Embracing Cold Water Therapy: A Natural Approach to Perimenopause Well-being
Pregnancy Exercise
by Lorraine Scapens
3M ago
Embracing Cold Water Therapy: A Natural Approach to Perimenopause Well-being Knowing about the benefits of cold water for a while, my journey with cold water therapy brings a personal touch to the discussion. Inspired by my brother, an early adopter of the Wim Hof method, I ventured into cold water exposure. Despite my initial dislike of the cold, this past winter, I occasionally took cold showers. Surprisingly, I stayed healthy throughout the season, a rarity among my clients. I also… The post Embracing Cold Water Therapy: A Natural Approach to Perimenopause Well-being first appeared on Pregn ..read more
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Balancing Perimenopause: Optimal Exercise for Hormonal Harmony
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by Lorraine Scapens
4M ago
Navigating Estrogen Levels During Perimenopause: The Goldilocks Zone of Exercise     Discover the crucial role of exercise in managing estrogen levels during perimenopause. As we transition into perimenopause, declining estrogen levels trigger significant body changes. Exercise transforms from a routine into a strategic tool for effective estrogen level management – a delicate dance where finding the right balance is paramount. Please watch the recent event I ran for further information, tips and specifics, please share too. Its 30 mins… The post Balancing Perimenopause: Optimal Exer ..read more
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Do you want a stronger and more toned Core? Avoid this common Mistake.
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by Lorraine Scapens
4M ago
Optimize Your Core Workout for Better Results: Avoid this common problem. Are you diligently doing your core exercises but not seeing the desired results? Is your lower back feeling strained, or is your tummy not responding the way you want it to? It might be due to overactivating/using your upper abdominal muscles. In our latest video below, I explore how this common mistake can hinder your progress and offer practical tips to rectify it.     Key Points: Identify the… The post Do you want a stronger and more toned Core? Avoid this common Mistake. first appeared on Pregnancy Exercise ..read more
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From Avocado Toast to Chia Pudding: A Breakfast Guide for Perimenopause
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by Lorraine Scapens
6M ago
    Perimenopause-Friendly Breakfasts for All Seasons Why It’s Crucial: The Power of Nutrient-Rich Breakfasts During Perimenopause As women navigate the transformative phase of perimenopause, starting the day with a highly nutritional breakfast becomes a cornerstone for overall well-being. Research suggests that a nourishing morning meal can positively impact hormonal balance, energy levels, and symptom management. During perimenopause, hormonal fluctuations, particularly with estrogen, can contribute to various challenges such as mood swings, fatigue, and weight changes. A nutrient ..read more
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Embracing the Pause: Breaking the Silence on Perimenopause
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by Lorraine Scapens
7M ago
Breaking the Silence on Perimenopause  In the world of live television, authenticity often takes centre stage. Recently, an incident occurred on air that shed light on a topic often left unspoken—perimenopause. Imogen, amidst a live broadcast, candidly confessed to experiencing a hot flush, highlighting the unfiltered reality of women navigating this natural phase. In the words of Lisa Millar, it’s time to normalize these conversations, recognizing the universal journey of women through perimenopause. A Live Moment of Vulnerability: Imogen’s on-air… The post Embracing the Pause: Breaking ..read more
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Perimenopause Exercise Part 1: Strength Training
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by Lorraine Scapens
8M ago
Strength Training for Perimenopausal Women Strength training, also known as resistance or weight training, involves using resistance, such as weights or resistance bands, to build and tone muscles. It is a highly beneficial form of exercise for perimenopausal women, offering a range of advantages that can help address specific challenges associated with this life stage. Here are the five main benefits: Preservation of Muscle Mass: Perimenopause often comes with hormonal changes that can lead to a loss of muscle mass.… The post Perimenopause Exercise Part 1: Strength Training first appeared on ..read more
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Revitalize Your Perimenopause Journey with PauseFit’s Exclusive Exercise Circuits
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by Lorraine Scapens
10M ago
  Revitalize Your Perimenopause Journey with PauseFit’s Exclusive Exercise Circuits – Unleash Your Inner Strength! I’m excited to share some valuable insights today on the importance of combining exercises and creating a cardio and strength training circuit tailored specifically for this transformative phase of life. Benefits of Circuit Training for Perimenopause: Hormonal Harmony: Circuit training helps regulate hormones during Perimenopause, reducing hot flashes, mood swings, and other common symptoms. Boosted Metabolism: Combining cardio and strength exercises maximizes calorie burn, s ..read more
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Finding Time to Exercise as a Busy Mum: Overcoming the Challenges
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by Lorraine Scapens
11M ago
Finding Time to Exercise as a Busy Mum: Overcoming the Challenges Being a mother is undoubtedly one of the most rewarding and fulfilling roles in life. However, with the countless responsibilities that come with being a mum, finding time for self-care can often feel like an impossible task. In a recent survey we conducted, we asked busy mums about their biggest challenges, and a staggering 62% responded that finding time to exercise was their greatest struggle. In this blog post,… The post Finding Time to Exercise as a Busy Mum: Overcoming the Challenges first appeared on Pregnancy Exercise ..read more
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Postnatal Diastasis Recti: A Comprehensive Guide to Exercise and Nutrition
Pregnancy Exercise
by Lorraine Scapens
11M ago
Postnatal Diastasis Recti: A Comprehensive Guide to Exercise and Nutrition Postnatal Diastasis Recti, commonly known as abdominal separation, is a condition that affects many women after pregnancy. It occurs when the connective tissue (Linea alba) between the rectus abdominis muscles stretches and weakens, causing a gap or separation. In this article, we will explore the importance of exercise and nutrition in managing postnatal diastasis recti. We will provide you with up-to-date information and practical advice to support your recovery journey.… The post Postnatal Diastasis Recti: A Comprehe ..read more
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Why New Mums are Tired: Exploring the Factors and Strategies for Relief
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by Lorraine Scapens
1y ago
    Why New Mums are Tired: Exploring the Factors and Strategies for Relief   Becoming a new mum is a beautiful and transformative experience, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges. One of the most common struggles faced by postpartum mums is exhaustion. In this blog post, we will delve into the reasons why new mums often feel tired, including sleep deprivation, recovering from birth and pregnancy, breastfeeding, hormones, and the demands of caring for a… The post Why New Mums are Tired: Exploring the Factors and Strategies for Relief first appeared on Pregnancy Ex ..read more
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