3 Thought Patterns “Helpers” Need To Watch For
Psychology for Photographers by Jenika
by Jenika
1y ago
The past three years have contained heaps of uncertainty and mountains of challenge.  Managing that took a lot of energy. This has been draining for everyone, but today I want to spotlight how it has drained the “helpers” among us. Chances are, if you’re reading this, you’re one of them:  People who normally take joy in being there for others.  People who see someone carrying a load, and feel an instinct to lend their shoulder. People fluent in the language of offering warm meals, clean laundry, notes, texts, listening ears, and other forms of physical and emotional repair – in ..read more
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I Bet You’re Wrong About This.
Psychology for Photographers by Jenika
by Jenika
1y ago
You know what’s odd?  When people believe the following two things: 1) “Others notice what I notice about myself.” (A blemish on my cheek.  The stain on my shirt.  A new haircut.) Yet also – 2) “Oh, I’m not that interesting.  No one wants to hear about me.” I’ve seen these two statements emerge over and over – in my inbox, in blog comments, in conversation. Something has always seemed “off” that people embrace these two ideas simultaneously.   I couldn’t figure out why this bugged me until today, when I read a New York Times report about a study that had two ..read more
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I Never Know How To Bring This Up
Psychology for Photographers by Jenika
by Jenika
1y ago
  In the years I’ve been running Psychology for Photographers, I’ve written hundreds of posts and emails. There’s one post I think about a lot, though. Back in 2013, the UK-based Professional Photography magazine asked me to write a few articles.  I asked if I could call attention to the issue of depression in running a business.  They agreed.  To prepare, I put out a call to my audience, asking for their thoughts. What I got back amounted to 50 pages, single-spaced, of personal experiences.  You guys basically wrote me a book. I told Professional Photography I was go ..read more
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Find and Replace Your Negative Thoughts
Psychology for Photographers by Jenika
by Jenika
1y ago
You know what a seriously under-celebrated feature of modern life is? “Find and Replace.”  You know, like in Microsoft Word.  It’s after the new year and you accidentally wrote 2021 a bunch of times instead of 2022?  A few keystrokes and it finds ’em all for you and whooshes in the correct info, neatly.  No one is ever the wiser. I wish there were more things we could use Find and Replace on.  Find bad habits, replace them with good ones.  How cool would that be? OK, some things can’t be popped in and out quite so easily.  But wait – Wouldn’t it be great if w ..read more
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Making Change
Psychology for Photographers by Jenika
by Jenika
4y ago
It has been a few months since we’ve spoken, but I’ve been thinking about you.  Lots to say, but I’m here because I’ve realized my blog has contributed to a problem.  I want to talk about it and share how I’ll be fixing it. Psychology often puts a magnifying glass on individual people.  In college and graduate school, I took community psychology classes.  The goal of those was to ask, “Wait, how are communities impacting the people who live in them?” Answering that question must include discussing racism. As we did, I realized there were big problems with the way I’d heard ..read more
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The Most Dangerous Place To Get Stuck When You Want To Change [Video + Transcript]
Psychology for Photographers by Jenika
by Jenika
4y ago
This was part of a tiny video series sent to my email list – an experiment in conversing via video!  Here’s the recording + transcript.  Other recordings coming. Have you ever heard the saying, “If you think you can’t, you’re right”? Thinking “I can’t do that” is never fun, but it’s not the worst place to get stuck.  Modern psychology has gifted us tools for changing that mindset.  They’ve been shown to work, over and over.  No, the most dangerous place to get stuck is somewhere else.  And I’m not sure I’ve ever heard anyone even talk about it. Let me give you a heads up about the part yo ..read more
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This Might Be Why You’re Working And Not Getting Anywhere
Psychology for Photographers by Jenika
by Jenika
4y ago
I was sitting in my kitchen two days ago, hands around a warm mug, staring into space, when out of nowhere, an idea for a novel dropped into my head. (You know how ideas can do that, I bet.) The bizarre thing is, I’ve never wanted to write a novel. I don’t even read many novels (nonfiction all day!). But there it was, the first scene, totally complete. From there, my brain unspooled all the story threads that would come out of it. I started to get excited. As I went upstairs and started to brush my teeth though, a different narrative took over. If I pursued this, I’d have to be ‘that’ kind of ..read more
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Airplane costume + the power of the unfinished
Psychology for Photographers by Jenika
by Jenika
5y ago
  Every morning, my son asks me if we’re going to the airport. I say no, not today. Then he asks if he should get his shoes on, just in case I change my mind. He lives and breathes airplanes right now. Naturally, he’s going to be one for Halloween, and I’m tasked with fashioning an airplane costume out of cardboard. Also naturally, I’ve been procrastinating this task. (Don’t worry, I’m going somewhere with this.) I had “start costume” on my to-do list yesterday, but didn’t get to it in the afternoon. Just before he went to bed though, I found a cardboard box, opened the bottom, and had him st ..read more
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