Riik toetab süvatehnoloogia iduettevõtete äri arendust
Startup Estonia
6M ago
Alates tänasest, 9. oktoobrist saavad süvatehnoloogia iduettevõtjad esitada EASi ja KredExi ühendasutusele taotlusi toetuse saamiseks oma äriarendusprojektidele. Startup Estonia süvatehnoloogia valdkonna juht Vaido Mikheim sõnas, et süvatehnoloogia valdkonna iduettevõtete arendatavaid tooteid ja teenuseid iseloomustab tugev teaduspõhisus. "Teaduse kommertsialiseerimises nähakse täna suurt globaalset potentsiaali nii keeruliste probleemide lahendamisel kui ka majanduskasvu saavutamisel ning uue toetusmeetme abil soovimegi ergutada suurema lisandväärtusega toodete ja teenuste loomist Eestis n ..read more
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Bold, Curious, and Unafraid: Estonia Is Where Startups Get Started
Startup Estonia
6M ago
If you think of Europe as a continent of traditional, established countries, think again. There is one small nation that is unafraid to do things differently, leading the way in creating startups and investment per capita: Discover Estonia, the quickly developing agile and digitalized startup launchpad. Don’t be fooled by Estonia’s relatively small size and population of 1.3 million people. The cat-like character of the Estonian people (more on that later) has fostered the creation of one of the world’s most ambitious startup ecosystems. In just three decades, Estonia has transformed itse ..read more
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Süvatehnoloogia arengutrajektooride raportid
Startup Estonia
7M ago
2023. aasta suvel valmis uuring "Süvatehnoloogiate alternatiivsed arengutrajektoorid ja nende tähendus Eestile", milles analüüsiti kuute süvatehnoloogiat või nende komplekti, mille potentsiaalne läbimurre on Eestis eeldatavalt suurima mõjuga. Nendeks on - liha alternatiivne tootmine, puidu biorafineerimine, rakutüvede digitaliseeritud arendamine, sardsüsteemid ja kiibitehnoloogiad, tehisintellekt ja masinõpe ning vesiniktehnoloogia. Tehnoloogiate valikul arvestati nii Eesti tehnoloogiate arendamise, tootmise ja kommertsialiseerimise potentsiaaliga, kui ka majandus-, sotsiaal- ning tervise-, ke ..read more
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Uuring: Eesti majanduse veduriks võib saada kuus tehnoloogiavaldkonda
Startup Estonia
7M ago
EASi ja KredExi ühendasutuse tellimusel koostöös erivaldkondade ekspertidega  valminud uuring toob välja kuus süvatehnoloogia valdkonda, kus Eestil on suurim potentsiaal nii teadus- ja arendustegevuses kui ka tootmises. EASi ja KredExi rakendusuuringute programmi juht Madis Raukas selgitas, et uuringu “Süvatehnoloogiate alternatiivsed arengutrajektoorid ja nende tähendus Eestile” läbiviimisel arvestati autorite poolt Eesti jaoks suurima perspektiiviga süvatehnoloogiate valikul arendamise, tootmise ja kommertsialiseerimise potentsiaaliga ning tehnoloogia laiema sotsiaalse mõjuga. “Suur ..read more
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Transforming Downturn into Growth - Estonian Startup Sector Adapts in Challenging Times
Startup Estonia
8M ago
The Estonian startup ecosystem is demonstrating consistency and resilience in facing the challenging times of the global economy. Even though the total amount of investments has decreased, the Estonian startups have generated over 1B EUR in turnover, startups employ nearly 10 000 people and have paid 108M EUR in employment taxes. Let's dig into the numbers for the first half of 2023! To date, the Estonian Startup Database is home to 1530 startups. So far, 36 new startups created in 2023 have found their way into the database. 40% of the startups in the database have been active for 5 or more ..read more
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The Birth of New Nordic Tech Valley
Startup Estonia
10M ago
The Nordic region's ambition to establish itself as a central hub for deep technology in Europe is not only a progressive vision but also a strategic necessity. As we navigate increasingly demanding economic problems, deep technology is paramount to fuel future economic growth. Compared to the US and Asia, Europe is lagging behind in the effective implementation of research results to businesses. To develop world-class deep technologies and compete in the global market, we need to combine resources and act as a unified region. Estonia has set an ambitious target: to quintuple the number of De ..read more
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The first quarter of 2023 for the Estonian startup sector
Startup Estonia
1y ago
With nearly 10,000 jobs and 53 million EUR paid in employment taxes, along with 568 million EUR in generated turnover, the Estonian startup sector is proving to be resilient in its growth plans. Despite a decline in both the quantity and frequency of investments - indicative of the global economic downturn and causing many investors to keep their golden gunpowder - the industry has consistently demonstrated its ability to adapt quickly to challenging circumstances. It almost seems as though crises are the bread and butter of the local startup scene after all. Let's take a closer look at how th ..read more
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Call for Database Management Intern
Startup Estonia
1y ago
Estonian Startup Database is the most extensive source of Estonian startups, powered by Startup Estonia. The database is currently home to more than 1450 startups and offers overview of Estonian startups by ranking and filtering them by sectors, technology, stage, employee count, turnover, etc. Based on the database, Startup Estonia makes quarterly updates of the industry and gives out statistical industry overviews for the community and wider public. Your days as the Database Management Intern in Startup Estonia will be filled with: reviewing startup profiles in the database with the ..read more
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Uuring: Noored huvituvad tehnoloogiast, kuid ei pea end piisavalt võimekaks
Startup Estonia
1y ago
Üle poole Eesti noortest peab MATIK ehk matemaatika, teaduse, tehnoloogia, inseneeria ja kunstide valdkonda huvitavaks, kuid suurem huvi kaob sageli paraku juba 6.–7. klassis, selgub Startup Estonia tellimusel valminud uuringust “Tuleviku tegija teekond: kas homsed oskused tulevad koolist, huviringist või YouTube'ist?”. Startup Estonia teadmusmahuka iduettevõtluse projektijuht Inga Kõue sõnas, et tulevikus näevad mitmed Eesti noored end tööl tehnoloogiavaldkonnas ja IT-s, kuna seal on head töövõimalused ja kõrged palgad, kuid insenerinduse valdkonnast mõeldakse paraku väga vähe. “Varasemas ..read more
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DeepTech Lounge Podcasts from sTARTUp Day
Startup Estonia
1y ago
sTARTUp Day is wrapped up, so we have some vibes to share with you! Startup Estonia and Enterprise Estonia, with the Technology Transfer Services Team, presented 8 valuable quick talks in the DeepTech Lounge this year.We will continuously add all the podcasts together here for you. March 16th Topic: Open Innovation - a sustainable way of cooperation in the industry By Kristi Kõrge, Development Cooperation Expert, Marija Rucevska - Managing Partner, Co-founder - Helve Topic: Why investors say “no” to deep tech startups and how to fix it. By Vaido Mikheim, Deep tech lea ..read more
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