Modern Hexagon Quilt
Red Pepper Quilts
by Red Pepper Quilts - Rita Hodge
3y ago
A Finished Quilt Hexies are my favorite! I keep coming back to this shape for English paper piecing, and even though the hexagon shape doesn't lend itself to continuous piecing - there's a lot of stop/start sewing - I still love it. Hexies are so versatile, the layout possibilities are endless, and with the right mix of fabric you can have a traditional quilt with a modern feel. The fabrics used for this quilt (other than the background fabric) were once again pulled from my stash and many are from my loved hoarded Japanese fabrics (by Yuwa Fabrics and Kei Fabrics). The solid background more
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All the Stars Quilt
Red Pepper Quilts
by Red Pepper Quilts - Rita Hodge
3y ago
I am on a roll - another week and another new quilt to show you, this one too was started and finished in 2021. I love all sorts of quilts, from modern quilts to art quilts - I can appreciate them all - but traditional scrappy quilts steal my heart every time. I have had this quilt, a classic 6-pointed star quilt, on my quilting buckets lists for quite some time, and am pleased to have now ticked it off. This quilt has been English paper pieced and it consists of just one shape: a sixty degree diamond with 2 inch sides. I told you, I have fallen deep into the English paper piecing rabbi more
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The June Dyson Coverlet
Red Pepper Quilts
by Red Pepper Quilts - Rita Hodge
3y ago
A Finished Quilt Continuing this week with another 2021 finished quilt. This quilt is June Dyson Coverlet; a pattern by Emma from Treehouse Textiles in Mornington (not far from Melbourne, in fact the perfect day trip from Melbourne, and a fabric store truly worthy of visiting in person!). Emma has a unique eye for pattern and fabric/color placement and her quilts and patterns are on my quilting bucket list. I started this quilt at the end of May this year and finished it some time in July. The quilt consists of just two shapes - an octagon and a square - and much like a traditional hand more
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Talula Quilt ~ A Finished Quilt
Red Pepper Quilts
by Red Pepper Quilts - Rita Hodge
3y ago
It's time for a blog update! I have been busy sewing, but have - hopefully temporarily - lost my blogging momentum. Here in Melbourne we've had a LOT of home time due to local lockdown and covid restrictions, and as such I have had much time to sit, sew, and reflect. Some days and weeks have been more productive than others, but there seems to be a light at the end of a slow long Winter. It's almost Summer and it feels like we're heading into the good (and jolly) season. This week I took some time to photograph four of my recently finished English paper pieced quilts in preparation for blog u more
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Anna Maria Horner Hexagon Quilt
Red Pepper Quilts
by Red Pepper Quilts - Rita Hodge
3y ago
A Finished Quilt. Here's one that I made earlier! I finished this quilt top back in March of this year. It seems like only yesterday, and also a lifetime ago. Back then we were living in a covid "normal" world where you could leave your home and visit friends and family. Right now, we're back in a covid lockdown situation whilst we wait for the largely unvaccinated population to get vaccinated. There is plenty of time to sew, and I have been taking advantage of that, plus this week I have dusted off my camera and taken photos of several finished quilts and work in progress. I love all of Ann more
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Ice Cream Soda Quilt - English Paper Piecing
Red Pepper Quilts
by Red Pepper Quilts - Rita Hodge
4y ago
 A Finished Quilt Another bucket list quilt! This is my Ice Cream Soda Quilt, a pattern by Jodi from Tales of Cloth. The Ice Cream Soda Quilt is an English Paper pieced quilt. According to my phone photos I started this quilt early January 2021. I took very few progress photos but I do have this snap of my cut and basted pieces, organised by block.  I cut and basted all of the pieces prior to piecing (other than my initial test blocks), using many of my favorite fabrics, and relying on my intuition and a bit of luck in the hope that all of the blocks and colors would work togeth more
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A Vintage Inspired Hexagon Quilt ~ English Paper Pieced
Red Pepper Quilts
by Red Pepper Quilts - Rita Hodge
4y ago
 A Finished Quilt  Another finished quilt! This English paper pieced hexagon quilt is very heavily inspired by a vintage quilt. The quilt top was completed over several months in 2020 while we were in lockdown due to the pandemic. For various reasons this was a very difficult few months for me and I was fortunate to be able to lean heavily on my craft. At this time I lacked creative ability and vision, but the simple repetitive task of basting papers and stitching by hand saw me through many long evenings and brought me so comfort. I still love English paper piecing. To finish the more
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A Four-Patch in a Square Scrap Quilt - Part 2
Red Pepper Quilts
by Red Pepper Quilts - Rita Hodge
4y ago
 A Finished Quilt At last an update! I finished this quilt late last year however the process of taking photos has eluded me until very recently. A week or two ago I got my dusty camera out and photographed the four quilts that I have made - or at least finished - so far this year. It's then taken longer still to edit and upload photos but here we are today with a blog post! This quilt was inspired by a vintage quilt. It is a simple four-patch set in a square and the perfect scrap buster project as you only need small scraps of fabric for each block. Many of the fabric pieces were pul more
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A Four-Patch in a Square Scrap Quilt - Part 1
Red Pepper Quilts
by Red Pepper Quilts - Rita Hodge
4y ago
 Work in Progress The last few months have been hard, really hard. Our family has suffered losses (not covid related) which have left us with in deep shock and aching hearts, all made more difficult by a hard lockdown due to the pandemic. Although our lockdown has indeed come at great expense and many sacrifices we have eased out of isolation to find ourselves in an enviable position with currently no active covid cases in our state! During this period I have aimlessly dithered around my cutting table and sewing machine. I have started several quilt projects but failed to complete a more
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My Pandemic Quilt 2020 - Part 2
Red Pepper Quilts
by Red Pepper Quilts - Rita Hodge
4y ago
A Finished Quilt Click on any image for a larger view. My Pandemic Quilt is finished and I have lots of photos to share with you today. Our Covid situation is improving, and we are keenly anticipating the lifting of some restrictions that has seen us at home for what seems like all year. It does mean I have had lots of time to reflect, ponder, prioritise, and of course sew. There have been some dark days, but we're optimistic, grateful for family, friends, and that Spring is finally here to help lift our spirits. I am pretty happy with how this quilt turned out. I have enjoyed stitching more
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