Feature Adoption: How to Make Your New One Stick
ProdPad Blog
by Janna Bastow
1w ago
New features? Exciting! Getting users to adopt them? Terrifying! We’ve all seen features launched with fanfare, only to fizzle out faster than a candle in a hurricane. That’s why we’ll be taking a closer look at feature adoption, to help you help your users to find and utilize those features you are confident they will love. First things first, forget about keeping up with the Joneses. Obsessing over what your competitors are doing is a recipe for a feature flop. The real secret sauce? Your users. I’m talking deep dives into their problems, frustrations, and the awkward gaps in their workflo ..read more
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Product Release vs. Product Launch – What’s the Difference?
ProdPad Blog
by Dan Collins
3w ago
Let’s face it, after countless nights fueled by caffeine and sheer willpower, the moment you hit that big red button to unleash your product on the world is everything. Excitement explodes, butterflies take flight, and you might even indulge in a celebratory high-five or two if you’re feeling extra spicy. But before you get swept away in the launch-day frenzy, there’s all the prep that got you there. I’m referring, of course, to two of the more critical phases every product goes through: the product release and the product launch. These terms get thrown around like confetti, but trust me, the ..read more
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How to Nail Your Roadmap Presentation
ProdPad Blog
by Janna Bastow
1M ago
Ever felt a bit nervous before a big roadmap presentation? You’re not alone! It’s one of those nail-bitingly important moments in Product Management – you get to share your vision, align your team, and really get everyone excited about where the product is heading. But let’s be honest: it can also be a bit overwhelming. The good news? There are tools and strategies you can use that’ll help you show off your roadmap with confidence and clarity. We’re going to take a look at: What a roadmap presentation is How to prepare for one How to give your roadmap presentation How to align stakeholder e ..read more
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How to Write a Product Proposal
ProdPad Blog
by Janna Bastow
1M ago
A well-written product proposal can be the one thing that turns a red light green. It helps you clarify your concept, secures necessary buy-in from your stakeholders, and lays the groundwork for funding, partnerships, and more. This is not something you’ll be doing every day! Not every product person will even do this the once. It’s rare, yes, but it’s still very important to smash it. You’re not going to get a lot of re-dos here. That said, you may well get the chance to propose a new feature, and that follows much the same process. So, whether you’re hoping to get your boss to sign off on ..read more
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Product-led growth vs sales-led growth: Which is right for you?
ProdPad Blog
by Dan Collins
1M ago
Whatever you do as a Product Manager, one of the realities you’ll inevitably face is trying to chart the right course toward growth. You can’t know what’s around the corner unless you have a crystal ball, but you can always make plans! You’ll need to make a strategic decision between two distinct growth pathways: product-led growth vs sales-led growth. Each strategy carves its own unique path to market domination and growing your user base, and they both have their advantages, depending on your business model and your market. Think of product-led growth as your product stepping into the spot ..read more
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Closing the Feedback Loop: A Product Manager’s Guide
ProdPad Blog
by Janna Bastow
2M ago
People love to complain. The earliest recorded customer complaint in human history was some product feedback carved into a stone tablet around 1750 BC, when frustrated buyer Nanni bemoaned the low quality of the copper he bought from shady merchant Ea-nasir. Considering his hut had other, similar complaint-tablets from other unhappy customers, the Babylonians clearly didn’t know how to close their feedback loop! Of course, the other side to that ancient coin is that people also love it when they feel they have been heard. User feedback can be positive, from requests for new functionality, ide ..read more
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SOC2 Compliance: A Product Leader’s Guide to Getting It
ProdPad Blog
by Simon Cast
2M ago
Here at ProdPad, we’ve worked hard to achieve our SOC2 compliance and maintain the standards it promotes. It was a journey well worth taking, to reassure our prospective and existing customers that they’re in safe hands. It’s no secret that data breaches and cybersecurity threats loom large these days, and maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of your customer data has never been more important. That’s where SOC2, an auditing procedure developed by the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA), comes in. It’s a pivotal standard for any tech or service-oriented company. Having been through t ..read more
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Output vs Outcome: What’s the difference and where should I focus?
ProdPad Blog
by Janna Bastow
2M ago
Let’s talk about output vs outcome, which one you should focus your attention on when, and why it matters. Trust me, understanding this can be a game-changer. It’s a pretty crucial concept in Product Management, and it can really change how you think about both developing your product and strategizing for your business.  What are outcomes in Product Management? Outcomes are all about the change or benefits that happen because of what you’ve done, like launching a new feature or rolling out a product update. They’re the end game, the reason you’re doing all this work in the first place, a ..read more
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How to Get Enterprise-Ready: Making Your Software Compliant
ProdPad Blog
by Simon Cast
2M ago
Do you manage a B2B product? Maybe you’ve sold your product to small or mid-market businesses up until now and want to expand into the enterprise market. Maybe your product feature set has gradually matured and it’s now enterprise-ready – it’s time to onboard larger, more complex organizations. If you want to make the move into the enterprise space, there’s a lot you need to consider – your pricing plan, your delivery model, your sales motion, your marketing strategy… But none of that will matter if you don’t fulfill the fundamental procurement requirements of most enterprises out there. For ..read more
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Initiative vs Epic – What’s the difference, and how do you use them?
ProdPad Blog
by Janna Bastow
3M ago
Let’s talk about the difference between initiatives vs epics in the Agile product management world. We’re going to take a look at what they are, the relationship between the two, what the differences are, and when you should use each. From my point of view, that is. First off, the key thing to keep in mind when talking about this sort of stuff is: It depends! The context of each term very much depends on what your team calls things. Don’t just go by an article you read online, even this one. The terminology you use isn’t as important as having a shared understanding of what each term means ..read more
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