A Christmas Outfit
Emily's Vintage Visions
2y ago
Just a quick post today with some photos of an outfit I put together this past weekend. My camera wasn't working properly so I had to use my phone. Not the best quality but ah well. I admit, I felt a little silly taking selfies in the driveway but that's what you have to do when you don't have anyone to take pictures for you! One of the few vintage coats I own, this 1950s princess coat is great for cooler weather. I love the longer length. I have a fur collar that can easily be added to dress it up if I want. The bright red hat was a purchase this fall from Mode de Lis during her ha ..read more
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How to Make a 1930s Bed Jacket
Emily's Vintage Visions
2y ago
Now that the colder weather is upon us, I find myself changing over the wardrobe to warmer clothing. Out come the sweaters and wool pants! We held off turning the furnace on for as long as possible but finally caved near the end of October. The "heating season" in New England is rather long and as a true Yankee I typically willing to add an extra layer if it means saving a little on the heating bill. :) In the spirit of Giving Tuesday I thought I would share a free pattern that I came across awhile back. Originally posted on Sewing Vintage, this is a pattern for making a lovely little 1930s b ..read more
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A New and Exciting Business Endeavor
Emily's Vintage Visions
2y ago
As many of you may know, I purchased At the Sign of the Golden Scissors and Larkin & Smith sewing pattern line back in August. I've been working hard all year to achieve this goal and I'm so excited by the many possibilities this endeavor offers in allowing me to continue sharing my love of sewing, research and creativity with a wider audience and in a more official capacity than I have been able to do in the past. This will benefit living history peeps as well as historical costumers! I am working diligently to reprint each of the beloved Larkin & Smith 18th century sewing patterns, s ..read more
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Big Announcement Coming Soon!
Emily's Vintage Visions
3y ago
Hello everyone! I know it's been ages since I last posted anything on my blog. However, I will have a big announcement coming soon that I hope will be as exciting to the living history and historical costuming communities as it is to me. I have big plans and I can't wait to share them with you so stay tuned ..read more
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1940s Rita Hayworth Inspired Hair Tutorial
Emily's Vintage Visions
3y ago
I made a rambling video thing! Some of you may have seen it already, but if not be sure to check out my YouTube channel for my latest video. (scroll down to view) This is my first ever hair video so please be kind. It turned out much longer than I had planned but I hope some of you will find it helpful.  Rita Hayworth - Source The hairstyle in my video is inspired by Rita Hayworth and has become my go to style when I want a vintage look for everyday. I use a very basic pin curl set, I don't follow any real pattern. Though I do section off the front portion of my hair to make cou ..read more
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2016 Year in Review
Emily's Vintage Visions
3y ago
Looking back at 2016, I can see my sewing plans were rather ambitious, perhaps a little too ambitious to be perfectly honest. I love planning projects, looking through my patterns and selecting the perfect fabrics and notions, but as many of you know, sometimes life just gets in the way and many dream projects never come to be. However, looking through my list of completed projects this year I am pleasantly surprised at how much I DID sew even if many of those thing were not included on my original 2016 Sewing Wish List. OK, so what had I planned to work on this year?  2016 Sewing Wi ..read more
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One Last Holiday Outfit
Emily's Vintage Visions
3y ago
The last of the holiday decorations are finally packed away. I know Christmas was a few weeks ago but I wanted to share one last holiday outfit. I took these photos the same day as my last holiday outfit post. This is the sweater and pinafore I was wearing under the coat in those photos. I had plans to make a special holiday dress but never got around to it. I actually pulled the fabric out a few days before Christmas and looked through my sewing patterns but felt completely uninspired. Does that ever happen to anyone else? Perhaps I'll revisit the fabric this summer and sew something then ..read more
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2018 in Review
Emily's Vintage Visions
5y ago
Sooooo, this post has been sitting in my draft folder since January. Not sure why I never completed it. Oh well! Better late then never I suppose! My blog has been sadly neglected this year so I figured a post of some sort was long over due. For more regular posts and updates, follow me on Instagram.   I felt like I hadn't really created much in 2018, but after compiling this list it seems I sewed I lot more than I thought! So here's a quick recap of 2018. I finished quite a few things that had been languishing in the UFO pile and listed them either in Etsy or on Facebook. Check them out h ..read more
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Sold But Not Forgotten - Du Barry 2413B
Emily's Vintage Visions
5y ago
I haven't blogged in some time, so today I'm writing up a quick post on a past sewing project to help get back into the swing of things. This dress is easily one of my top ten favorites of all the reproduction pieces I've made to sell so far. This super cute 1930s/40s reproduction cotton print was a lucky find at my local fabric shop. (I was also able to find it in a purple colorway as well!) A few of you may remember the first time I used Du Barry 2413B, waaaaay back when I first started sewing 30s/40s clothing for myself. It's a great pattern and one I can see myself sewing a few more times ..read more
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Blog Update!
Emily's Vintage Visions
5y ago
Hi folks!! It's been a looooong time since my last blog post! Just wanted to post a quick update to let you know I have not forgotten or abandoned this site. I have lots of things I want to blog about but finding the time over the last year has been a challenge. I'm still sewing, still trying to sell my reproduction clothing, and working on a couple different research projects to get ready for some exciting events this summer. I also plan to do a little house cleaning on this site and change things up just a bit. For regular updates on my sewing and research projects be sure to follow me on ..read more
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