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White Horse Inn – For a Modern Reformation
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4y ago
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A Hero’s Liturgy in Spider-Man (2002)
White Horse Inn – For a Modern Reformation
by Joshua Schendel
4y ago
The concept of the hero’s journey posits that a successful story maps its events over key psychological experiences necessary to formation of identity. In formal worship, the structure of the liturgy maps different aspects of communal and personal spiritual identity around the teachings of Christ and the significance of His life. The liturgy is thus often segmented into the Liturgy of the Word, which emphasizes Christian teaching, and the Liturgy of the Sacrament, which uses the Lord’s Supper to teach the impartation of grace through faith in Christ. In the 2002 Spider-Man, we can see Peter Pa ..read more
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The Mod | Elisabeth of the Palatinate and the Mind-Body Problem
White Horse Inn – For a Modern Reformation
by Joshua Schendel
4y ago
In 1643, Princess Elisabeth of the Palatinate asked the philosopher René Descartes for some explanations about his theories on the distinction about the body and the mind – the same mind he had made the starting point for the confirmation of all knowledge in his Cogito ergo sum argument (“I think, therefore I am”). Elisabeth, who had come to La Hague, Netherlands, as a refugee with her family, had met Descartes during one of his visits. They discussed mathematics and philosophy, and kept corresponding by letters. In 1643, she was 25 and he 47. Unsatisfying Answers What bothered Elisabeth was D ..read more
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The-mod-Virtue is Its Own Reward
White Horse Inn – For a Modern Reformation
by Joshua Schendel
4y ago
Christians agree that our growth in godliness is important, but not everyone agrees about why that is true or what is at stake. In recent years, discussions within the Reformed community about the role of our good works in relation to the final judgment have been prominent, some suggesting that our works play a role in a so-called “final justification” and others arguing that our good works are simply evidence of having been justified once and for all by faith in Christ. One subsidiary issue within this discussion has been about whether we receive rewards at the last judgment for our Spirit-in ..read more
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WHI-1535 | Can We Trust the Gospels?
White Horse Inn – For a Modern Reformation
by WHI Admin
4y ago
PROGRAM AUDIO & RESOURCES Most people believe that Jesus was a real person who lived in first century Palestine. But what about the stories told of him in the four Gospels? Do they present an authentic account of Jesus’ life and teaching, or should we think of them as late and unreliable texts that have changed over time? On this program Shane Rosenthal discusses these questions with Cambridge scholar Peter Williams. In his book Can We Trust the Gospels?, Dr. Williams makes a case for the authenticity and historical reliability of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.   Show Quote Peter Wil ..read more
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The Mod | The Sufficiency of Scripture
White Horse Inn – For a Modern Reformation
by Joshua Schendel
4y ago
The sufficiency of Scripture means that the Scripture alone is sufficient for life and godliness and for every area of the Christian life (Psalm 19:7-11; 2 Peter 1:3). The Scriptures are a light to the Christian to guide Christians on the path of godliness (Psalm 119:105). Scripture is more reliable than spiritual experiences (2 Peter 1:19-20). The sufficiency of Scripture helps lead people to saving faith (2 Timothy 3:15). The sufficiency of Scripture instructs the most well-instructed Christian and the layperson (Deuteronomy 6:4; Mark 12:37; Phil 1:1). The Scripture was given by God to paren ..read more
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The Mod | Will the Real Martin Luther Please Stand Up?
White Horse Inn – For a Modern Reformation
by Joshua Schendel
4y ago
With the obvious exceptions of Jesus Himself and the authors of the biblical texts, few figures in the Christian tradition have been subject to such divergent theological interpretations as Martin Luther. Might Luther have actually been the devil’s secret weapon? In his recent doorstopper America On Trial: A Defense of the Founding, Catholic author Robert R. Reilly presents a variation of this familiar Catholic take on Luther. Following Brad Gregory in The Unintended Reformation—to say nothing of generations of Catholic thinkers before them—Reilly lays at Luther’s feet virtually all the histor ..read more
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The Mod | Some Brief Thoughts on Time
White Horse Inn – For a Modern Reformation
by Joshua Schendel
4y ago
The Bible begins and ends with statements related to the concept of time. The first verse of Genesis includes a time marker, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth,” while the penultimate verse of the Bible includes a reference to time as well, “Surely I am coming soon” (Gen. 1:1; Rev. 22:20, emphasis added). The creation story in general is filled with references to time, especially in the language of day/night sequencing. The fourth day in particular focuses on the creation of celestial objects which seem to have been given purposes related to the marking of “seasons, days ..read more
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The Mod | The Wise Bedouin
White Horse Inn – For a Modern Reformation
by Joshua Schendel
4y ago
“The sands have shifted! The sands have shifted!” Walid shouted as he hurriedly drew back the curtain of the buryuut hajar. “It will be well to change our course, Alim, everything looks different. What I once knew, I know no more. We cannot know where we are; we cannot know where we are going. The storms, the harmattan winds; the landscape is utterly different. How are we to navigate?” Abdul-Alim followed Walid out to survey. They had set their buryuut hajar on the southwest border of the Erg Iguidi under the veil of darkness the night past. Now, in nascent light of the morning sun, the sea of ..read more
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WHI-1534 | God’s Story vs. Our Stories
White Horse Inn – For a Modern Reformation
by WHI Admin
4y ago
PROGRAM AUDIO & RESOURCES When sharing the faith with others, should we primarily talk about Jesus, or our own religious experience? In other words, should we focus on the gospel of Christ as we find it unpacked in the New Testament with all its related facts and doctrines, or should we focus on our personal testimonies, explaining to others what God has done in our own lives? Shane Rosenthal put this question to attendees of the National Religious Broadcasters convention, and the hosts listen to and react to all the various responses (originally aired 06-14-09).   Show Quote Michael ..read more
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