Restaurant Reviews: A dead art?
A Boston Food Diary
by Boston Food Diary
1y ago
Last December I declared 2023 the year I would return to food writing.  It was a bold statement (even now as I look at my last published date and see the 2020 taunting me), but I truly miss being a tiny, rather insignificant part of the food community.  I mentioned this to the esteemed writer behind Pop.Bop.Shop (Ms. Molly Galler) over brunch one Saturday morning, but immediately backtracked using the excuse that I had no idea what it would even look like anymore.  A Boston Food Diary was born from the need to make a meal last longer.  My impetus was quite simply to savor e more
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Potential Impact of Covid-19?
A Boston Food Diary
by Boston Food Diary
4y ago
As we sift through all of the data and information out there- I found this to be a helpful and interesting resource.  This was provided by Compass as ready made material- so I can't take credit for it- but I wanted to get it out there- and I wanted to ask- what do you think?   "What will be the Economic Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis? On April 28th, McKinsey & Company's Global Managing Partner, Kevin Sneader appeared on CNBC to discuss how his firm is advising multiple governors on when and how to reopen their states. In his words, the decision hing more
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Coming Terroir
A Boston Food Diary
by Boston Food Diary
4y ago
As the temperatures grow colder around these parts and we start to look towards the holidays, many of us find our thoughts headed towards home.  That place where it's always warm and cozy and things are just as you like them- maybe its loud and crazy, or quiet and peaceful.   Over the last couple of months I've had the opportunity to peek into the culture of Israel and the piece that as struck me is how much "home" is apart of their way of life.  Unsurprisingly, my view into the country came through its wines.  As you may know, Israeli wines haven't had the best reputation over the past few more
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To Renovate or Not To Renovate- That Is The Question
A Boston Food Diary
by Boston Food Diary
5y ago
Whether you're actively house shopping or not- touring homes can be an incredibly fun activity.  Comparing designs and finishes, weighing the pros and cons of location, envisioning what life would be like if you lived there- it's an incredible opportunity to redesign your day to day.  As you get more serious about the possibility of a new home one of the biggest questions that faces buyers today is do we want a "new home" - one that's either new construction or has had a major renovation already done- or do we want a home we can fix up and customize?   After a few years now of the market bei more
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Fenway Farms
A Boston Food Diary
by Boston Food Diary
5y ago
Fenway Park.  If you've spent any time in Boston...really any at all... you're very well aware of Fenway.  The country's oldest ball park, we, as residents, cherish our summer nights there, and lord knows we parade every guest we've ever had through there as the trophy of our city.  There's a badge of honor that goes along with how many games you've been to each season, and another for how many different areas of the park you've sat in.  Knowing where the right sausage guy stand is and who to ask for "dust and dirt" has it's own medal.  Of course there's also one for knowing how to juggle tw more
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How Would You Redesign Boston Common?
A Boston Food Diary
by Boston Food Diary
5y ago
I'm honestly not sure if there is anything as quintessential to Boston as Boston Common.  It's like apple pie and America.  The oldest city park in the US, it dates back to 1634 when it was used for cows to graze until it became a bit too popular for that use.  Later it provided a restful location for the military to set up camp during the American Revolution, and its green calming space was where many soldiers departed from to march to Lexington and Concord.  Though it was also used for darker events as it became the place for hangings, and for a while a dumping ground which caused the citi more
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