RECAP: The Bachelors Australia – S11 E12
Book Thingo
by Jodi
5M ago
We made it! Three weeks, nearly thirty thousand words, and (allegedly) three men falling in love. Now I can rest. …until January 3, when Not Here To Make Friends comes out. If you’ve enjoyed these recaps, friends, please pick up my books – you’ll like them! (A producer with very Murray O’Connell appears in tonight’s episode, comforting Wesley. I was delighted.) In our last recap of the season, before we get into the recap itself, I want to spend a bit of a time on a retrospective. This isn’t so much a victory lap about how I was right about everything – which, for the record, I was, 100% clean more
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RECAP: The Bachelors Australia – S11 E11
Book Thingo
by Jodi
5M ago
Penultimate episode, friends! This was a long one but also a relatively uneventful one, so… might this be the shortest recap of the season? (I wouldn’t bet on it. I have bad, wordy habits.) This is the episode that stands in for what once would have been hometowns, but Screen Vic is clearly not willing to let the production out of Melbourne. Everyone’s families have flown in, and they’re all meeting each other, in one – well, three – big tumultuous banquets. …well, not really tumultuous, aside from my favourite scab to pick at Wesley. I feel like they could have tried a wee bit harder here. Th more
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RECAP: The Bachelors Australia – S11 E10
Book Thingo
by Jodi
5M ago
Here we are again, friends! Just a few episodes to go, and then, finally, I can rest. (For five minutes. Not Here To Make Friends comes on January 3. This is me shamelessly begging you to pre-order it – if you like these recaps, you’ll probably like my books, and pre-orders really do make a difference!) Before we get into the recap tonight, I want to talk about the idea of intimacy. This is directly relevant to my favourite scab to pick at, Wesley, but it’s a theme in this whole episode tonight, because our various couples are getting therapised. I’ve written many times before in these recaps more
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RECAP: The Bachelors Australia – S11 E09
Book Thingo
by Jodi
6M ago
And we’re back (Bach) for the final week of episodes! Tonight is a historic one! Maybe not as historic as the show would like us to think it is, but an unusual one nonetheless! I usually ramble up here about some only tangentially related issue for a while before I get into the recap, cooking-blog-style, but what I want to ramble about tonight is connected to the BIG EVENT that occurs, so let’s just flag it right away. There are two key things I want to flag: Wesley has ditched Nella and Natalie in favour of only spending time with Brea. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I SAID WOULD HAPPEN. (Okay, fine more
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RECAP: The Bachelors Australia – S11 E07
Book Thingo
by Jodi
6M ago
After an entire week and a half of this show airing, we’re now past the halfway mark. Theoretically, we should now be well on our way down the slippery slope towards the end, but truly, when they air the show this fast, it is so hard to tell. There’s no point complaining about the airing schedule, because the decision has been made, but… oof, it really does not encourage emotional investment. Which is a shame, because some of the narrative work they’re doing is quite good (even though it could have been better if they’d just fucking CALLED ME). Anyway! Before we get into the recap of tonight’s more
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RECAP: The Bachelors Australia – S11 E06
Book Thingo
by Jodi
6M ago
Are we… halfway? We might be! We also might not be! It is extremely hard to tell, in this Masterchef-mode of airing – which has obviously consequences on how much we believe and are capable of investing in the love stories being told. (I had exactly this thought at the same point in the last season, and I wrote out some longer thoughts on how narrative and time work there. Here you go.) As this was last season, this mode of airing is a mistake. If they return to the franchise again, I hope – for my sanity if nothing else – that they go back to a more modest two nights a week. But I want to spe more
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RECAP: The Bachelors Australia – S11 E05
Book Thingo
by Jodi
6M ago
Once more unto the Bach, dear friends! Gird your loins, because we have another one million episodes coming at us this week. I’m aware that I’ve devoted a lot more time in these pre-recap nerdles talking about Wesley compared to the other two Bachelors, but guess what, we’re doing it again. Sorry. Honestly, Wesley is like a scab I can’t stop myself from picking away at. Luke and Ben are both archetypes we’ve seen before on Australian reality TV. Wesley is a little bit different – and it doesn’t hurt that he happens to fall squarely into the identity category I wrote my PhD on. That said, I don more
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RECAP: The Bachelors Australia – S11 E04
Book Thingo
by Jodi
6M ago
Welcome back (Bach)! If you’re still reading these recaps for the fourth day in a row after I’ve dropped a solid 2500 words on you three days in a row – I salute you, and I’m sorry. Will today’s recap be shorter? Who knows. …probably not, hey. Before we get into the recap itself, I want to talk a little bit about something that really jumped out to me in this episode – the idea of being “ready” for love. I’m sure we’ve all heard the idea that you can’t fall in love with someone else before you fall in love with yourself, right? Or at least the idea that you need to be “ready” for love (and tha more
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RECAP: The Bachelors Australia – S11 E03
Book Thingo
by Jodi
6M ago
Here we are again, friends, for the third night running. Do you know I was once naïve enough to think I could basically take December off from writing? Alas, I am not strong enough not to give you all my thoughts about this show – especially as it has strayed into a territory in which I have even more expertise than usual (and thus I can’t believe they didn’t call me to consult even more). When people ask me what my PhD was on, I usually say “romance” as a kind of quick and dirty answer, but if you want to get more specific: I wrote about representations of virginity loss and the way they inte more
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RECAP: The Bachelors Australia – S11 E02
Book Thingo
by Jodi
6M ago
And off we go! It’s Day 2 of this December Bachie campaign, and we have another road before us that is simultaneously very long and extremely short. (Like, by my calculations, if this season airs the same way the last one did, the finale will be on Christmas Eve. I assume no one from the show reads these recaps – how else can one explain the way they ignore my continued offers to consult? – but in case you are, Bachie powerbrokers: DO NOT DO THIS. BAD IDEA.) The second episode generally signals the beginning of the real work of the show – single date, group date, cocktail party etc – after the more
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