. But what happens if you can’t work for a long time? Maybe you’re in a car accident, experience depression or fall ill. That magic money machine is about to stop chugging out the good stuff. It’s why Income Protection is so important. It’s the daddy of all i ..read more
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Income Protection for Dentists in Ireland
Lion.ie | Life Insurance Quotes Ireland
by Nick McGowan - QFA RPA APA Qualified Life Insurance Advisor
1M ago
No one likes going to the dentist. Sorry dentists. Which makes being a dentist a thankless job. Especially if you’re eyeball to gaping mouth with a petrified patient. No amount of gentle cajoling will convince them you’re not going to reef their teeth out or torture them with your assortment of sharpened tools. While being a dentist might not be up there with bomb disposal in the grand scheme of stressful jobs, it’ll come as no surprise to you that Salary Protection insurance claims for dentists are on the rise.  It’s simple: you spend your working day bent over and staring into people’s ..read more
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Are There Any Useful Alternatives to Income Protection?
Lion.ie | Life Insurance Quotes Ireland
by Nick McGowan - QFA RPA APA Qualified Life Insurance Advisor
1M ago
The thing about claims is that people have wildly incorrect opinions about them. Even people with life insurance think it’s a bit of a con. And I get it, I do: it feels like a gamble paying a faceless company a chunk of money every month, hoping your family get paid if you die. But over 97 per cent of all Life Insurance claims are paid out—and if they’re not, it’s usually the applicant’s fault for lying on their application form. When it comes to Income Protection, people out on a claim cannot work for an average of five and a half years. Imagine having no income for that length of time. Ser ..read more
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Where Can I Get Mortgage Protection Quickly?
Lion.ie | Life Insurance Quotes Ireland
by Nick McGowan - QFA RPA APA Qualified Life Insurance Advisor
1M ago
Call us now on 05793 20836 if you need your cover in a hurry Mortgage protection insurance is mandatory when getting a mortgage in Ireland. Getting it sorted out in good time is critical. But what happens when you’re about to close on your new house, and suddenly, there’s a hiccup because your mortgage protection isn’t in place. That can stall your entire deal, turning what should be excitement into a nail-biting cliffhanger. Once upon a time, you’d struggle to get your mortgage protection quickly. It could have taken around five working days I know, five days is hardly ages But it is when ..read more
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Life Insurance and Alcohol
Lion.ie | Life Insurance Quotes Ireland
by Nick McGowan - QFA RPA APA Qualified Life Insurance Advisor
1M ago
Hi, my boyfriend needs life insurance. He has a history of heavy drinking and is a recovering alcoholic since 2020. We were insured with a company pre alcoholism but stupidly I cancelled the policy. Now that I have had to declare his health when applying to a new insurer he is being declined. We just want to insure against the mortgage. Can you help us? Sarah M Life Insurance and Alcohol Getting life insurance or mortgage protection if, you enjoy a good drink, but maybe a bit more frequently than the average Joe or Joanne. Unwinding with a few drinks is a big part of our culture and ho ..read more
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What is Reviewable Income Protection?
Lion.ie | Life Insurance Quotes Ireland
by Nick McGowan - QFA RPA APA Qualified Life Insurance Advisor
3M ago
What is Reviewable Income Protection? Have you ever seen a TV show or movie where a desperate character takes a loan from a shady one? But when they go to make a payment, the interest is so high that suddenly, there’s no hope of them ever paying it back. Then it cuts to the next scene, and a large gangster dude is standing on their doorstep, threatening to break their legs. Okay, so I may be exaggerating a bit here, but that’s kind of what Reviewable Income Protection is like. The insurer is the heavy on the doorstep threatening you with immense financial pain. You might think that’s a weird ..read more
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Mortgage Income Protection
Lion.ie | Life Insurance Quotes Ireland
by Nick McGowan - QFA RPA APA Qualified Life Insurance Advisor
3M ago
You probably remember learning about Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in school. You know the one: the pyramid of stuff you need in life to be happy. WiFi lols. Not to be confused, of course, with the food pyramid – though I’ll fight anyone who argues that potatoes, bread, and chocolate aren’t anything other than fundamental to happiness. So, at the bottom of Maslow’s pyramid are basic physical needs. More specifically: food, water, warmth, rest, security and safety. In a word: Home. While home may be where the heart is, it’s mostly a warm place with a comfy bed you can kip in and a Wi-F ..read more
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Income Protection for Contractors
Lion.ie | Life Insurance Quotes Ireland
by Nick McGowan - QFA RPA APA Qualified Life Insurance Advisor
4M ago
Income Protection for Contractors As an independent contractor you’ve experienced it all. The great days where it’s gone spectacularly well and the other ones where you’ve considered packing it all in to permanently push pens. Being self-employed is a rollercoaster. Sure, your friends (and your ma) probably think you spend all day swanning around sipping fancy Ethiopian coffee and consulting, but there’s a boatload of paperwork and tax-keeping involved too. There’s definitely the added bonus of a little more freedom and, at the very least, it feels like you’re not-so-entirely stuck on the ham ..read more
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How Digestive Disorders Impact Life Insurance: Your Complete Guide
Lion.ie | Life Insurance Quotes Ireland
by Nick McGowan - QFA RPA APA Qualified Life Insurance Advisor
5M ago
Stuck for time? Complete this questionnaire and I’ll send you a quote taking your digestive disorder into account. ___ Are you worried that your digestive disorder might affect your ability to get life insurance or mortgage protection? Don’t fret; we’ve got you covered. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the implications of seven common digestive disorders on and give you some insights for your specific condition. Upcoming Investigations Now, before we dive into the nitty-gritty of digestive disorders, let’s address the elephant in the room. Many clients worry about what happens if t ..read more
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Does Life Insurance Cover Accidents?
Lion.ie | Life Insurance Quotes Ireland
by Nick McGowan - QFA RPA APA Qualified Life Insurance Advisor
5M ago
You finally did it – you bought life insurance. You head out for lunch, feeling like an official grown up, having done the right thing and applied for life insurance online And you did it on company time! Double win. You take your phone out of your pocket to call your partner with the good news (they’ve been at you for ages to get your  life insurance sorted) No reply. You look down at your phone to redial, stumble onto the road and Yep, you get killed by Pink. I know, what are the chances. But what happens now? Will Your Life Insurance Payout if you die in an Accident? If your policy h ..read more
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