One Aspect of Parenting that Completely Changed My Classroom
Growing Leaders Blog
by Growing Leaders
3w ago
By Kara Mallory   When my three kids were particularly fussy as infants, my husband would take them outside. He’d walk across the backyard or sit on the front porch, and most of the time, they would begin to settle. As those babies grew up, when we reached the long and tiring toddler years, my solution for cranky toddlers was to take them outside or put them in water… or both if we had access to a pool, lake, or ocean! Being outside or in the water relaxed those tense little bodies and calmed their worries. We have reached the teenage years now, and often, some of the most meaningful co more
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What Culture Are You Building for Your Students?
Growing Leaders Blog
by Growing Leaders
1M ago
By Tim Elmore   Sometimes when I reflect on a meeting I’ve had with a high school or college student, I recognize how inadequate my approach to our discussion was. While my words may have been accurate and honest, my tone was not hopeful. It wasn’t filled with belief, but suspicion that they might not be getting it. Reflect on the last time this happened to you.    Every one of us influences the culture on our campus in big or small ways. Often our impact is subtle and inconspicuous. Evaluate your response to the following questions:   When you see three teens down by a l more
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Four Strategies to Help You Stop Stereotyping Teens
Growing Leaders Blog
by Growing Leaders
1M ago
By Tim Elmore   None of us like for others to stereotype us. When we were young, we hated it when adults assumed something was true about us and never gave us a chance to prove them wrong. I wore my hair a bit longer when I was a high school student, and I am certain some of the faculty on campus assumed I was a troublemaker.    Why do we do this?   Stereotypes are mental shortcuts. We stereotype people all the time because we’re not willing to do the work to dig deeper and discover what’s true. Our brains are wired to draw conclusions quickly. These judgments are not nec more
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The Connection Between Kids’ Happiness and Their Expectations
Growing Leaders Blog
by Growing Leaders
1M ago
By Tim Elmore   Members of Generation Z, by and large, have been raised by parents or guardians who’ve prioritized the importance of happiness. What parent doesn’t want their kids to be happy? We talk about this subject so much that there are bestselling books, webinars, and even university courses on it.   But today’s population has bought into a lie about happiness that shows up on campus.   The Connection Between Happiness and Circumstances  Whether you’re a parent, teacher, or a school leader, I’m sure you’ve thought about how happy your young people are. Here’s the i more
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What Teachers Really Want From Their Leaders
Growing Leaders Blog
by Growing Leaders
1M ago
By Tim Elmore   Last month, I had the privilege again to speak to the “Teachers As Leaders” in Gwinnett County Public School District, just north of Atlanta. What an energizing, curious, and smart community of educational leaders they are! I’m energized every time I’m with them. Thank you, Derrick Berchette, for the invitation.    To kick off the day, Dr. Chandra Walker asked the teachers several questions. She inquired: “How do you prefer to receive recognition from your administrators?” One by one, the teachers gave various responses, each personal to them. Then, Dr. Walker more
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A Tool to Foster Better Conversations with Your Kids 
Growing Leaders Blog
by Growing Leaders
2M ago
By Tim Elmore   Let’s face it. It’s harder than we thought it would be. A recent Pew Research Center poll revealed that most parents (62 percent) say that being a parent is harder than they expected, and more than one in four (26 percent) say it’s “a lot harder.” Unfortunately, those little tykes don’t come with an owner’s manual, or any training.   Teachers feel the same way.   According to Tech Advocate, “Teaching is arguably more difficult now than it has ever been for many reasons, including learner behavior, fast-changing technology, and poor compensation.” Almost one in more
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Strategies Schools Are Using to Curb Social Media Abuse
Growing Leaders Blog
by Growing Leaders
3M ago
By Tim Elmore – These days, I’m reading about school decisions regarding smartphone use, ranging from banning portable devices to displaying laissez-faire attitudes regarding phones. Many educators and support staff feel that students’ constant access to social media on their smartphones harms their mental well-being and hinders their ability to learn. Some educators go so far as to say that students are addicted to their devices. – Phones have been a “tug of war” issue in schools for over ten years. Pressure is felt on every side, and neither the teacher nor the students are bad guys here. O more
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Taking Advantage of Natural Junctions in the Day with Your Kids
Growing Leaders Blog
by Growing Leaders
3M ago
By Tim Elmore __ I know, I know. Your days each week are crazy. You’re busy. Your kids are busy. And often, family times are reduced to eating chicken nuggets in the minivan while on your way from piano lessons to soccer practice.  __ Years ago, my wife, Pam, and our daughter, Bethany, dropped me off at the airport for yet another trip I would take that month. Bethany was only three at the time, and when she looked at the crowded airport, she said to me, “Dad—do you live here?” __ That’s when I knew I had to be more intentional about my family time. __ The Invaluable Lesson I Learned&nbs more
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You Have 3 Options When You Face a Loss This Year
Growing Leaders Blog
by Growing Leaders
3M ago
By Tim Elmore Looking back on my life and career, I see more gains than losses. Upon deeper reflection, however, I think my memory is reconstructed. While I recall tragedies, setbacks, and losses, I see them through a different lens than most people do. I’m not in “denial,” but I perceive how each disadvantage became an advantage. A few examples are… Type 1 diabetes, a chronic disease, has built discipline in me and a sense of urgency.  When a payroll company embezzled $30,000, it made me a wiser negotiator.  Enduring a plane crash left me injured but enabled me to clarify my life more
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Research that Informs Your Decisions This School Year
Growing Leaders Blog
by Growing Leaders
3M ago
By Tim Elmore   One of my most common concerns is to miss important information when making decisions. I don’t want to feel I’m in the dark on the data. I want to make informed choices. Below, I have curated recent findings from the Pew Research Center, Gallup, the CDC, and other sources to give you a big-picture vantage point on life and education in 2024.   More people are concerned with the effects of artificial intelligence. This issue has become obvious to most educators and parents today. Over half say the increased use of artificial intelligence in daily life makes them feel more
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